Chapter 23- Shout About It

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James' P.O.V-

I got out of the shower to the sound of Brad trying to teach Sophie some guitar chords. He's been staying with us for three days now and he's not leaving for another few days. Mum and Dad are staying with my grandparents. Sophie has been spending a lot of time sleeping over at her friends house as she is on her summer holidays still. But Lucy has been spending a lot of time with us. It's not what you'd expect- teenagers with the house all to themselves. We're not exactly the party type; like take a couple of nights ago for example, we watched movies and took it in turns to throw grapes in each other's mouths...yeah.

I walked into the living from and my sister smiled up from the guitar. 'Hows it going kiddo?' I asked her.
'Good,' she was distracted by playing her guitar. Brad chuckled to me.

'Sophieeee,' I dragged, calling from the kitchen.
'Yeeeaaaah,' she shouted back.
'Are you staying at what's her face's house tonight?'
'Yeaah, can you drop me in a bit?'
'Yeah no problem.' I carried on making myself some food.

Brad and I are going to do some major writing today. But currently I'm in the car with Sophie having a sing along. 'Right have fun kiddo,' I said passing her pillows and her bag out of the boot, 'text me when you want to be picked up.'
'Okay, see you tomorrow,' she smiled, walking up to her friends door I waved at her Mum and then got into the car. I called Lucy, 'hey Brad and I are writing today and I wondered-', I heard her sniffle, 'are you crying?'
'What? No I'm fine.' Her voice was deep like when you get a lump in your throat when you cry.
'Right okay, sure?' I asked.
'Yeah,' she sighed shakily.
'Right I'll talk to you later then.'

Lucy's P.O.V-

I try to keep myself away from it, but I can't help myself. I scroll threw my mentions and repeatedly see pictures of James and I yesterday in the airport. But it's not just that, that's not the problem- it's all the comments. As I read through all of the 'why are they together?! James could do so much better!', 'ugly...ew ew ew', 'bitch', 'is that James' gf or something I scraped off the bottom of my foot? Ha!'

Things like 'You're better than them, James loves you, they are just pathetic.' But with every positive thought that enters my head a ton of negative ones follow, 'maybe they're right. James doesn't love me, he could any girl he wants so why would he choose me? They are right.' I put my duvet above and continued scrolling through the photos I'm tagged in on Instagram. I tried to stop the tears, even hearing James on the phone didn't make anything better, I don't want him to feel guilty. What if he gets annoyed with me crying over this, or realises that he could do better and leaves me. By the sounds of him on the phone he doesn't care anyway.

There was a knock at the front door and I heard my Nan talking and a deep voice. I came out from beneath my covers to try and listen in but I couldn't really hear much over my heavy breathing 'Knock, knock,' James stuck his head around the door. I quickly wiped my tears and cleared my throat.
'Awh baby you are crying,' he walked over to me giving me a hug and I burst into tears in his arms, 'shush, it's okay gorgeous,' he held me tight, rubbing my back. I calmed down a bit before saying, 'I'm not good enough for you,' and bursting into tears again, 'don't worry I'm just being pathetic.'
'I was afraid this was going to happen, please don't listen to them,' he looked at me and wiped my eyes.
I breathed out shakily, 'you're the best James.'
'Now, I brought a little something. I thought this was quite the emergency.' He took two spoons and some Ben and Jerry's ice cream out of a Tesco shopping bag. 'Here,' he passed me a spoon and then kicked his shoes off and we made a tent with the quilts- this time it was a much happier place.

After about an hour of venting out to each other (well mostly I did, but he didn't seem to mind) James decided to leave as he told a Brad he'd only be five minutes. 'As soon as you feel the tiniest, little bit down, call me. Please.'
'Okay James, thank you,' I kissed him.
'Its nothing,' brushed it off.
'It is to me though,' I kissed him again, 'thank you.'

James left my room and stopped to talk to Nan, they laughed and then I heard the door shut. I smiled and saw my phone flash. It was a message from him and it said simply, 'You mean so much to me.'
As I read the message a notification from him flashed at the top of my screen, 'TheVampsJames: this needs to stop. Where is hurting people I love going to get to you? Pathetic. You're not fans.' I didn't know what to say or do so I didn't do anything. I favourited the tweet. Then I saw his follow up tweet, 'TheVampsJames: But you have inspired a song.'

James' P.O.V-

'This is coming together nicely,' Brad rubbed his hands together looking over his notes. I explained everything to him, he understands he's been through it, 'we should play it to Lucy,' Brad suggested.
'Great idea,' I picked up my phone and FaceTimed Lucy.
'Hey,' she smiled looking much happier.
'We have a song to play you, just want your input.'
Brad went to his keyboard and I grabbed my guitar and we both cleared our throats.
'If you want words to put your mind at rest tonight,
Come shout about it.
We can talk for a hundred miles and drive
Where you're less surrounded.
Cause I can see that the candle you hold inside
Has a cloud around it.
How can a heart like yours be that high and dry
When it burns the brightest.
I'm so sorry I can't stop myself from staring at you,
When you're tired and blue, my dear.
It's just any reason I get to be closer to you,
I wanna shout about it, Oh, I wanna shout about it.
Beneath the window and the water that's in your eyes
That's where I know you're hiding. There's a smile that could light up a thousand lives
And you need reminding.
Tell me your fears, don't let 'em live a life alone
Let me share the burden.
Cause here beside you there's a man you better know know know
Who you can confide in.
I'm so sorry I can't stop myself from staring at you,
When you're tired and blue, my dear.
It's just any reason I get to be closer to you,
I wanna shout about it, Oh, I wanna shout about it.
I'm not saying, all I do
Will make everything you touch turn to gold
I'm just waiting to pull you through I'll take a little off the load
Yeah, any reason I get to be close to you.
Wanna shout about it.
I'm so sorry I can't stop myself from staring at you
When you're tired and blue, my dear.
It's just any reason I get to be closer to you,
No I'm gonna shouts oh if you didn't get that about it,
Oh, I wanna shout the loudest.'

I opened my eyes and looked at my phone screen to see Lucy smiling from ear to ear. 'You liked it?'
'I loved it,' she smiled.
'Well, it about you...' I rubbed the back of my neck, 'if you didn't get that.'
'Well I got it,' she laughed, 'thank you.'

I moved our of the room so I could talk to Lucy for a while, without Brad's interference. 'I better get going,' she said.
'Yeah me too, better get back to ma boy,' I said in a weird voice.
'You're an idiot,' she laughed, 'the song was beautiful James.'
I tried to deflect the compliment, 'no, no it's not completely finished yet or anything.'
'Well it was.'
'Well it was about a beautiful person,' I smiled.
'You're so cheesy,' her cheeks went red.
'But you love it,' I grinned.

Here's a little extra chapter because 5K!
Thanks for reading and voting
Katie xx
Twitter- vampsxsugg
(Sorry if the lyrics are wrong I just copied them off the internet because cba to write it out)

Caramel Summer- A James Mcvey/ The Vamps FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now