Chapter 25- The Ed Sheeran Concert

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Lucy's P.O.V-
I woke to the sound of birds tweeting outside the window and the noise of James' heavy breathing next to me. I smiled at how cute a peaceful he looked. I draped my arm over his side and drew circles on his bear back. I kissed his head and watched the corners of his mouth turn into a smile. 'Morning gorgeous,' I cupped his cheek with my hand and pecked his nose.
'Have I over slept?' I grumbled rubbing his eyes.
'No,' I smiled.
'Its very unlike you to be awake before me,' he sat up and put his arm around me.
'Im just excited,' I grinned, cuddling into him.
'Hmm, what for?' He teased screwing his eyebrows, 'for Brad going home?'
'Noo,' I laughed.
'My Mum and Dad are coming home?'
'James, stop. I'm talking about Ed Sheeran!' I laughed burring my face in his chest.
'Ooh yeah, I forgot about that concert,' he poked my in the side and I wiggled around.

James' P.O.V-

I sat at the kitchen island looking over at Lucy making us some pancakes. She looks so adorable with her hair in a bun, one of my grey jumpers and with some little pj shorts poking out of the bottom. 'Can I just say how cute yet hot you look today,' I walked up behind her.
'Urm, hmm... You may,' she said not turning to me but I could tell by the tone of her voice that see was smiling.
'Well you look ve-' her heard Sophie walk down the stairs and stepped away from Lucy, I didn't want her to see anything that she didn't want to see again. Ever. Lucy gave me a confused looks to as why I stepped away, I mouthed 'Sophie' and she nodded understanding and her mouth went into an 'o' shape.

'Hey kiddo you want some pancakes?' I shouted.
'Ooh yes please!' She walked through the door. I dropped Brad to the station and spent the rest of my morning with my two girls. I tweeted a photo of our pancakes and the aftermath with the caption, 'good times with my favourite lil rats.' Lucy went back to her Nan's for a while to spend some thine with her and get ready for tonight.

Mum and Dad were home, I felt on edge. I was praying Sophie wouldn't mention it. I mean they know that I'm in a relationship that I'm pretty serious about but I don't want them to know that Sophie has seen anything. 'Sophie tells me Lucy has been around,' Mum sat next to me on the settee, my heart was in my throat.
'What did she say?' I asked.
'Just that she seemed really nice,' She smiled.
'Yeah she is,' I smiled back.

I knocked on Lucy's door and her Nan answered, 'hello James,' she smiled, 'HE IS HERE, HURRY UP!' She called up the stairs and I heard a faint 'coming' in response.
'How are you?' she turned back to me.
'Good thanks,' I smiled, 'and you?'
'Just fine, lovey. Now you'll look after her tonight won't you?'
'Yeah of course, is it cool if she stays at mine tonight? We'll be getting back late,' I smiled up at Lucy.
'Yeeah that would be really cool and awesome and whatever young people say these days.'
'Nan stop trying to be down with the kids,' Lucy made air quotations with her free hand, the hand that wasn't carrying her bag.
'I am down with the kids, I'm hip, I'm a hipster,' she kind of did this weird movement with her arm.
'You are really not Nan,' Lucy put her overnight bag down and gave her Nan a hug. I picked up her bag and put it on my shoulder.

'Ready?' She asked smiling.
'Lets go see Ed Sheeran then,' we walked out of the house. I slung her bag into the boot and then sat down beside her.
'You look really pretty,' I complimented and her cheeks reddened.
'Thanks, you don't look bad yourself,' she complimented me back.
'Cheers honey,' I removed my hand from the gear stick and rubbed her back briefly.

We sang along to Ed the whole way in the car. 'I can't believe that we hardly knew each other when you bought me the tickets,' she smiled gripping my thigh.
'I felt like I knew you though,' I held onto her hand, 'I wanted to know you so bad,' I smiled without taking my eyes off of the road. I could feel her eyes on me. 'Speaking of the tickets,' I started patting all my pockets, 'shit.'
'James, where are they?' She panicked.
'Just kidding they're in my jacket, its on the back seat,' I chuckled and she looked around to the seats.
'James there isn't a jacket on the back seat,' she said in a stern voice.
'There isn't? Shit,' I said in a panicked tone, 'Just kidding my jacket in the boot, definitely.'
'I hate you,' she said bluntly folding her arms and faced forward.
'Awh baby don't be like that,' I wiped my hand around her face.
'You just can't make jokes like they,' she crossed her arms tighter and I glanced to see her trying not to laugh.

She kept the joke up the rest of the way to the arena. 'How about I make it up to you by taking you to see Ed Sheeran?' I asked wiggling my eyebrow.
'Hmm I guess that would make me feel better.'


The concert was absolutely amazing. Lucy had a few drinks so she was a little on the tipsy side, I don't she she was used to drinking yet, I'm not a massive drinker anyways. I hadn't had anything to drink so I was just laughing at her giggling, singing and bad jokes. 'Stop saying thank you,' I chuckled.
'Ive just had an amazing night,' she laughed.
We carried on singing along to Ed at the top of our lungs.

I unlocked the front door and we made our way up to my room. 'Shhh,' I hushed Lucy laughing.
'Sorry,' she laughed faintly back, I gave Lucy her bag and I sat on my bed, 'where can I dressed?' She whispered.
'Here,' I winked.
'James,' she whispered blushing.
'Its nothing I haven't seen before.'
'I just don't feel comfortable.Can you just not look?' she blushed.
'Its going to be hard but I'll try not to,' I said in a hushed tone and I stripped down to my boxes and lay in the bed trying to to look.

'Awh you look so cute,' I said looking at her little ice cream pj shorts.
'Thanks,' she whispered sitting next to me, she wiped off her makeup and cuddled into me. I kissed her cheek, 'ew your face is still wet,' I laughed.
'Yeah,' she whispered back, 'night Jem,' she closed her eyes.
'Night beautiful,' I shuffled down into a comfortable position for me trying not to disturb her.

Thanks for 6k guys!
Hope you are having a nice half term if you're from the UK, and have a nice Easter weekend.
Only recently, when I was looking through my demographics did I realise how many people who read this are from different counties. I don't know why I haven thought about it but that's pretty cool. Comment where you are from:)

Katie :)xx
Twitter- vampsxsugg

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