Chapter 41

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–––Amaani's POV–––

I didn't like it when he was so secretive.

Jeez, what was with him and doing everything all by himself? He didn't even let us know he suspected someone! But, of course why would he? The great Jaber Suleiman just loved to be mysterious and then so sneakily take over a person's brain without even trying.

As Usama, Sufiyaan and I waited in dead silence for Lexie to come, Jaber had his head in his hands. His darkened eyes showed he was running a series of plots and schemes in his mind like a detective. We didn't question him and stayed silent in respect of the grave news that had reached us.

Our community had yet again been infiltrated by an imposter. Was history just repeating itself?

When we first heard the news of Soldiers breaking in to the country, many brushed it off thinking they were just rumours. My parents were one of them. Despite that, due to the special grace of Allah on my family, we were amongst the ones who survived the longest until it all ended in just a matter of hours. I thought I had learnt my lesson to stay alert and cautious of my surroundings but two years later, we repeat the same mistake and leave our home exposed to the enemy.

"Is she even going to come, sir?" Usama couldn't help but raise the question that was on everyone's mind. Jaber looked up to reveal his solemn face with bags already forming. "She will. I'm sure of it."

I wanted to ask how but couldn't bring the strength in me. It felt like saying anything would be very insensitive and insulting to the situation. Especially after seeing how everything took a toll on Jaber, I didn't want to push my own insecurities into the terrible mix.

Just when Usama looked totally hopeless, a small knock on the other made everyone perk up. Even Jaber who had been so sure of everything was startled.

My eyes, like two big balls of suspicion, curiosity and expectation, closely braced themselves for her sight. I watched intently as her small figure sneaked past the door and entered the room.

With fidgety fingers and a dark blush on her face, she sheepishly grinned and said, "Hello everyone. You've got quite a party going on here."

Well, that wasn't exactly a clever move seeing how we were all mourning a second ago. But, she was exempted as Jaber stood up in her honour and went through the extra effort to welcome her. "We were waiting for you, Lx16." He told her and motioned for her to sit on a couch nearby.

"I expect you didn't let anyone suspect your activities." Jaber asked as she sat down, lowering the white hood from her head that was part of her formal attire at the temple. Mid-length brown hair fell out and I was again a little taken aback on how much she looked like me.

"Oh, I assure you I wasn't seen. No one roams the corridors at this hour. It's against the rules and breaking them is such a grave mistake that no one dares to even patrol the area to maintain discipline." As she talked, her eyes locked with mine and I half-expected her to bristle and look away. But she didn't, surprising me.

Not wanting to have a showdown so soon, I was relieved when Sufiyaan broke our eye contact when he asked, "Is there a particular reason for this rule?"

She shrugged. "The other girls tell me horror stories but I don't believe them. Back at Megmel, we never heard of anything as absurd as a ghost. I personally think its the priests trying to keep us in the dark about their internal schemes."

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