Chapter 33- Publicity, Percy Pigs and Pedalos

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James' P.O.V-

I anxiously tapped the table in front of me as I listened to my phone ring out. I was on the train on the way to a meeting. 'Hey,' Lucy beamed down the phone.
'Hey, you alright?' It had been a couple of days since I last saw Lucy, I wanted to leave it a little while, I didn't want to seem too clingy or make her feel that it is too much.
'Yeah I'm good thanks... Do you want to like meet up this afternoon, go for lunch maybe?' She asked me. It felt so good to have her ask me.
'Yeah,' I chuckled.
'What?' She laughed a little.
'Oh I was just going to ask you the same thing,' I laughed again, 'so...are you asking me on a date or?' I joked.
'If you want it to be,' she giggled, 'what time you free?'
'I have a meeting until 3:00 but after that I'm all yours.'
'Right,' she laughed a little bit, 'I have an essay to finish off today but you can come around and we can go out after?'
'Am I actually allowed on campus?'
'Yeah,' she laughed.
'Well sounds like a plan.' We spoke for a little while longer before I had to get to get off of the train.

I waited in the reception of the building the meeting was being held in, I was greeted by Joe as per usual I was the first of the band to arrive. The meeting wasn't anything exciting just about...I don't know I wasn't really listening. I heard something about marketing and publicity. I hate meetings about marketing, makes me feel weird... Like I'm an object being sold...I don't know. 'James!' Joe snapped me out of my rambling thoughts. We were walking around the building and Joe was going off on one.
'Oh yeah sorry,' I looked up at him from my seat. All the other boys had gone and there was only me and a few other people that I didn't recognise.
'Were you listening to anything I just said?' He asked sternly. Joe's a laugh most of time but when he comes down to it he wants to get the work done.
'Yeah, I was,' I nodded.
'Okay sorry, so you're good for the next meeting?'
'Urm when is that again?' I rubbed the back of my neck.
'For god sake James what is wrong with you today?' He was starting to sound frustrated, I shrugged my shoulder, 'oh it's not another girl is it?'
'N-no I'm not seeing anyone,' I lied...well I kind of lied. I don't know what I'm doing anymore.
'Alright...' He looked at me, as if he was trying to figure something out, 'just promise me that you won't go back to that place you were before, it scares me when you're like that.'
'I won't,' I slapped his back in an attempt to shrug off what he has said, it scared me too. But I did it to myself. It was my fault. We said our goodbyes and walked our separate ways.
'Oh and James!' He called and I turned around, 'Thursday, the meeting is Thursday.'
'Thanks mate,' I turned around and smiled to myself.

I was sat on the tube avoiding eye contact with the man opposite me by reading the train map above his head. I was counting how many stops I was away from Lucy when I realised, I was getting further away from it, 'shit,' I muttered under my breath.
I decided to send Lucy a text:
Urm....might have gotten on Westbound instead of eastbound, so might be a lil later than expected sorry :')xx
I wasn't sure how many kisses to go for, I thought two was a good number; it says more than friends but not too eager. Well the message didn't send until I got to the Overground anyway...because you know being under the ground and all of that.

My phone buzzed in my pocket:
What a numpty, lemme know when you get near and I'll show you around xx

I made my way towards Lucy's university campus where she was staying for her first year. I approached and spotted her. We chatted and she walked me over to the building she was staying in. It wasn't that nice but it wasn't horrible. It kind of reminded me of a placed you'd stay on a primary school adventure holiday. We walked up a flight of stairs until we got to a floor with a small communal room with a even smaller kitchen joint onto it. 'Do you want a cup of tea?' Lucy sweetly smiled up at me.
'I'd love one,' I smiled back staring into her eyes for longer than I probably should have.

She led me down the hall to the little room. 'Oh Lucy is bringing all the guys home is she?' A guy asked who was sitting on the white leather sofa looking up from his laptop.
'Rob this is James,' Lucy rolled eyes introducing me to this Rob person.
'Oh...' His eyes grew wide not knowing what to say and he swore under his breath.
'Right I'll go make that tea,' Lucy said awkwardly leaving the room.
Rob removed his laptop from his lap, stood up and took a few steps forward over to me and sticking his hand out for me to shake it. He shook firmly with a tight grip, he yanked me closer towards his chest and said quietly so only we could hear, 'be very careful.'
I nodded once firmly, not wanting to seem threatened but it definitely shook me.

Caramel Summer- A James Mcvey/ The Vamps FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now