Chapter 8

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Amaani's POV:

Luckily, I found something similar to what Saira was wearing. I wrapped the shawl all over me and threw the hem of it over my shoulder to secure it. The shawl fell to my knees, covering up my brightly colored trousers. My short shirt was hardly even visible. Pulling my hood over my head, I put on my niqab.

Finally ready, I looked at myself in the mirror, which was not broken by the way. Weirdly, I looked better in that mirror than I did in the one at home. I smiled victoriously, seeing myself look pretty similar to a spy or something which was a good thing since everyone there looked like a spy.

Without wasting another second, I rushed out of the room and made my way to the main building. By now, I already knew the way so well that I didn't even need to look at where I went. I walked faster, fearful that Saira or broad shoulders would pop up out of nowhere and get suspicious of me. It was the last thing I wanted.

Walking through the same entrance as before, I tried to sneak past the guard standing there. Fortunately, the guy was too busy munching on his chips that he didn't even look at me. Things were way too easy around there. I went straight to broad shoulders' office, remembering that it was the only area I hadn't inspected well enough. I didn't go into his office because that would be a little too much and I lacked such confidence to mess with him on my first day there.

So, I just looked around, walking up to every room and peeking in through the glass. Expecting to see no one in their offices, I was surprised when I saw everyone sitting in their offices and working.

Maybe the meeting wasn't too important. I shrugged. I could just go to the cafeteria and hit up on some snacks. Something told me that they had a really developed and good cafeteria there.


Roaming around the place, lost as ever, I regretted ever coming out of the room. Maybe I should've just slept or written a diary. The idea of writing a diary went well with me, since who knew if I would ever be able to make it out of there. At least people would find my diary and remember me as a symbol of heroism and brav—

"But are you really sure it's not her?" Walking past a door, I heard someone speak from inside. I snapped my head towards the direction of the voice and was met with a small door. It was relatively smaller than the others in the building. I leaned over, getting closer to the door to hear properly.

"Yes, Sir Jaber confirmed it. She said she got caught in an acid attack of some sort back in Rohangia. Honestly, it looked pretty believable to me." I perked up even more when I heard Saira's voice. Realization dawned upon me and it occurred to me that somehow I was the topic of their discussion.

This was what Saira meant when she said 'an important meeting'? It made me lean in more, putting my ear on the door so I couldn't miss a single word they said. "But, " a voice, deep as the ocean, boomed in the whole room. I recognized it because honestly, it was not a voice to forget. "She certainly has something to do with all this. I'm not letting her go." Broad shoulders spoke in a serious and deadpan tone. As usual. Nothing different.

I rolled my eyes at what he said. "Sir, did she say anything about the code?" The man from before said. That caught my attention and my mind instantly shifted from broad shoulders to the guy.

"I didn't ask her. I don't want her to know more than she needs to. We don't really know for sure if she has a significant role in this." Broad shoulders replied. "Besides, she doesn't seem like a person who knows how to keep her mouth shut." He added, making me gasp.

How mean!

I was sure, after that, he really did have this huge problem of lack of respect for others. I glared at him through the door, sulking. It was clear, he certainly did not like me.

"But Sir, if she isn't the same person, what are we going to do about cracking the code? I've tried to contact everyone here who's multilingual but taking into consideration our educational background, we don't have many chances." The man said. I liked him, he spoke like a practical guy. And he was respectful too. Just saying. "We'll just have to wait for that girl to show up again. She's the only one who can tell us the meaning behind this code." Broad shoulders replied.

"Sir, " it was Saira who spoke this time. "Do you think this could possibly have a connection to the mysterious deaths happening?" Her tone seemed cautious and careful as if she was talking about something forbidden. "This can only be confirmed when we crack this code." Broad shoulders stated.

"I think the chances are slim. These deaths look like the result of some deadly virus to me. I don't think it can have any other explanation." The guy, who was still a stranger to me, pointed out. A sharp silence fell inside and no one spoke for a minute or two. I intended to stay further and eavesdrop a little more but I quickly kicked that thought out of my mind hearing light footsteps approaching the door.

I was behind that door!

I quickly looked here and there, frantically searching for a place to hide. I was so dead if they found me there. Saira didn't like me already and meanie broad shoulders was just two steps away from stamping my execution papers. Before my mind could even think of all the ways I was going to die, the door had already been pushed open.

I froze in shock as a man, almost my height, with a fair complexion and light brown hair, wearing a common trouser and shirt with a men's shawl wrapped around his neck, stepped outside. I pulled my head back and clasped my hands over my mouth to stop any sort of breathing or gasp escaping my lips.

Allah had truly saved me then and there, big time! I had managed to somehow rush to a little compartment between the door and the walls of the room across the meeting room, which was just enough to cover me. I stood up straight, my shoulders tightened and reached my face. Frozen on my spot, I didn't dare look again towards the guy who had opened the door and almost caught me.

"Weird, I thought I could hear someone moving behind the door." I heard him say before heading back inside.

When I was sure that the coast was clear, my shoulders relaxed and fell back to their original place and I breathed a sigh of relief. My hand was on my chest and I tried to calm my thumping heart which was going to break out of its cage and fall out.

No way I was staying there any longer!

Learning my lesson, the hard way might I add, I sneekily slipped out of my hiding spot and ran back to my room. Some sleep would probably do me good and give me time to recover from the semi heart attack I had just experienced. I plopped down on the bed. My tiredness overcame me and it felt like I was endlessly being swallowed by the soft and cozy mattress of the bed.

My Allah. It had been years since I experienced such luxury. I closed my eyes involuntarily, realizing at that moment, how tired I actually was. Sure, there was a lot on my mind, but my body was not its usual energetic self and it was taking a toll on me. I really should have just slept.

But honestly, it was worth it.

Broad shoulders tried to keep me away from this as much as he could. Telling me the half truth and diverting my attention. I was mad at him for that but on the bright side, I overheard—fine, I evesdropped on them and got to know everything. I grinned at the thought. No one could keep me in the dark for long.

But what I heard back there, suddenly came to mind. Identical twin, code, strange behavior, mysterious deaths and whatnot.

Maybe something really was up. Something big.

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