Chapter 42

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——Amaani's POV——

I didn't know how to react. To even take this seriously or just laugh at the absurdity of it. I couldn't believe Jaber would do that to me. Maybe I had gotten my hopes up that he was sincere with me. At least as a teammate? But, boy was I wrong.

Even in the uneasy silence, I couldn't hear anyone breathe or even blink. Like, if anyone moved, I would eat them alive. My glaring eyes through my veil surely looked terrifying but it was much needed.

"So it was all an act?" I asked, dangerously calm.

Jaber didn't look at me but I could see him nod slightly. "We had to. It was the only way to take you to the interrogation facility." His voice held no regret like he was pretending to. I continued to glare at him in disbelief. "You couldn't tell me after it was proven I was not Lx16?" My questions made his scowl deepen. "Ms. Sohail, we can do this later. This isn't the time." He turned to me, pressed lips and a firm gaze. But, he didn't scare me.

"SERIOUSLY?? You're going to say that?" I growled and then halted, took a deep breath, and put a frustrated hand to my head.

"I–" I struggled to form words in response to his arrogant, obnoxious, and insensitive expression. "I can't do this right now. I can't stay here for another minute." I gave up, glancing at Sufiyaan who looked like he had a lot to say too.

Usama took a step forward to intervene but was cut short by a stopping signal from Jaber. I strode towards the room exit and Sufiyaan followed me as I walked out of the orange room, not sparing even Lexie a look. Sufiyaan walked beside me quietly, his face holding multiple expressions that looked mostly clueless.

"I still don't believe it. It couldn't be an act." He couldn't help but comment hesitantly. I shook my head as my feet stopped in front of the familiar brown wooden door of the room given to me. "I do," I replied, turning the knob and walking inside, Sufiyaan after me.

I whirled my hijab off my head and threw it on the chair nearby, taking off my veil and everything extra on my body until I was just wearing a knee-length shirt with loose trousers. I took off my belts that carried a small knife for protection, something I made a habit of since that jerk Lx2 abducted me. I plopped down on the bed, took out the band from my bun, and spread my chocolate brown hair on the soft, silky sheets.

My knees were in the air as I lay down. I closed my eyes to empty my mind and for a second, stop thinking about Jaber Suleiman. It was like he haunted my thoughts, both positively and negatively. Obviously, at the moment it was negative because I wanted to kill him.

Sufiyaan silently put up with me, knowing that when this state overtook me, it was best to let me be. He sat down on the chair that had my hijab and clothes splattered on the backrest. He was more concerned about me than the grand betrayal Jaber graced us with.

"Amaani, I know you're not in the mood to listen to anything in Jaber's defense. But, as much as I am mad at him right now, this is the time to free our friends from Lx2's imprisonment. Let's make this a problem after we're a little untied."

I was actually surprised to hear Sufiyaan say that, thinking he would be just as angry but then I remembered that he was rational and collected. Not someone like me, who was driven by her emotions. Well, positive emotions most of the time but today was not one of those times.

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