Chapter 7

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Amaani's POV:

With a handful of thoughts, I went back to where I was gonna stay. On the bright side, the room was so gorgeous it lit up my mood. Once I had made myself at home, taking off my cloak and hijab, I started to think about what broad shoulders had told me. A girl with the same face as me was out there somewhere.

How freaky.

Then I thought about Sufiyaan. Sure, he was a bossy, mean and overprotective little cousin, but I still missed him. It was weird how I always got in trouble whenever he wasn't around. Like he usually said, I was a like magnet for troubles and crazy situations. I chuckled a little. Just then someone knocked on the door.

I got a little startled as the sound shook me out of my thoughts. "Coming!" I yelled and went to open the door. I turned the knob and pushed the door open, gently. I was met with familiar grey eyes and long, wavy brown locks tied up in a neat braid. "Saira." Her name rolled off my tongue unintentionally. My eyes moved to the plastic bag she had in her hand.

"I came to get the list from you but you weren't here so I got you some things I figured you'd need." She said simply, in her usual emotionless tone. Hearing her say that, I looked at her in disbelief. She actually went the extra mile to get me stuff I needed. I gave her a grateful smile. "Aw, thanks!" I beamed at her, taking the bag from her hand. Saira just looked away.

I didn't mind. She looked like she didn't like me but that was surprisingly not true. Something made me want her to be my friend. Not many people disliked me and I liked to keep it that way. "Come on in." I stepped aside to give her way. She quickly looked at me like she was gonna refuse but then I spoke before she could even open her mouth to protest. "Please. I'm so bored!" I extended the please in my sentence and practically begged her. Saira looked unsure.

"Sir Jaber might need me." She quickly said and turned to leave. I grabbed her hand. "Oh come on! That guy can wait. And besides, I'm feeling really scared here all alone." I pouted at her, trying my hardest to persuade her. She tried to avoid eye contact, getting very uncomfortable. I frowned. 

Wow, she really didn't like me.

"There's nothing to be scared of. Just recite ayatul kursi. You'll be fine." She tried to run away again, but I persisted. "Well for one, the main building seriously gives off creepy vibes. It literally looks like a big castle for all types of jinns." I tried to make a joke, pointing at the window. It was a big glass window with curtains fixed at the side, giving way for the main building to be seen very clearly. Maybe they designed it like that so everyone could keep an eye on me. 

I wouldn't be surprised if it was broad shoulders' idea.

Saira didn't laugh. Instead, she sighed as if she had lost a battle. "Fine, but only for five minutes. I've got a lot to do." I gave her a big grin, clapping my hand together once. "Great!" 

Saira came in, her boots making a noise as they collided with the wooden floor. I looked at her attire. She had a long shawl, that reached her knees, spread all over her. It was grey in color, quite similar to the color of her narrow eyes. She was wearing long boots under a loose pair of trousers. I had to admit, she looked really cool. 

"What'd you bring me?" I asked her as I peeked into the heavy bag. She shrugged. "Just some clothes and sanitary things. I added a few bars of soap and shampoo too. There's a toothbrush in there as well." She pointed loosely with her thumb, not looking at me. I looked at her with surprise. It was so thoughtful of her to bring everything she thought I would need. "Thanks a lot." I smiled at her genuinely. 

She looked at me for a few seconds and for a moment, I thought I saw a look of guilt flash on her face. But she quickly covered it up by looking away again. "You don't have to say thank you again and again. It was Sir Jaber's orders. He wanted to make sure that you didn't feel any sort of trouble." She explained. 

I raised my eyebrow at her. "Sir Jaber did? Well, who would've thought?" I pulled the bag aside and moved a little closer to Saira. "Anyway, by the look of things, I don't suppose you guys are letting me go any time soon," I remarked. Saira shrugged again. "It's not like we're doing this because we want to." 

I nodded slowly. "I guess so." 

"Sir Jaber mentioned that your brother was going to stay here too. Is that correct?" this time Saira started the conversation. I nodded again. "Yep! I'm glad. I was getting bored not having to listen to his constant comments and lectures." I smiled at the thought of Sufiyaan scolding me about something like he usually did.

"Oh. So you don't get along?" Saira asked, curiosity filling her voice. I shook my head. "No, it isn't like that. He's just really overprotective and always scared that something bad might happen to me. That's why he's mostly either scolding me or putting restrictions on me. But it doesn't matter because it's not like I listen to him anyway." By then Saira was looking at me intently as if I was telling her something really interesting. 

"Well, do you know when he can get here?" I asked her. She snapped out of it and blinked. "Oh, not really." It seemed as if she had just returned to reality. One thing was for sure about Saira. She was kinda weird.

"I hope he gets here soon. He must be worried sick about me at home. Who knows if he has been able to even eat properly?" I started ranting and surprisingly, Saira didn't seem to mind. "Well, I can request Sir Jaber to arrange for his arrival as soon as possible." She said. Saira spoke like a totally different person and her rude attitude from before looked like it was just an act. 

Before we could continue with our conversation, a beeping noise cut us off. Saira quickly took out a device from her pocket. A look of worry fell on her and she stood up suddenly. "Oh no, I totally forgot! Sir Jaber had such an important meeting today at 9 o'clock!" She looked up at me. "I'll have to leave immediately. See you later!" She dashed out of there like a race car and left me alone once again in the room.

"Don't forget to remind Sir Jaber about my brother!" I called after her, not sure if she had even heard me or not because she was long gone. I looked around again, sighing. Apart from the fact that being held captive for no reason at all really sucked, this whole thing was really boring.

I looked at the comfy bed. It made me realize that I hadn't had a wink of sleep since last night and it was almost 9 in the morning already. Funny thing was, I wasn't tired at all. Maybe because all these series of events were happening at once, my brain was too caught up in my thoughts to think about going to sleep.

Even though Saira wasn't the best person to spend my time with, I wasn't too pleased that she was gone. Thinking about Saira and the conversation we had, something hit me like a hard rock. I had an idea. A bulb magically appeared over my head, shining brightly. I had the perfect plan to spend my day.

It was time for some spy action and snoopin' around. 


Really sorry about the filler chapter. But I promise it's gonna get better from here. Btw I tried writing in first person point of view. Lemme know if you like it or if you'd prefer third person point of view in the comments.

Well, thanks for reading!

Bubbs out!

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