Final Chapter

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—-Third Person's POV—-

Under the shade of a blazing sun, the Nuristani community hustled and bustled. The market streets were crowded and all sorts of chatter filled the air, with laughter and excitement. Amaani pushed past the flock of people and ran towards the police department, her veil hiding a beaming smile on her face. She knocked on the office door impatiently, tapping her foot to hear the permission to enter.

"Come in." His voice was as stern and busy as ever.

"Jaber! Did you see the news?" She exclaimed not waiting for him to raise his head. His serious expression shifted to a curious one as he stopped writing. "The news?"

She nodded her head furiously. "Yes, the news! Your name is all over the media!" She squealed almost, stopping in front of him. Jaber frowned, leaving the pen in his hand and focusing his gaze on her. "My name?"

She nodded again, this time a bit annoyed that he was not being as excited as her. "Yes, your name. They're hailing you as a hero for the protection of all the Temple residents. You got rid of the traitor and saved all of them. Of course, by the will of Allah." She was almost flying to cloud 9 as she delivered this information to him, waiting eagerly for his expression to change. Slowly, a small smile appeared on his face, one that was only for her.

"This is all the mercy of my Lord." He recited the verse under his breath and stood up from his chair. "And you came running here so early in the morning just to tell me this?" He was still smiling a little.

She nodded, oblivious of what he was teasing her about. "Of course. It's been three days since the downfall of the temples. And this is the first news regarding that. Allah has really made us successful, Jaber. We can finally live without fear." She was smiling so wide that he could see it through her veil.

He nodded. "Yes. But there is so much to do. Lx16 sent word that she was coming to meet us today along with Lx45 and Lx18. She wants to discuss what to do with the unrest in Megmel after the absence of Lx2." He got straight to business as Amaani pouted a little at that. His formal and serious self returned as he pulled out a piece of paper. "We may need to send someone as a ruler to take care of Megmel and keep the existence of the Duplus hidden. I don't want to let go of my authority over there. They're practically displaced with Father and Lx2 gone. Lx16 agrees with me." He explained further as Amaani tried to peek at the piece of paper.

Noticing her obvious efforts, Jaber showed her the paper with an amused expression. The girl never stopped making him smile.

"This is a general plan of what we should do next. The Kazefandrian government is offering us citizenship but it comes with a price. To stay under their rule and ultimately lose our Muslim identity. I want us to find our own land. Our own place. Where we can live freely as Muslims. Worship Allah and implement the laws of Islam in the true sense. that such a far fetched wish?" His expression seem to fall as Amaani noticed the disappointment in his voice.

"Jaber...I was thinking about something." She said, her voice low but very careful.

"Yes? Go ahead." He gave her the get go as he slumped back into his chair, waiting for her to speak. She fiddled with the hem of her hijab and Jaber began to notice how hesitant she was. Something in his heart hit him. Maybe she was about to say something about them. Amaani took a deep breath, all adding to his curiosity as he also wondered how quickly she had shifted his focus. But he didn't care right now as he waited for her to say something.

"I though—" just then, the office door slammed open. Both of them turned towards the ruckus as a tall man walked in with heavy footsteps. "Why weren't they allowing me to see you, nephew?" Uncle Amir sounded annoyed as he stood in front of the desk. "Uncle." Jaber stood up, his face turning back to his boring and serious one.

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