Chapter 29- Boys in Bands

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Lucy's P.O.V-

James knocked on the door holding a bunch of flowers in his hands. He didn't look great. He was pale, his eyes were bloodshot and his hair was a mess. But it wasn't that cute mess like he got after going to the gym or his bed hair. 'Are you okay?' I asked furrowing my eyebrows, he didn't even look that happy to see me after all this time. Maybe he had a rough flight.
'I think we need to talk, can we go upstairs?' He asked bluntly. I nodded, putting the flowers on the side and lead him up to my room. What was he talking about?

We sat on the edge of my bed and he took my hands in his and kept on kissing them. 'Oh Lucy, I love you.'
'I love you too,' I giggled. What is he doing? I thought.
'Theres something that I need to tell you but I want you to know I will always, always love you,' where's he going with up this? Has he got another tour? Is he moving to America for good? 'Im not going to make excuses and I'm not going to sugar-coat it... When I was staying in LA... I slept with another girl.'
'You what?!' My face dropped and I pulled my hands out of his, throwing his away.
'Im so sorry Lucy,' I pushed him off of the bed and he stood up, 'you said I would never loose you. I trusted you!'
'I never wanted to hurt you,' his eyes welled up.
'What is she an actress? A singer? A model?' I put my hand into a fist and hit his shoulder with every job I said.
'It wasn't like that,' he said.
'Well what was it like then? Well whatever she was, she must have been better than me. Am I not pretty and perfect enough for you? Do I not sleep with you often enough?' I shouted, 'just go!' By this point I was crying I couldn't stop it, I didn't even bother wipe them away, I just kept shouting. My makeup was all down my face.
'Please baby,' he pleaded.
'Don't call me that!' I shook my head in disgust, I couldn't even look at him, he came near me trying to wipe my tears, 'don't touch me James! Just leave!'
'Please Lucy,' I pushed him towards the door and he walked down the stairs. He stopped at the doorway, I was stood at the top of the stairs, he looked up to me and I felt a tear run down my cheek and I saw one run down his. I stopped mid way down the stairs. Nan came out of the living room startled by all of the shouting, she heard everything.
James looked at my Nan and said, 'sorry for everything,' he looked back up at me,'please.'
My Nan opened her mouth and I could see the pain in her eyes, 'my Granddaughter wants you to leave.' She trusted him and so did I.
He looked back up at me, then turned around and left.

I ran to Nan and she took me into her arms, 'he cheated on me Nan,' I cried into her clothes.
'I know sweetie,'
'I loved him Nan.'

She hugged me until the tears stopped. Although I didn't feel like stopping though I'm pretty sure there was no liquid left in my body to cry out. Nan made me a drink and I sat on the sofa, staring into space, sipping my drink. I trusted him. I loved him. I thought that he loved me to. I unlocked my phone and saw my whole lock screen full of messages from James saying things along the lines of, 'please come to my house', 'pick up your phone', 'please reply', 'I never wanted to hurt you', 'I love you so much.' I threw my phone on the floor, it didn't smash luckily but I didn't care at the time, I just couldn't believe him. I started to cry again and Nan came in, 'do you want me to get you some ice cream or chocolate?' She sat behind me and rubbed circles on my back.
'No it'll probably be best if I go myself, get some fresh air,' I took a deep breath in, ran my finger along my eyes and forced a smile.
'Okay love,' bring your phone incase you get stuck.
'Okay,' I tried to say but hardly any noise came out.

I grabbed the bunch of flowers off of the side and shoved it in the bin outside as I walked last. The sun was starting to go down, I walked down to Bert's ice cream stand. The place where I used to work. The place where I first met James. I sat with my back leaning against the shop and I hugged my knees as the sun set over the sea. I tried to rip off my necklace like in films, but it didn't really work it just hurt the back of my neck so I just took it off with my fingers, it took a while. I took it in my hand and looked at it for one last time and so many good memories came flooding back. I walked over to where the sea was a threw it into the sea. I have to admit it, I found it hard, hard to let go of him. I sat with my legs dangling off of the promenade hoping that my shoes wouldn't falls into the crashing waves below. I looked over to the pier, where James and I went on our first 'date'. I looked to the end and saw someone sitting on the bench, where I sat waiting for James that night. I squinted and made out the figure; it was James, he was sat with his head in his hands. I stood up and I ran, home, back to Nan's and I didn't stop until I was a safe distance away from him. If I was physically able to run the whole way home, I would have but I'm not that fit.

James' P.O.V-

I got in the back door. I stormed up to my room and paced around my room. I punched the wall and shouted 'why am I such a dick?!' I sat on the edge of my bed, lent over with my face in my hands to stop the tears from falling.
My mum rushed in, 'what's wrong James?' She rubbed my back and I didn't let anymore tears escape from my eyes.
'Ive messed it all up with Lucy, I'm not getting her back.'
'Im sure whatever argument you've had you can sort it James, don't worry,' she took my hand in hers, 'what on earth have you done?' She looked my knuckles.
'Don't worry about that,' I pulled my hand away, 'Mum it's my fault though....I cheated on her Mum.'
'Oh James why?' She still rubbed my back still which I was happy about, I thought she'd be ashamed of me or angry but she's my Mum I guess she has to be there.
'I don't know,' I wiped my eyes before any tears could come out, 'I think I might go back to London tonight, get some space,' I forced a smile.
'Are you sure?' She asked still rubbing my back to comfort me, 'you know, no matter what you do you're still my baby boy.'
I smiled at her, looking at her through watery eyes.

I stared out of the train window, the way the light was shining made it so I could see myself. I stared at my reflection, my watery eyes, bloodshot eyes and my red blotchy skin. But I couldn't look at myself without feeling sick. Why did I do it? I thought of why I did it the whole way there. And I couldn't find an answer. I was in a happy relationship with a girl that I love, I have never loved something so much. Why did I do it?

'Excuse me but are you from the vamps?' A teenaged girl who looked about 16 asked me from across the empty carriage, she sounded excited.
'Yeah I am,' I said completely emotionless, 'sorry if I seem like a dick, it's just not my day today,' I forced a smile despite sounding choked up.

I stopped off at the supermarket on the way home from the station to pick up some much needed alcohol. I wasn't a massive drinker but it was what I needed. I needed to try and forget about it. I called Lucy, I text her, I tried to get in contact with Charlotte but nothing. Nothing at all. So I gave up for the night, I turned off my phone, I didn't want to say anything I'd regret.

Lucy's P.O.V-

I was in FaceTime to Charlotte. 'Con he's calling me again!' She shouted to Connor in the other room.
'Just decline it and I'll text him in a bit to tell him to leave it,' he came and sat next to Charlotte. She left to go make tea leaving Con and I to talk for a while.
'Im sorry Lucy,' he half smiled.
'For what?' I asked.
'Just I never thought he'd do this,' he forced a smile.
'Me either,' almost cried.
'I was going to tell you, ya know. He only told me in the airport and of he didn't tell you the minute he got home I was going to tell you,' he tried to keep a smile.
'Thank you for being such a good friend to me,' it was true Connor is always there for me, well he is for everyone.
'Awh I wish I could just give you the biggest hug right now.'

Charlotte came in and Connor left. 'Keep that one,' I smiled.
'Will do,' she looked and he was standing in the doorway texting, probably James, he looked up and smiled sweetly at Charlotte.


I lay in bed. It felt weird not to get a goodnight call or text. I had forgotten what it was like to not be with James, it seemed like I couldn't remember life without him and his cuddles. I felt... Empty. I never slept that night, well not proper sleep. But I decided as I stared at the ceiling that I wasn't prepared to let this go, I wasn't going to forgive him. Some people would let someone throw them around like that, just forgive him because he said he was sorry. I'm not prepared to be messed around. Maybe the stereotype is right, boys in bands- just stay away.


Hey guys thanks for reading!

OMG it was my birthday on Friday and I got given tickets to see the vamps, anyone seeing them in London?

My exams are coming up, so I have been doing a lot more revision. I have some chapters written and saved, but once all of them have been added updates will slow down for a while so sorry about that.

Hope you are enjoying it, let me know your thoughts

Thanks, katie xx

Twitter- vampsxsugg - I'm looking for some new mutuals because my timeline seems a bit empty

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