Chapter 29

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——Amaani's POV——

"We've been going in circles for the last twenty minutes. Are you sure this map is accurate?" Usama asked me, looking at me through the rear mirror. When he said that, Jaber turned to look at me as well. "I'm sure they're around here somewhere. They're probably hiding behind..." I stopped and looked outside the window. There was nothing but sand which made me sound dumb saying that.

Usama raised an eyebrow, telling me to continue. "Behind something." I finished with a sheepish smile. "There isn't anything but sand here, Amaani." Usama pointed out, politely.

I took a deep breath in defeat, trying to ignore the agony that flowed through my body. "I don't know, guys. They're supposed to be here. What does the bracelet say?" I tried to lean forward despite my injured leg stuck in one place.

"It's stopped blinking. The pointer isn't showing anymore." Jaber said before I could lean in further. I gave him a worried look. "What? Really? But how are we going to..." the worried frown on my face didn't escape Jaber. His gaze had shifted to the front where my bracelet was placed on the dashboard.

Without looking at me, he said in a low voice; "Don't worry, Ms. Sohail. We'll find them." his assurance weirdly did wonders. Even though he was trying to be secretive about it, I couldn't help but smile brightly.

And here I was thinking he didn't care if I went missing or not.

"Wait! I see a bike over there!" an officer shouted out, making all of us whirl our heads towards the direction he pointed at. "Where?" Jaber asked, his firm and strict tone returning.

I felt relieved when I saw the familiar metal vehicle shining under the now, dark sky. Black splashes were sprayed over the body and the seats were covered with leather. I recognized the highly computerized board between the two handles where the holographic screen popped out.

My eyes ran to the surroundings, just realizing the weather wasn't so sunny anymore. The sun wasn't high and bright and the sky had gotten a little darker, casting weird shadows on the ground and hiding the motorbike under it. At first glance, the huge vehicle was impossible to see but thankfully, the other officers in the back of the van caught it.

I turned back to the driver. "Hurry! Let's get to them before they go away!" I cried, involuntarily putting my leg down in excitement. I winced as soon as the pain returned that made Jaber look at me quickly with concern.

"Careful! Don't get too excited, Ms. Sohail." He composed himself almost immediately and turned to look back at the front. "Sorry," I grinned apologetically. Like I had ordered, the van was stopped right beside the familiar motorbike. The tires of the van hadn't stopped moving properly when I opened the door, unable to control myself.

"Stay inside. We'll go get them,"

Before I could put a foot outside, the order made me stop. I looked back at Jaber and frowned. "But why?" I almost whined, making him look at me in disbelief. "Your leg is injured. You don't expect me to carry you around, do you?" I sulked at his salty tone.

"Well, I wouldn't ask you to, either," I mumbled, making him cock an eyebrow at me. "They would mistake you for Lx2 and attack you. I need to be there to clear the confusion." I told him with expectant eyes. The look on his face told me that he didn't understand what I was talking about. I was almost going to give up because I knew he was always the one to go against me.

"How're you going to walk, then?" he sighed. My face lit up and I looked at him. "I'll manage, inshaa Allah." As we talked, Usama ordered the other officers to stay in the van. He got out and waited for us.

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