Chapter 25

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Amaani's POV:

The heavy door slid open right after a card swipe was heard echoing in the room I was confined in. I quickly looked up, shifting in my place. My hands were restricted by strong, metal handcuffs that pressed into my skin as soon as I moved them.

I was thrown into that room by Lx10 who handcuffed me and told me to wait until some guy gave some orders about what to do with me.

"Well well," my eyes narrowed at the man that had entered, his mocking tone making me want to growl at him. "You're back," I said, giving him an equally challenging look. His sleek, jet black hair was pulled back, only a few strands escaping and falling over his brown eyes.

His suit, looked like what was supposedly the uniform of  Megmel. I noticed that it was a bit different than Lx10's and Lx16's. Probably because of his high rank.

A taunting smirk was plastered on his face as he walked towards me. I tried to move away but the handcuffs hurt me the more I moved. "I couldn't help meeting you one last time before your execution." he sat down, his heels a few inches above the ground and his body putting pressure on his feet. His face was leveled with mine but he maintained his distance, Alhamdulillah.

"I'm telling you that you're making a mistake. I'm not Lx16." I tried again, despite the unconvinced look on his face. "Even if you get me executed, she'll still be on the loose. I'm Amaani, her host like you said." He just shook his head with disappointment at me. "It's not going to work, 16. Just accept your punishment maybe that'll make things easier for you."

Strangely, it looked like he was giving me sincere advice. The look on his face was not very clear but for some reason, I felt that he was worried for my well-being—or in that case, worried for Lx16's well-being. Even though I felt awfully uncomfortable alone in a room, without my hijab or appropriate clothes with a non-mehrem and a pretty attractive one at that, I forced myself to look in his eyes.

They held concern and it was the first time I saw a soft and gentle look in them. He just looked at me, which made me lower my gaze again, quickly.

An idea struck me like lightning and even though I felt guilty playing with someone's feelings like that, I had to save my butt from getting executed!

"Please, senior." I started, biting my lip with fear and tightening my fist through the handcuffs, which hurt. "I don't want to die yet. I want to live longer and find new things about this world. Please..." I didn't look at him, fearing that he would see through my act or notice the white strands in my hair.

I wasn't expecting a very positive reaction from him as it was just a weak attempt at getting out of there by making him feel pity. But, he took me by surprise when he sat down on the floor, crossing his legs and letting out a long sigh.

The ground was transparent like an expensive glass and you could see your reflection in it. There was nothing but huge walls around and a keypad incorporated into the wall beside the big sliding door. The ceiling lights were almost blinding, which shone on the floor and reflected back, lighting up the whole room.

"Lx16," when he called my name, my attention was diverted to him. "You broke not one, but many of our strict rules. Not only did you break into the restricted department but you also escaped Megmel which is treason. And when we sent officers after you, you killed them." he looked at me in the eye, dead serious. The thought that he would help me vanished like a puff of smoke and I realized that he wasn't going to listen.

"Right now, you're a wanted criminal who must be taken care of as soon as possible. That's not just Father's decision but it's also what I have decided." he stood up, dusting off his clothes and crossing his arms over his chest. "The only thing I can do for you is assure you that your death will be quick and I'll try to make sure you don't feel the pain for too long. We don't want to torture you, just get rid of you."

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