Chapter 60

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—-Third Person's POV—-

Just before all hope was lost.

Just before Jaber succumbed to the ramming noise inside his head and lost all control, a bleak ray of hope seeped through.

In the background, the priests still chanted their mantras in chorus, elucidating a dark aura to wrap itself inside the council Hall. Jaber watched in horror as Saira coiled into herself and screamed out cries of agony. Amaani forced herself free out of the invisible chains of confinement and gasped out a low, "We need backup!"

It was as if Jaber was knocked out of his trance by those words. It took him a second to realize that she was busy reciting some verses from the Quran which was probably the only reason why she could move. He felt his muscles loosen as if the paranormal force gripping him from behind was gone.

He struggled to find his watch and quickly tapped it thrice as soon as he did. "Surround the building immediately! I need all soldiers inside for an emergency siege!" his voice shook as he assigned the order.

"So you did bring soldiers here for a fight." Father turned around, a smug smirk on his face. He was the only one who stood leisurely, inspecting the scene in front of him with a satisfied grin. Jaber clenched his stomach but pushed himself to stand on one knee. "I never come unprepared." he fired at him with an intense glare.

Father folded his arms over his chest, his white beard still hanging in all its glory. He wore a red gown with golden drapes and a symbol of the temples on the side. "I didn't expect that you didn't." he said, "But this is where I dispose of you, Lx2. It'll get rid of your host too and I won't be in danger of any further interference."

He slipped out a dagger from under his long sleeve and swirled it between his fingers like a toy. The shiny tip gleamed over Jaber's head as he shifted his gaze towards it.

"Don'!" Amaani threatened but her words worked like a trigger, causing the entrance of a tall man to grab her from behind. Jaber flinched as soon as she was pulled back, compelled to jump at the cause of disruption. "Amaani!"

The man didn't have an arm but his strength was enough to pick her up like a doll. "Leave me alone, you douchebag!" she shouted but it only tightened his grip on her.

Jaber gritted his teeth and turned back to Father. "This is between us. The women stay out of it."

But Father only chuckled. "There will be no you in a matter of seconds so it won't make a difference anyway." he got ready to strike him with the dagger, positioning it right in front of his neck.

Jaber tried to move but the unseen pressure on his back had returned. He tried to send another signal with his watch but his limbs refused to move. He had a last look at Amaani, who was throwing her arms and legs around in an attempt to set free from the one-armed new character that had showed up from Allah knew where and then at Saira who had already fainted. He saw a few other soldiers of his lying on the ground with closed eyes but some of them still resisted.

He heard the whoosh of the dagger that was swiped at him and quickly braced himself.  His mouth was able to mumble the testimony of his faith;

لا الہ الا اللہ

Just before the tip pierced his neck, the sound of a gun shot made him open his eyes. A low thud followed, signalling the fall of a body. The whole room had shaken with the impact and the priests had stopped their chants, ceasing all the work of the dark forces.

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