Chapter 57

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—-Third Person's POV—-

"Jaber is on his way. He said he will reach the hideout in about five minutes." Amaani relayed the information in a firm tone, her eyes keenly focused on the gleaming white and blue building under her. Sufiyaan nodded and turned to Usama. "Are you sure we should keep up the siege? We have no threat from the soldiers inside the building."

Usama shook his head. "I fear they are going to go after Sir Jaber. This whole city is jammed with trackers and locating devices. It won't be a problem for them to trace him. We have to wait until he returns safely."

Amaani nodded in agreement with Lexie mirroring her expression beside her. "It looks like a direct order from Father. They usually use the bots for these things but today they've actually sent real Duplus fighters after Jaber," she remarked.

"I say we destroy the factory. End this madness once and for all." Lx10 appeared from behind them. Amaani jumped to her feet and turned her head towards him. "Lx10!"

"Weren't you supposed to be with Jaber?" Lexie questioned, stepping closer. He folded his arms, his tall figure sticking out in the circle they had unconsciously made. "He went with Lx2 someplace else. I think to meet the prisoner. I don't know much but I was told by him to stay alert and guard the building."

Amaani raised an eyebrow at him. "Do you really think we can destroy the factory today?" her question caught Usama off guard. "That's not as simple as it sounds, Ms Sohail. Don't even think about it before Sir Jaber comes back."

"No, but," Amaani shifted her gaze to him. "There is no better way to do this. Didn't you tell me that Megmel was in a state of disarray because of Jaber's intrusion? This is when it is least secure. And it also looks like a lot of soldiers are busy searching for him. They won't even know what hit them."

Usama clicked his tongue and shook his head, trying to be as convincing as possible.

"Ms. Sohail, destroying the factory means a declaration of war. We don't even know how many people Father has in his army or what sort of technology he possesses. It would be foolish to attack first without any preparation."  He explained.

Sufiyaan entered into the conversation. "I agree with Sir Usama, Amaani. It would be stupid to initiate a battle we know nothing about."

Amaani slumped back into herself, folding her arms over her chest. "I'll still suggest it to Jaber. I think this is the perfect opportunity. Father already knows we are actively fighting back now."

"The girl is right." a foreign voice spoke up from the side. Footsteps followed the statement urging everyone to turn to the source of the voice. Amaani's eyes widened with joy at the sight of Jaber approaching them but she wasn't ready for the shock she was about to get after that.


"Who's that with him?" Sufiyaan asked, his voice low and confused, overriding her excited one. He did a double take as soon as the prisoner entered into full view. Amaani craned her neck and then stopped. "Big Brother Yahya?"

Everyone had something to say but she couldn't hear them. Her joy escalated, flying her to cloud twenty. She forgot all logic. How her brother survived the bullet of the invaders and how he ended up in Megmel of all places. It didn't matter. She didn't feel her legs running towards the man and throwing herself on him, her hands wrapping around his waist.

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