Chapter 18- Bro-to-bro's and Soppy Phone Calls

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Lucy's P.O.V-

I've been back at Nan's for 2 days, back to work. Back to reality- a reality without James. Still not over that weekend with James, it was so amazing. Really. Still not over it. Like we were so cuddly and it felt so grow up...Oooh. I'm going to stop, sorry. But yeah. Anyway works been pretty busy this week as it's been pretty sunny, for England anyway. James has been away promoting their new single in all of the different radio stations across the country and has been writing and recording in some studio in London.

I looked down at the stone heart hanging around my neck and smiled.

James' P.O.V-

'Soooo how was your weekend with Lucy? Lucy wucy woo,' Tris asked as we walked out if the hotel.
'Please stop,' I rolled my eyes, 'it was really great actually.'
'Ooh Jamesy has a girly friend,' he teased.
'Yeah I do.'
'Oh is Jamesy in love?' He asked slapping my arse before skipping forward singing, 'Jamesy is in love, James is in love.'
'Yeah, I think I am,' I said under my breath so he didn't hear, 'piss off!' I shouted so he could hear.

My phone buzzed it was Lucy (speak of the devil). 'Hey, I'm just on my lunch break so I thought I'd give you a call.'
'Well thank you for doing that, I miss you,' I frowned.
'I miss you too.'
'I think I'm going to throw up,' Tris shouted so she could hear pretending to hold in his vomit.
'Who's that?' She laughed.
'Tris, just ignore him, that's what I usually do.'
'Oi!' Tris retorted.
'Just give me a minute, Tris. Please!' I said firmly.
'Jesus.' Lucy said.
I just laughed. 'I really enjoyed that day ya know, just us. I should do that more often.'
'You should.' We went quiet for a while I was just thinking about how maybe I do spend too much time online or share too much of my life. I can't help not sharing my relationship, I just want to tell everyone I see. I just want to shout about it. Note to self; that could make some good lyrics I need to remember that. 'Anyway I have to get back to work now, miss you.'
'Bye, miss you.'

'Miss you,' Tris mocked.
'Leave me alone,' I rolled my eyes.
'Awh is Jamesy annoyed, is he? Is he?' He ruffled my hair and spoke to me as if I was a dog.
'Do not retaliate, violence is never the answer,' I closed my eyes and whispered to myself causing Tristan to laugh.

We went back to the studio to find Con and Brad on office chairs kicking off of the walls, gliding around the room. This is the first time we have properly recorded with Connor and, as you can see, he fits right in. After going to the toilet and re-entering the room I saw; Con on his chair at one side of the small room and Brad at the other. 'Gladiators mount your horses for the jousting competition is about to take place,' Tris said in a deep voice, 'James you push Con, I'll push Brad.' I jumped behind Connor's chair, my legs in a lunging sort of position getting ready.
'In the left corner we have Tradley,' Tris said in his deep voice while Brad made whispering-crowd noises, 'and in the right we have...' Tris paused to think of a ship name, 'Jonnor!'
'5,4,3,2,1. Go, go, go!' I said in my best voice-over voice.
'Brace for impact!' Connor squealed curling up into a ball as he collided with Brad. I jumped away as the boys rebounded off of each other slightly. Brad just fell off of his chair.
'Boys!' Joe shouted from the hallway, 'stop now, you've had your fun. We have summer shows coming up and we don't want to have to wheel you all in on wheel chairs!' He joked with a slight seriousness to his voice.
'Sorry mate,' Brad shouted back.
'No you're not,' he replied. It was true- we'll probably find Brad doing it again in five minutes.

Con and Brad had to go through to the room and it was just me and Tris again in the little room. I was just scrolling through twitter, looking through all my mentions, seeing who I was supposedly dating or what I had supposedly done. Meanwhile Tris span around on his chair. He suddenly slammed his feet down so he'd stop making me jump slightly. 'You know when I was teasing you earlier, you know about Lucy?' I nodded before looking up from my phone. 'Well you do know I was only joking?'
'Yeah I know,' I laughed slightly- it's not like it's any different from what he is normally like.
'Well I just wanted to say that you can talk to me about anything anytime you need to or want to or whatever.'
'Thanks dude,' I slapped his shoulder. In all seriousness Tristan is always there, I tend to get myself down a lot over nothing, I just over think every tiny little insignificant (too many adjectives) little thing. Especially when it comes to girls- I always move too quickly and then it doesn't end up working out, but he's always there.

The two of us went into the other room to see how things were going after out little; bro-to-bro as we sometimes like to call them. It made me think through things with Lucy. Have I rushed it? Again. I hope not maybe I should talk to her about it. I think I'm going to do that.

I was sat in my hotel room alone. My finger was hovering over the green button next to Lucy's name. I don't even know why I'm nervous. Or what I'm going to talk about. Maybe that's why I'm nervous. I pressed the button and my stomach churned. 'Hey,' Lucy chimed.
'You alright?' I asked.
'Not bad, you?'
'Ur..yeah I'm fine.'
'You sure?'
'Urh yeah, I'm fine.' I wimped out.

We just talked about our days. She told me about strange encounters with customers and I told her about our jousting competition and the album and stuff. 'Jems are you sure you're okay?' She asked again 'you seem a'
'Yeah there is something that I wanted to talk about.'
'Oh is everything okay? Have I done something wrong?' I could hear the panic set into her shaky voice straight away.
'No no, nothing like that. I'm not breaking up with you or anything'
'Okay...' She sighed with relief, 'good, got a bit worried there for a second, what did you want to talk about then?'
'Well it's not really a big thing but I was talking to Tris earlier about relationships and stuff and I started to think about if I'm being too pushy. I don't want to be too clingy for you or whatever. This is what always happens with me and girls. I get too close but it ends up not working out. But I just feel different with you. I just really like you Lucy and I don't want that to happen with you too,' I rambled and rambled taking occasional deep sighs.
'Well that isn't going to happen a James.'
'Its not?' I beamed.
'No I love you James.'
'I love you too,' I smiled, 'it's just that I thought maybe you weren't comfortable or anything.'
'I'll tell you if I don't feel like I want to do something, I promise.'
'Thank you,' we continued to talk for about an hour before I felt my eyelids getting heavier and we decided to call it a night.


Hi thanks for reading 👍
I don't really like this chapter but oh well
Vote, comment, n' stuff
Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes or whatever

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