Chapter 6

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Third person POV:

Amaani clutched onto the piece of paper in her hand as if her life depended on it. It was the only ticket to shoot out of that prison. She didn't want to be held there as a captive even if she was given proper treatment. Who knows, they could just accuse her of something else and just shoot her the next time it happened. 

Amaani shuddered at the thought. No way she would let anything like that happen to herself. She trudged along the path to the site's main building. Once she reached the building, she realized it was not all big and scary as her initial impression of it. She was just terrified, given the situation. 

She walked in and went wherever she felt the surroundings to be familiar. She hoped she would run into Saira somehow. Then she wouldn't need to wander around on her own in that foreign place. 

A police officer passed by her, barely noticing her. "Excuse me, Sir!" She called out to grab his attention. The officer stopped immediately, a little startled, and turned towards her. "Yes?" he looked at her, skeptically. Amaani gathered up her courage, tired of feeling like a coward.

"I need to give this to Saira. She said she'd come but she didn't so I'm here." She replied, holding up the paper. The officer narrowed his eyes at her. "Sure." He crossed his arms over his chest. "But I haven't seen you around here. Are you aware that this is 'restricted to staff only' department?" 

"Oh. I didn't know that..." Amaani trailed off. Then perked up again. "But now I do." She added. "Anyway, I need to get this to Saira. Would you mind showing me where I can find her?" 

The suspicious look of the officer stuck to his face like super glue and he didn't take his gaze off her. 

Rude much? 

Amaani ignored it. "Saira?" The officer repeated for confirmation. She nodded. "Yup". In reply, the guy just looked at the ground as if deep in thought. Suddenly, his shoulders rose up again and then it hit him. "You don't mean Sir Jaber's assistant, do you?" he questioned. Amaani nodded. 

"Oh!" He was taken aback by that piece of information. Then his expression returned to a look of suspicion. "Why would someone like you have business with Sir Jaber's assistant?" He pried. Amaani made a face. Her lips parted to say something when she was cut off. 

"Thank you, officer Sagheer. But I'll take it from here." 

Amaani felt a presence behind her. A dominating presence. Her head snapped to the source of the deep, familiar voice. She shrunk to the ground as she accidentally locked eyes with a pair of dark brown, compelling orbs. She quickly looked away. Broad shoulders shooed officer Sagheer away and it was just the both of them now.

Well, at least she didn't have to find him. "What are you doing here?" He cocked an eyebrow at her, putting his hands on his sides. Amaani cleared her throat before starting, "I needed to clear a few things with you." She tried her best to give him a scary look but failed miserably. 

"And yeah, give this to Saira too if I'm still staying here after our conversation." She added sheepishly and held up the piece of paper crumpled up in her hand. 

Well, that went well.

Jaber didn't say anything for a minute or two. Maybe it was his way of getting lost in deep thought. Amaani waited awkwardly for him to speak. "Come to my office." He finally said, giving up. He turned around and started walking.

Amaani smiled victoriously. She muttered a low Alhamdulillah and started striding behind him. The journey was silent. None of them spoke a word. As soon as they reached the office, Jaber clicked open the door. They entered.

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