Chapter 4

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Amaani shifted closer to Sufiyaan, holding his sleeve tightly. "You killed her! You killed my sister!" the girl yelled at Amaani, getting her startled. She looked at Sufiyaan with pleading eyes, screaming that she didn't do anything. 

Sufiyaan just stood there frozen, trying to figure out the situation. "Wait, wait..." he tried to speak up but the girl wouldn't stop shouting at Amaani. "I will never forgive you for this. You shouldn't have ever come here!" she stood up and stormed towards Amaani, poking an accusing finger at her. 

Amaani hid herself behind Sufiyaan as if her life depended on it. "No, I swear to Allah I didn't mean to—" 

"It doesn't matter what you meant to do. My sister's dead because of you! How am I supposed to react to this?!" the girl cut her off, ready to pounce at her. Sufiyaan tried to speak again but she wouldn't let him. Finally, he raised his voice. 

"Can you just stop?!" he bursted out. 

At first, the girl just looked at him in surprise but she quickly got back into her senses and shot him a death glare. "Excuse me? My sister died because of your sister and you're telling me to shut up?! Do you have any idea how big this is?!" she exploded. 

Sufiyaan quickly regretted raising his voice and turned soft immediately. "No, no I'm aware. Please don't get mad. Maybe she's not dead." Sufiyaan motioned towards the girl on the ground, laying lifelessly with blood oozing out of her head. "We shouldn't waste time here. We need to take her to the clinic." he tried to lighten up the situation, stepping in front of Amaani, covering for her. 

Amaani's terrified expression changed. She quickly nodded her head. "Yeah, maybe she's not dead. Maybe you made a mistake!" Amaani sounded as if she was trying to comfort herself more than the girl. The girl shook her head in disbelief. 

"Why would I declare my sister dead without checking properly? I checked her carefully and it's clear that she's not in this world anymore—because of you." she glared at Amaani, making her go stiff again. 

Before Sufiyaan could say anything, they heard a car honk at them furiously. All of them forgot the matter at hand for a second and turned towards the source of the noise. The car looked like it belonged to an organization as they could make out a big logo pasted on the car surface. 

A few men got out of the car, dressed in some sort of uniform. The men stepped away to reveal a young man, wearing a similar uniform. In the dark, they couldn't see exactly what they wore and let's face it, it was the last thing they were worried about at that moment. 

The man walked towards them, a gun in hand. "What's going on here?" he demanded, giving all of them suspicious looks. The fact that he looked like a policeman scared Amaani out of her mind so much that she didn't care about the fact that he sounded so familiar. 

Sufiyaan opened his mouth to say something when the girl beat him to it. "This girl here killed my sister!" she stated furiously, pointing at Amaani. The man looked at the lifeless body of Sumayya, making out the situation. 

He then turned to look at Amaani, which made her heart beat ten times faster. He then asked the girl to tell him the whole story and she didn't waste a minute to do so. She told him everything, of course putting Amaani in a bad light. Amaani opened her mouth to protest, but the man held his hand up, stopping her from going any further. 

When the girl had finished, Amaani finally took the courage to speak up in her defence. "I was trying to pull them away from each other and I didn't even push her that hard! It was just a little jerk! I didn't know she had a head injury!" Amaani exclaimed desperately. 

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