Chapter 11

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Amaani's POV:

My eyes gleamed with joy and relief and my heartbeat became faster with every passing second. I had to fight the tempting urge to just stand up and give him a tight hug. I had a smile pasted on my face and I just couldn't help but sneak a glance at him every once in a while. My cheeks hurt as I grinned and swayed my foot to and fro while listening on to the conversation happening there.

Usama talked to Sufiyaan as he explained the whole situation to him. Although Sufiyaan had just arrived and I still hadn't had a chance to reunite with my brother properly, Broad shoulders' assistants decided they would speak to him about the search for the mystery girl right away. I couldn't keep my gaze off of him. The dark circles under his unique brownish-grey eyes indicated that he hadn't slept well. My heart ached for him and I wanted to ask him whether he had anything to eat or not.

"Sufiyaan, since you are Ms. Sohail's only mehrem, it was important to tell you all this. Otherwise, we don't give out top-secret information to just anyone." Usama stopped talking, flashing a small smile politely at both of us. I looked towards Sufiyaan trying to read his expression.

It was mostly surprise and confusion but there was a hint of anger on his face. "And you agreed to do this, Amaani?" He turned towards me, his tone was stern and formal but not angry. I bit my lip nervously. Before I could tell him about how broad shoulders had practically threatened me, Usama spoke up. "It's a good deal, Sufiyaan." He said, his tone was convincing and persuasive. Sufiyaan just raised his eyebrow at him as if he wasn't impressed in the least.

"And how is this a good deal? You're sending her alone in a deserted area! That is anything but good. She was already taken as a captive forcefully and now you're pushing her to risk her life to find some unknown girl?" Sufiyaan looked mad. No, he looked furious. I remained silent, not wanting to interfere because well, Sufiyaan was right.

"Calm down, Sufiyaan." Usama attempted to reassure him. But Sufiyaan wasn't taking it. "Look, sir. I came here just to ensure that Amaani's well and safe. I even agreed to leave our home and job just so that I could cooperate with the law. But it seems that no one is going to help us out here." Sufiyaan folded his arms over his chest and huffed. I looked at him in wonder. It was impossible to believe that he was just 19.

Before Sufiyaan could get into a fight, I piped in. "Sufiyaan, if I do this, they will clear my name and let me go. They promised. Right?" My eyes moved to Usama at that and I gave him an expectant look. He nodded quickly. "See?" I told Sufiyaan. He still had a look of disapproval on his face. "What if they back out of their promise after you've done their bidding for them?" He scowled.

"That won't happen."

Everybody snapped their head to the source of the voice. Broad shoulders entered the apartment, his presence making an impact on everyone there. "We don't break our promises." He continued, walking towards us. Saira and Usama sat up straight while Sufiyaan plainly looked at him. I stayed in my place.

"Because we are not hypocrites. And whatever we are doing it is for the safety of our people. We do not enjoy wasting our precious time on useless things. It is a big issue and that is the reason we are going to such lengths for it to be solved." He stopped when he was just a few meters across us. I looked between the two. It was not right to say that, even I, was not convinced by his words.

Broad shoulders stared at Sufiyaan in the eyes with confidence and certainty. Sufiyaan returned the look as if accepting the challenge. And I just stood there, having no clue how to deal with that intense stare contest. Finally, Sufiyaan looked away with defeat. "Fine. Amaani can do it. But if she gets hurt—"

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