Chapter 32- Another World

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Lucy's P.O.V-

I woke up confused, forgetting that I was asleep in James' bed. His hoodie was as warm as I could remember and it smelt like him, just how I remembered. It had his after shave smell. I looked around the room to see how messy it was, which is very unlike James. Very different to his old room, I'm pretty sure his underwear in his draw at his parent' house was in alphabetical order by brand. I missed him. I'm not going to lie, I'm starting to admit it to myself. I walked into his en suite and tied my hair up in the mirror. I laughed at his shelves, completely full of products, skin care but particularly hair.

As I approached the kitchen I could smell pancakes. 'Hi,' I smiled.
'You sleep well?' He asked.
'Yes thanks,' I smiled.
'Goood,' he dragged, 'still love pancakes?' He asked.
'Thats never going to change,' I laughed, there seemed to be a lot of awkward giggles.
'Here,' he chuckled, sliding a pancake off of the pan and onto the plate, 'just take it into the living room, I haven't quite gotten around to buying a table plus I have no real need to get one.' His smile was so sweet, his big bluey green eyes, his perfectly messy bed hair. He definitely looked better than that night I saw him. He looked at lot healthier.

'Have you still been going to the gym?' I asked him as he sat next to be with his pancake and blueberries.
'Yeah, I stopped for a while but then that just made me feel shit, so I got pushed to start again,' he nodded, I didn't really know what to reply.
'Well I'm glad you are getting back into it,' it was slightly awkward... I knew that our break up took his toll on him, even though it was his fault. Well I suppose we never officially broke up, maybe that's what he is hanging on to.

'So do you want to go out somewhere today?' He asked me.
'Yeah, that would be nice,' I smiled.
'Okay,' he smiled, 'how about a walk in the park?' He suggested, I'm glad he didn't want to do anything too fancy, best to ease ourselves in.
'Yeah that'd be lovely,' I smiled.
'It sounds a bit creepy but I have a few of your clothes from the last time you stayed over,' he bit his lip and scratched the back of his neck.
'Okay,' I laughed.
'They're in my wardrobe, bottom right,' he chuckled awkwardly. He followed me into his bedroom and I gave him a puzzled look. 'Im just going to have a quick shower while you get dressed,' he laughed.

I squatted down to the bottom of his wardrobe, I at my reflection in the mirror on the wardrobe door and I caught James' reflection, I could see him getting undressed from the gap of the door that was slightly open. I quickly looked away as it felt a bit weird...staring at his half naked body, but I did catch a glimpse of his toned back. He is definitely still going to the gym!

I got changed into the clothes I left last time I stayed with James. It brought memories back of what we got up to that night. I saw a picture of me and James. One of the first photos we had ever taken together. It was framed and sat on his bedside table...which I guess wasn't too weird since we had never officially broken up- maybe I could say we were on a break. I hovered my thumb over our faces, over our smiles. Remembering what it was like to be truly in love, and thinking whether I still was or not. 'You okay?' James said from behind me making me jump out of my skin.
'God James, you just gave me a heart attack,' I put my hand on my chest and turned around to see him, practically naked apart from the towel wrapped very low around his waist.
'Oh sorry,' I blushed and looked away quickly.
'Its fine,' he laughed, 'remember that day?' He asked taking the picture from my hands, 'that was a good day.'

We stopped at Pret a Manger on the way to the park to pick up some lunch. We made small talk mostly about uni or the band. There was a couple of awkward silences but it was comfortable mostly. 'Hows your sister?' I asked.
'Yeah she's good. She's been asking for you,' he smiled down at me, 'I think she misses you.'
'Awh bless her, I do miss her too,' my heart melted at how cute she is.
'She wants to start getting twitter and Instagram and stuff,' he scratched the back of his neck, he always did that when he got nervous or worried, 'I just don't want the same thing to happen to her that to you, you know with the fans.'
'Yeah, it's hard to know what would happen,' I half smiled unsure of what to say.
'I told her that I don't want her to get it, but she started saying that it's unfair why should she be punished because of my job,' he said quite blankly.
'Maybe you should start her off with just Instagram, I find people on there tend to be a bit nicer,' I smiled trying to give him some advice, I 100% understood where Sophie was coming from but I also know that James is just trying to protect her.
'Yeah, I'll do that I think. Thanks,' he rubbed my back. It felt weird being with James again and have him touch me without wanting to be throw up, 'she really likes you, you know?' he smiled again, 'she's got a great judge of character,' he winked.
'I think she does,' I flicked my hair over my shoulders. We both laughed. There were no more awkward moments for the rest of the day, whenever there was a silence it's more peaceful like we were both thinking about something.

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