Chapter 15

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Amaani's POV:

"Welcome back, Ms. Sohail." I was received with a cheery face as soon as I entered the main building. With a look of discomfort, tiredness, and guilt on my face, I forced out a smile. "Thank you, Usama. It's good to be back." and I was not lying. It felt like heaven to be finally walking on the hard, concrete floor. I would've kissed the ground if I wasn't so physically and mentally drained.

I looked around me, searching for Sufiyaan. "Where are the others?" I asked him as he led me to the official staff room. "Saira's in the training facility along with the other female officers. And your brother is probably back at the apartment. Although, he did mention that he was going to come here as soon as you arrived." Usama had a hand under his chin while he spoke.

I nodded knowingly in reply. "By the way, I don't see Sir Jaber with you." By the look of his face, I could see that he was actually asking about Lx16.

I gulped.

"I was told that he was going to take the girl in another building. Upon asking, he just said that bringing her here was too risky as people could get suspicious." I said with a shrug. At that very moment, an image of broad shoulders taking Lx16 with handcuffs on her wrists flashed in my mind.

The old feelings of regret and remorse came back to me. I looked ahead of me, my eyes meeting Usama's back.

"Can you please take me there as well?" I asked out of the blue, fiddling with my fingers. Usama turned around to face me. "Where?" The frown on his face was evident.

"To where Jaber will be interrogating her. I don't have a particular reason. I just want to go there for my own satisfaction." I gave him a convincing look as I said that. He listened to me carefully before running the back of his neck nervously. "Well, I don't know if Sir Jaber would be willing to—" before he could finish, I cut him off.

"I'll convince him. You can leave that to me. Just take me there. Please!" I pleaded. With a sigh, he agreed. "Sure, Ms. Sohail."

A bright smile appeared on my face and I clasped my hands together. "Thanks a lot!"


I knew that I was gonna earn myself a special column in Broad shoulders' kill list but what had to be done had to be done. Lx16 was somewhat my responsibility as I pushed her into this unpleasant situation. Especially after she had saved me from being a dead man—woman.

I knocked on the door with newfound courage, fired up with determination. Broad shoulders would certainly be most annoyed by my presence there but I didn't care. I had to make sure Lx16 wasn't in any sort of trouble. Even though he had said that wasn't going to be unfair to her when I told him to go easy on her, I still didn't trust him.

His way of doing things did not sit well with me as we had very different views.

Instead of hearing a 'come in' like usual, I was caught a bit off guard when the door was opened by Broad shoulders himself. As soon as his gaze fell on me, his eyes narrowed and a skeptical look appeared on his face.

"What are you doing here?"

Expecting that kind of reply from him, I just folded my arms over my chest in reply. "I want to accompany you in the interrogation," I said simply. Maybe my tone was too outright because it made his skeptical look bend into a confused one.

He opened the door completely and I peeked inside, grabbing the opportunity. I tried to look for Lx16 and soon enough, I spotted her. She was sitting on a chair opposite to another chair which I assumed was for the meanie that was eyeing me suspiciously at that moment. 

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