Chapter 54

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Amaani's POV:

I waved a gesture to Jaber and he stopped the car. "Stop here. This is a safe way to Lexie and her group's hiding spot where they used to hold secret meetings." I told him. "We have to pass some trees after the rubble but I can guarantee we won't get caught."

We got out of the car, Sumayya included. She had her head low and looked like she wanted nowhere to be near us. We hadn't spoken to her and she was quietly following us wherever we went. I was in the lead, pressing on my memory to remember the path I had chalked out when escaping Lx2's robot army with Junior, Lx45, and Eileen. "I've only been to the restricted department for the single-digit duplus but it's definitely the place Lx2 could have kept Lexie without triggering the suspicions of the common people." I went on as we treaded the now steep path. An air of cement and dust filled our noses and I couldn't help but let out a sneeze. "Alhamdulillah!"

"Yarhamukillah," Jaber said with an eyebrow raised, lost in his thoughts. "The single-digit duplus?" He asked. I nodded in reply. "The single-digit duplus comprises the top ten strongest fighters amongst the duplus and Lx2 is their leader. They know almost everything about the experiments here. But, I'm not sure how much." My eyes lifted when I recognized the familiar-looking raised ground that signaled the last turn toward the hideout. "There!" I shouted, pointing my index finger. "That's the place!"

I leaped towards the patchy ground with an arm out but before I could land, my bootlaces stuck under my other foot pulled me back. "Uh oh." I felt myself flying towards the ground in reverse. "Ahh!" I closed my eyes, bracing myself for the collision, and...


My back fell on hard muscles that acted like a cushion to balance out the impact. For a second, my eyes were still closed waiting for the pain to shoot out all over my backside.

"Careful!" I heard the manly voice and my eyes shot open. I quickly realized what I was leaning on—more like who I was leaning on. His thumping heart beat fast against my back and I couldn't help but look up a little.

His face was so close to mine that it felt like I didn't know who I was looking at. His grey eyes were wide open and I could see my own horrified eyes back in them. That's when I flinched. My back felt the hardness of his chest again and I quickly pulled myself up. "I'm so sorry!" I jumped off. "My foot got caught in my laces."

Broad shoulders.

So, that's what his broad shoulders felt like.

SHUT UP, stupid brain!

I could only see his arms as my gaze had lowered in extreme embarrassment. He glanced back at Sumayya for a split second who was watching closely. She looked like she was taken aback by my almost-accident and I suddenly started to feel very cautious about what she was thinking. My attention was diverted when Jaber spoke up. "Be careful, Amaani. I won't be there every time to catch you." His tone hinted that he was being playful but it just made me look at Sumayya again.

Oooh! That wasn't the time to be playful, Jaber Suleiman!

I fiddled with my hijab in nervousness and looked up at him briefly. He wore a small smile but it was hardly noticeable because of his reddening cheeks. Something told me he made that statement specifically for Sumayya because she quickly turned her face to the side in disapproval. I felt my stomach churn. "I just got over-excited. Sorry." I said sheepishly and turned around to start walking again, this time carefully placing my foot where my boot laces couldn't reach. I still didn't bend down to tie them up in nervousness.

Jaber cleared his throat and started to follow me. We finally reached the small shed-like house and I carefully approached it. "I hope it's unlocked." I turned the knob and to my disappointment, it didn't budge. I turned around, sighing. "Nope. It's closed."

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