Chapter 50

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Half a century later of DUPLUS, I welcome you to chapter 50 of this book that took me at least two years to write.

So, without further ado, enjoy this milestone!


Usama slammed the brakes and got off the car, Sufiyaan following him. They looked around in the Bazaar, searching for familiar faces but to no avail. For lengths, they could only see Nuristani women holding bags and street vendors calling out for customers. They had never seen the market so crowded before.

"It's never this busy here." Usama commented to Sufiyaan, his eyes looking at anyone that passed. "There must be new merchandise. Let me ask someone about the situation." He said and moved away towards a young boy who caught his eye. The dark-skinned, skinny boy stared longingly at a sweet corn cart, dressed in a tattered undershirt and some shorts with a worn out pair of sandals.

"Assalam U Alaikum, you look hungry." He began, starling the boy from his daydream. He looked up with his big eyes and nodded sadly. "I am." Sufiyaan glanced once again at the cart and back to him, pushing his hands into his pockets for some coins. "Want some of this?" He offered once the tip of his fingers felt the metallic surface of a round coin, smiling at the boy who started reminded him a lot of Amaani when she was his age. The boy's brown eyes shone at the offer and he quickly nodded. "Yes, please! I don't have money but I love sweet corn."

Sufiyaan looked at him sympathetically and bought him a bag. "What's your name and where are your parents?" He asked after handing him his snack. With a smile and a stuffed mouth, the boy shrugged. "Thank you, big brother! My name's Zulfi and I came to Kazefaandria with my dad. He was taken away by the police head because he didn't agree with his new laws."

Sufiyaan perked up at that. "What new laws? And what police head?"

The boy, Zulfi threw another handful of corn in his mouth. "Jaber, the police head, don't you know? He said that we were going to become friends with the Kazefaandrians to have better conditions here."

Sufiyaan urged him to continue, finding the opportunity to catch Usama's attention and beckoning him to come over. "You talked about new laws. Did he set some rules for the people here?" He questioned further when Usama came and stood beside him. The boy nodded.

"He forbade us from coming out after 7 o clock and also said that we would eat the food he gave us. Everyone's gathered here for that. See that big queue? They're serving really good rice today." He pointed to his back and like he said, a long line was stationed after two tables with big cauldrons placed on them. About five men were filling plastic boxes with rice and giving them away to the people.

"That doesn't look right." Sufiyaan mouthed to Usama who nodded in agreement. "Free food? That's way too good to be true.".

After bidding the boy goodbye, he ran off towards another vendor with an empty corn packet.

"Did you notice there are hardly any food shops open?A few carts with snacks but that's it. It seems like people are just taking those rice away for the day's meal." Sufiyaan said.

Usama's gaze was glued to the line as he nodded and tried to find any trace of Sumayya or Lexie.

"And there were people who disagreed with the restrictions. Like this boy's father. Maybe Lx2 kidnapped him and took him to the headquarters." Sufiyaan continued.

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