Chapter 6- The McVeys

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Lucy's P.O.V-
I was sat at work writing down some lyrics in my books, it was pretty quiet because it was only early. I found my self doodling hearts and thinking of James, how sad it's like I'm 12 years old writing about my crush in my note book. 'Ya know I never got that ice cream that time,' I heard a familiar voice from over the counter.
'Jaaames,' I called slamming my book shut before running out from behind the counter. I stood back for a second and he looked at me with open arms signalling for me to hug him. My face was against his chest, he smelt so good. 'I missed you,' he whispered into my hair with his lips pressed on my head, sending shivers down my spine.
'I missed you too,' I smiled against his chest.
'When are you fished work?,' he questioned breaking the hug. When he stepped away I realised how awkwardly long it was. 'In about 4 hours,' I sighed looking at my watch sitting back down behind the counter. 'Did you want that ice cream then?' I winked scooping out some caramel ice cream into a cone passing it to him. 'How about a movie night then? Tonight?' He smiled taking a lick of his ice cream.
'Yeah okay, I think I know where your house is,' I smiled.
'Well I'll see you straight after work, yeah?' He walked away backwards smiling back.
I opened up my book and continued as I was before thinking about later.
I walked into the public toilet looking at my windswept hair, nothing I could do now. Although it was quite warm the beach is always windy, it's England we are talking about. I knew where he lived because we drove past his house and he pointed it out. I walked up to the house I suspected was his, it was quite a new house. I walked up to the white door past a ginger cat laying in the sun. I rang the door bell, waiting, hoping I had the right house. 'Here she is,' James opened his arms for a brief hug. He was wearing a vest showing his toned chest and tracksuit bottoms that hung showing the elastic of his Calvin Kleins. 'Do you just want to go through there?' He gestured towards the open living room door, 'there are plenty of blankets so we can be cosy, I'll be there in a sec. I'm just getting some popcorn.' He smiled walking into what I guess is the kitchen. I sat down on the sofa, putting my bag on the floor next to me, pulling the blanket over my lap while looking around the room; it was quite modern definitely compared to my Nan's house anyway. I looked up above the fire to see a photo of him and his sister when they were younger, on one of those photo shoots your parents make you do - they looked so cute. 'What film do you want to watch then?' James plonked down next to me putting the large bowel of popcorn down on the coffee table. 'Urm I don't mind,' I took a hand full of the popcorn shoving it into my mouth. Attractive. James laughed, I knew he didn't mind; I loved that I could just be me around him. We spent the next 15 minutes scrolling through Netflix. 'I swear I spend more time on here trying to decide what film to watch than actually watching it,' he laughed.
'Yeah I'm the same, I'm soo bad with decisions,' I agreed laughing.
'Put on a Disney one,' he said taking the remote from my lap that I threw there in frustration. 'Ooh Hercules,' He said with excitement.
'I used to love that one,' We watched the film gradually making our way closer together, joining in on the songs. Bit of a duet. Until the film finished, 'Now which one?' I giggled.
'You know what I'm just going to put on a random film,' he laughed again pressing a clicking on a film. We watched the film cringing at how bad it was and predicting the predictable outcome. I was starting to dose in and out of sleep and didn't realise I had my head on James' shoulder (it felt so right) until he whispered, 'this is terrible', into my hair, like he did this morning. Again giving me goose bumps.
'I know' I agreed smiling. We continued in a comfortable silence just enjoy being with each other. My eyes were barley open and then I realised James was asleep, his chest was rising and falling, his breathing was slightly louder then he let out the out small snore, awh. I let myself drift off.
I was woken by the sound of the door unlocking and someone walking over to the other sofa in the living room, putting some bags down, trying to be quiet. I opened my eyes to see James' arm protectively around me and my head in his chest. I smiled at how cute he looked she he was asleep. I wiggled my way out of his arms, trying not to wake him but a small grumble left his lips. I tip-toed my way into the kitchen to see a women, with brown hair and eyes similar to James', sitting at the kitchen island taking a sip of tea. She almost spat her drink out when she saw me. 'Sorry I didn't mean to make you jump', I apologised, worrying- like I always do.
'Oh no you're fine hunny,' she smiled, 'tea?'
'Yes please,' she turned pouring the water out of the kettle, 'urm, sorry it must be weird to come home to find a stranger, on your son...' I stuttered but with a slight laugh.
'Well when you put it like that,' she laughed, 'oh no, James' talks about you NON stop, you don't feel like a stranger, you are Lucy right?' She doubted herself at the end.
'Yeah I am,' I beamed, I can't believe he talks about me to his Mum, 'he really talks about me.'
'Yeah only a few time,' she said with a hint of sarcasm. We continued to talk over tea and biscuits. The first time I met his Mum I had bed hair, bed hair! As soon as I noticed this I put my hair up into a quick messy bun. 'He's a heavy sleeper isn't he?' I said finished my hair, looking through to see him still asleep on the sofa.
'Yeah,' she laughed slightly, 'you know he does think the world of you,' she continued while I smiled, 'he hasn't had that many proper girlfriends before.'
'Oh we aren't like together- together, we aren't like... boyfriend and girlfriend,' I said awkwardly looking down and my almost finished tea.
'Well he should really get on that one,' she smiled.
We continued to talk for a while just about university and school and my nan and things. 'Oh here he comes,' I looked over to see James stumble in rubbing his eyes, 'sleeping beauty will awaken.' His mum joked as he made his way over to her giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek, he probably hasn't seen her for a while as he has been at Tristan's. Their relationship was cute, it made me miss my Mum though, I haven't spoken to her as much as I should have. But I'm having a birthday BBQ next week and my whole family is coming, I can't wait to see them all again. He and his Mum spoke about the band, the label and other stuff- I couldn't really follow what they were saying. Not that it's any of my business. 'I have been speaking to the lovely Lucy while you were asleep' his Mum snapped me out of my thoughts.
'Oh lovely eh?' James biting his lip and wiggling his eyebrows jokingly, making me blush and look down. 'Oh she's gone all red,' he put his hand on my cheek stroking it a bit with his thumb slightly, if his Mum wasn't there I would have grabbed his hand but she was so... I refrained myself. James pulled his hand away, I think I remembered his Mum too. He smiled at her awkwardly. 'Remember we have that meal booked this evening, so you need to make your self look presentable,' her eyes looked over him to see his attire, 'oh and be a dear and pick up your sister from her friends house,' she walked out of the door. 'Come on then best get you home.' He smiled grabbing my fingers and dragging me into the living room.
James' P.O.V-
I started up the car and started to drive to Lucy's Nan's place. I decided not to turn on the music so we could just talk, we ended up crying with laughter, as per usual, 'Stop, I need to concentrate on driving,' I wiped the tear forming in my eye.
'Okay, okay- I can't help I'm so damn funny,' she tried to sound sassy.
'You are so the sassy girl in the pink T-shirt emoji right now,' I said sending her into uncontrollable laughter, she found everything so funny once she had started laughing there was no stopping her. We I pulled over outside the terraced house, 'see ya later,' she opened the car door; I would normally open it for her but I'm running late. 'Ba bye,' I smiled, 'oh and oh Lucy.'
'Yees,' she dragged out bending down so her head that was in the door.
'When is your birthday?' I asked. I need to get her something good to make it special.
'A week today,' she smiled, 'I'm having a birthday BBQ slash family gathering thing if you want to come?'
'Yeah I'd love to,' I smiled, it was sweet that she wanted me to meet her family, 'I'll see you then' I added.
'Well hopefully I'll see you before then,' she laughed standing up so she could walk away.
'Oh and Lucy,' I said similarly to earlier.
'Yees,' she rolled her eyes.
'You look pretty,' I complimented her, although I knew she found it awkward, as she has told me before, I knew she liked it really. And she did look pretty. She always did, even with bed hair! I was expecting me to blush too but I didn't, I must be getting more confident around her or something, I don't know. 'Stop,' she smiled with crimson cheeks pulling her bag on her shoulder walking away. I waited there just to make sure she got in okay, I wasn't checking her out as she walked away or anything. She put her key in her door, turned the handle and turned her head around. 'I can feel your eyes on me Jems,' she shouted from the door. I blushed and she stuck her tongue out; cheeky.
I drove to my little sister, Sophie, friend's house where she had stayed over night to collect her to go to this little family meal we are having tonight with our parents. I knocked on the door, made small talk with the Mum as Sophie made her way downstairs. She chucked her bag on the backseat and got in next to me. We sung to Taylor Swift and my phone vibrated from the cup holder, I saw my sister look at the screen and go to pick it up. 'Don't. You. Dare,' I gave her the evils, well it more looked like I gave the road evils but I would have looked at her if it was possible. 'Ooh hiding something James? It must be a girl,' she said smugly picking up the phone, so I flicked her on the temple, 'OW, that actually hurt!' She said putting her hand where I flicked her. 'Good.' I raised my head up purposely trying to act like a child. 'Ooh a message from "Luce" eh? "Thanks for having me around today it was a lot of fun, we definetly should defiantly do it again soon, oh and a smiley face oh and oh... One, two three, four, five kisses,' she smirked.
'Give that to me!' I tried to tickle her and grab it out of her hand.
'One of these days you're going to crash this car, I swear,' she laughed putting the phone back down to its original spot. I tried to act annoyed for the rest of the short journey home, I didn't even sing to Taylor Swift.

We arrived at the restaurant, my Dad was driving so I decided to put my headphones in and not make conversation. I knew between my mum and sister I was going to be bombarded with questions. We sat our table, ordered our food and were waiting for it to arrive. 'So,' my Mum looked at me, I could see where this was going. 'James has a girlfriend,' Sophie burst out, I gave her some look.
'No correction: she told me they aren't actually properly together.' My mum stated.
'So when is this going to change,' my sister put her elbow on the table which supported her chin and she looked at me all wide eyed. I rolled my eyes. 'Dunno,' I shrugged.
'That's it,' she questioned -she really knew how to annoy me or push my buttons I believe that is what they say, 'dunno,' she said in a deep voice, shrugging her shoulders, imitating me. 'Look son if you like her, just ask her,' my Dad put his hand on my shoulder, 'what have you got to loose?' He patted my shoulder.
'I need the toilet,' I stood up and walked over to the men's. I didn't, I just needed space. God they can be annoying. Should I ask her?

Hopefully this is a better update than the last one :/
Thanks for reading
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Katie xxx
(If there are any spelling mistakes or anything let me know👍)
Twitter- @ _vampedx

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