Chapter 17- Move My Way

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James' P.O.V-

I started to wake up seeing the light through my eyelids, I unlocked my phone to see the time; 11:15. I turned to my side to see that Lucy wasn't there it was I sat up and found her sitting on the end of the bed scrolling through social media on her phone. Her hair was wavy and she was wearing one of my tshirts and some pj shorts, barefaced showing her natural beauty. 'Morning beautiful,' I said in a voice which was deeper than I expected and rubbed my eyes. 'Hello,' she said in a low voice mocking me, jumping next to me hugging me and we both giggled.
'Oi! I thought girls were meant to find that sexy,' I wiggled my eyebrow still in a morning voice.
'I didn't say that I didn't,' she giggled, 'head hurt?' She asked changing the subject.
'A little...but could be worse, you?'
'Absolutely pounding,' she buried her face into my chest.
'Awh you're so cute,' I kissed the top of her head and gripped her tighter.
'Now let go of me I need to sort out the room it's a mess,' she tried to worm out of my arms.
'Never!' I protested, tickling her causing her to wriggle all over the place.
'Jay....James.. Jay!' She screamed breathlessly.
'Am I the best?'
'Oh not this,' she looked at me blankly.
'Im waiting,' I tickled her again.
'No..James..I'm not going to...please...' I showed no mercy and continued tickling her, ' fine! James you are the best.' I stopped looking happy with myself. She got up and pulled back the curtains.

We both tided the room a bit by stuffing clothes off of the floor into our suitcases occasional we'd get distracted and start hitting each other with towels. We flopped back onto the bed, I sat up on my laptop looking at my emails. I sighed looking through them all. 'Whats up Hun, you seem stressed,' Lucy dug her thumb into my bare back, massaging me slightly to calm me down.
'Oh it's nothing really, just dead lines for songs. It's sounds stupid to complain about it, I have my dream job.'
'You're allowed to moan you know James, get it off of your chest.' She started massaging my shoulders.
'Ooh you're good at that,' I said referring to her massage, 'I don't want to be stuck in here writing songs about you, I want to be spending time with you.'
'You're so cute,' We both started moaning about anything and everything.

'Good therapy session,' I put my hand on top of hers so they were just resting on my shoulders, 'I love you,' I turned my head so our faces were inches apart.
'I love you too James,' she pecked my lips a couple of times before a longer kiss.

'Right I need a shower,' I broke apart and walked towards the bathroom.
'Okay I'll order some breakfast from room service, what do you want?' She raised her voice slightly so I could hear.
'Surprise me,' I stuck my head out of the doorway winking.


I walked back into the room with a white towel around my hips to be greeted by Lucy wrapping her arms around my neck blocking my view of the table. 'The food just got here and I just want to add a few final touches of my own,' she smiled.
'Okay then,' I pressed my forehead against hers, smiling. I couldn't think of a better way to spend my day. My phone buzzed and I sighed.
'Just leave it,' she tightened her grip.
'I bet it's Joe,' I squinted my eyes trying to read the caller ID.
She put her hands either side of my face and guided me so I was facing her, 'how about you just forget the world today, don't worry, no twitter, no writing, no emails, no meeting fans, just a me and you lazy day.'
'Sounds perfect.' Which it did but I was worried about Joe what if there was something urgent I needed to do for the label or something.
'So I'll finish what I was doing with the breakfast and you can get changed, or don't I really don't mind,' she smiled playfully. I walked over to my phone, it was joe that called. I slung on some comfy sweats but didn't bother with a shirt.

'Im fiiiniiished,' she chimed.
'Comiiinggg,' I imitated her.
I sat down and she lifted up the sliver dish in the middle of the table to reveal a small pile of American style pancakes cut into heart shapes with blueberries, raspberries and strawberries around the side. 'Awh that lovely honey, thank you,' I smiled.
'No problem and speaking of honey,' she passed me a teeny tiny bowl with honey in it.
'Ooh you know me so well,' I drizzled the honey over a pancake,' I took a photo of it and posted it on Instagram saying 'I'm going to take some time off of the internet for myself, I think it's important to do that for myselfand for the people close to me. Hope you understand, have a nice day xx' and dug into my food.

'That was so good,' I flopped backwards onto the bed and laid there with my arms out like a starfish.
'Tickle tickle,' Lucy jumped onto the bed next to me a tickled my sides.
I stared at her with a blank face, 'you know I'm not ticklish.'
'I know but it was worth a try, I was trying to get you back for earlier,' she shrugged.
'But you are cute though,' I added.
'Well...' She flicked her hair over her shoulder. I laughed.
'You are,' I blushed. She bent down and kissed me on the nose which left me aching for more.

'Let's listen to some music,' she lent over me before putting on a Disney greatest hits album on spotify. She jumped onto the bed and started doing the dance routine and singing to 'step in time' from Mary Poppins. I laughed, a lot. 'How do you know all of this?' I cried.
'This is my childhood we are listening to.' Then 'a whole new world' came on.
'Can I take you away for one last dance?' I lunge down holding my hand out and she put hers on mine. She stood on my feet and I stepped around the room. I turned her around and then dipped her down. 'I have no idea what I'm doing,' I laughed.
'I can tell,' she laughed, 'can you let me stand up now?'
'I would if I knew how.'
'Just kinda pull me up.' So I did that, it wasn't as graceful as I had hoped. She slipped out of hand and landed on the floor right on her bum. She lay on her back laughing.
'Im so sorry,' I tried not to laugh. I lent over her like she did to me earlier. 'Im really not good at dancing.'
'I see that now,' she laughed. I bent down and kissed her lips softly. I sat there looking for her for a while at her lovely eyes.

'Film then?' She asked.
'Ill get Netflix up on the laptop,' I smiled before sitting up.
'It better not be a scary one this time,' she said climbing into bed.

We sat under the covers with the laptop on my knee with Lucy leaning on my side with my arm draped over her. We were watching 'Bridesmaids' -her request and I watched how her eyes lit up and her laugh and her smile as she watched the screen. 'Jems...I can feel you looking at me.'
'What are you talking about?' I darted my eyes back to the screen, hoping she wouldn't not is but she just rolled her eyes and carried on watching the film hugging me tighter. I moved my hand up her back and to the top of her head wrapping her waves around my finger and dropping it and then repeat. 'How did this happen?' She laughed.
'How did what happen?' I questioned.
'Just this,' she replied not really answering my question.
'What do you mean?' I rephrased my question laughing slightly.
'Just me and you...I just bumped into you, I didn't even know you and now look,' she gestured towards us.
'I guess...but that's just how it happens, right?'
'But why me?'
'Urm excuse you,' I poked her cheek.
'You know what I mean.'
'Yeah well whatever happened I'm glad it did,' I pinched her cheeks like I was her grandma or something.
'Nawh,' she put her hand on my cheek and then started slapping me lightly no wiping it all over my face.
'What are you doing?' I laughed.
'No idea, now shush we have missed loads of the film,' she looked back at the laptop and I looked back at her and then kissed the top of the head.


My eyes fluttered open, I looked down the see Lucy asleep on my chest with her lips slightly parted. I checked the time on my phone- we must have fallen asleep for a few hours. 'Crap,' I said under my breath realising that we are supposed to be meeting Connor and Charlotte for an early-ish dinner before we checked out. 'Lucy, wakey wakey,' I kissed the top of her head a few times.
'Oh sorry,' she rubbed her eyes.
I rubbed her back, 'it's okay I went to sleep too.'
'Remember we have dinner reserved with Con and Charlotte later,' I reminded her, she swore under her breath, 'it's okay we'll be ready, I'll just text them saying we might be a tad late while you get ready. I won't take a minute.'
'Thanks honey,' she went to the toilet to have a shower.

I put on a white shirt, leaving some of the buttons undone. I put a leather jacket on and put on some aftershave. 'Oo oh you smell nice, very manly,' Lucy came back in the room but I didn't take any notice of what she was saying, I just looked at her. She was wearing a lace, navy dress which came down to her knees and lace sleeves that came down to just above her elbow. 'Thanks,' I muttered, 'you'
'Thanks James,' she smiled.
'Like really'
'Please stop.'
'Nope... You look amazing, beautiful, stun...'
'Noo James,' she interrupted me.
'Noo're hot,' I said cheekily walking closer to her.
'Not bad yourself,' she tried to change the subject to me.
'Come on we're going to be even later than we already are, here want your leather jacket?' I passed her the jacket, 'I'm not sure if that will go.'
'I think it will,' she smiled and we went to dinner.

Sorry the updates haven't seen as regular as they once were, but school -_-
I tried to make this chapter kinda like the lyrics of move my way but it failed...
Thanks for reading please vote, comment and stuff.
Sorry for any spelling mistakes I haven't really checked it
Katie xxxx
Twitter- vampsxsugg

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