Chapter 24:

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Amaani's POV:

The vibration of my body along with my surroundings made me wake up from my unconsciousness. My heavy eyelids lifted, making me feel the sudden throbbing in the back of my head. I tried to groan but my tongue was tied and I couldn't make a sound. My sight was blurry and it took me a minute to make out the view. I felt my body vibrate again which made me think for a second that there was an earthquake.

I quickly sat up but was pulled back down because of something tight wrapped around my legs and arms. I tried to set my hands free by moving them but they were tightly tied with a rope. Giving in, I laid my head back on the soft seat I was laying on.

It didn't take long to figure out that I was in a van with my hands and feet tied behind me.

Clearly, I was abducted.

When the realization dawned upon me, I felt fear come to me for a second but it faded quickly.

The throbbing pain in my head was killing me and my right arm ached because of my weight. Before I could think any further, my mind wandered back to the moment I was hit on the head. My eyes slowly widened when my brain reminded me why I was there.

Jaber! That crook!

My brows shaped into a deep scowl and I felt rage rush through my body. I should've known it sooner! He always hated my guts. It shouldn't have been such a big surprise that he kidnapped me for revenge.

I tilted my head to make out the faces of the two men that were sitting in the passenger and driver's seat.

As expected, one of them was Jaber Suleman. With him was another person who I didn't recognize. My blood boiled and I felt like swearing at him. "I can't believe you would stoop this low!" I shouted at him which made him snap his head towards me.

He was at a safe distance from me, which I was thankful for. A look of surprise crossed his face but it quickly vanished. "Oh. So you're awake, Lx16." he had a casual tone and the smirk forming on his face was infuriating.

I shot him a death glare that was enough to scare a lion.

"Again with this? I told you I'm not Lx16! It was proved the other day, remember?" I fired back. A strand of hair fell on my eyes which made me blink in reflex. That made me realize that I didn't have my veil on. Heck, I didn't have my hijab on! My hair was open and the clothes that I had on were already ripped.

"You can fool these fools here, Lx16 but I know the game you're trying to play. Let me tell you; it's not going to work." he simply looked back towards the front. "Drive faster, 10." he turned to the driver to which he nodded and pressed on the accelerator.

The engine of the van roared and the vehicle sped up. I jerked forward, almost falling off the seat but luckily I balanced myself. I bristled.

Back to Jaber,

His voice was the same yet so different. It was like I was witnessing a literal switch of personalities. The smile on his face, the sarcastic tone, and the totally unbothered attitude. I had to admit, the cold and mean Jaber was totes better.

"I'm not playing any game, Jaber. You need to let me go!" I cried out. He didn't bother looking at me again. "It seems like you've already met my host," he said. "His name's kind of boring though. I've heard he isn't like me at all. What do you think?"

My heart stopped.

What is he saying?

"What do you mean by that? You're Jaber!" I reminded him which was, obviously, not very normal. Like, duh! I frowned. He sighed, totally unfazed. "It's a nice cover, 16. But we know your host is dead. Amaani, was her name I'm guessing?" he glanced at me for confirmation but on receiving nothing but a scowl, he continued.

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