Chapter 56

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—-Amaani's POV—-

Sufiyaan and Usama arrived with another van of officers. I rushed to Sufiyaan and he gave me a hug, a relieved look washing over his face as soon as his eyes laid upon me. "I don't know when you'll stop giving me these ugly surprises. You could've at least told me that you were going to Megmel with Sir Jaber." His face reflected relief and calm as if he had accepted the fact that I would always keep him worried through my actions.

I took his hand and gave him a grin. "Thanks for worrying about me, little cuz but I was with Jaber. You know how careful he is. He didn't even let me go anywhere." I faked an annoyed expression to prove my point. Sufiyaan looked at me for a minute and then turned to Sumayya who was standing there quietly. Even he felt it odd that she looked so grim and gloomy.

Lexie was with her and while Usama inquired about both of them, I internally debated on whether it was a good idea to tell him what she had done or not.

My eyes locked with hers and she pleadingly told me not to say anything. Forced by sympathy, I just turned around to face Sufiyaan again. "Alhamdulillah, Jaber got Lexie out. He took Lx10 and went back in to settle things with Lx2."

Sufiyaan nodded gratefully but then sighed. "That's great and all but when are you going to stop being so reckless, Maani?"

I groaned. "You're not going to leave this matter, are you?"

Lexie let out a laugh and walked towards us. "Soon enough, you won't have to worry about Amaani at all, Sufiyaan. She's going to have someone else to chase and get concerned for her 24/7."

At that, I whipped my head in her direction and with widened eyes, gestured to her to stay quiet. But that only made her laugh more. Before I could verbally tell her to stop, Sufiyaan spoke up in confusion. "What do you mean by that?" He looked back at Usama who shrugged but wore an interested look on his face.

Sumayya, knowing what she was implying didn't show a difference in her expression and just leaned on Usama.

"It means Amaani's going to get married soon. Isn't that right?" Lexie looked at me and I felt a sudden blood rush to my cheeks. My face became hot and I could see myself turning into an embarrassed tomato.

"What?!" Sufiyaan was quick to react but before the matter got out of control, I quickly grabbed his arm and shook my head. "There's no time for this! We need to help Jaber." I turned to Usama. "We should disperse our men in the forest and surround the city in case Jaber needs backup. When he ordered me to call you guys, it sounded like Lx2 could pull something dangerous. We need to keep an eye out for everything."

Usama had not yet recovered from the shock Lexie gave us but he blinked to get back to normal. He nodded, acknowledging my concern. "You're right, Ms. Sohail. I'll give the order." I saw him say something to Sumayya assuringly at which she shook her head.

"No, Usama. I want to come with you. Please, don't leave me here. Amaani and Lexie can handle things on their own. I know it." She said.

I looked away from them, not wanting to interfere with their conversation. But, an extremely confused and paranoid Sufiyaan met me as I faced the other way. He had his arms folded and an eyebrow raised. "No, you're not dodging the topic like this. Tell me clearly; what's this about marriage?"

I was speechless. The only response I could give him was a sheepish grin. "Uhh..."

At that moment, I wanted to push Lexie in front of me and force her to face him. After all, she had put me in that situation. But with everything she had done, she simply stood beside me with a teasing smile on her face.

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