Chapter 24- Ready?

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James' P.O.V-

Sophie was back and cooking in the kitchen and Brad was out doing...I don't know what, clothes shopping I think. 'Sophie so you're cooking for four right?' I lent against the kitchen doorframe.
'Four? there's only three of us though...' She turned around slightly confused.
'I thought that Lucy could come around for tea...would you mind that?'
'No that'd be nice,' she carried on chopping some veg.
'Okay, cool,' I walked out smiling to myself.

I was listening to music in my room and I texted Lucy inviting her around. Sophie shouted, 'I'm just popping to the shops to get some other ingredients and I might make a cake if that's okay.'
'Yeah my wallets on the side if you need some money,' I shouted back.
'Kay thanks,' I heard the back door slam shut.

I heard the doorbell ring and I ran down the stairs. 'Hey baby,' I put on a deep voice and lent against the door frame.
'Oh god,' she laughed, 'hey James.'
'Come on,' I led her up the stairs, 'I've missed your laugh.'
'You only saw me yesterday,' she laughed.
'I know, it's just nice to see you not all sad.'
'You're cute,' she smiled.

We were sat on my bed, cuddling, listening to music and then we started kissing. She
pulled away just as it got deeper, I opened my eyes to see her smiling slightly, I gave her a confused look. 'I think I'm ready,' she gave me a shaky smile.
'Like ready, ready?' I raised my eyebrows.
'Yeah,' she laughed.
'Right, yeah, okay cool,' I sat up a bit and cleared my throat, 'but only if you're sure.'
'Yeah I love you and you love me, right?'
'Right,' I smiled and turned up the music, 'and you're sure?'
'Yes, why are you not?' She laughed slightly.
'No, no I'm ready. I have like... Always been ready, I'm just checking.'


She lay with the duvets covering her chest just with her shoulders showing. I lay on my side tucking strands of hair behind her ears, 'you okay beautiful?'
'More than okay,' she smiled.
'Good,' I lent over her and kissed her.
'Did I it right?' She asked awkwardly laughing slightly breaking us apart.
'Yeah, yeah you did,' I chuckled.
'Okay good,' she laughed and kissed me.

The door opened we both abruptly broke apart looking up, 'OH MY GOD, Sorry'' Sophie looked away and slammed the door shut.
'Well I guess you just met my little sister.' I laughed awkwardly before sitting at the side if the bed getting changed. I walked to the toilet, I heard Brad and Sophie talking downstairs in the kitchen, 'I just was going to tell him we were both home but he was in bed with a girl,' she laughed in a cringey way, 'with no clothes on!'
Brad started laughing loads, 'get in Jamesey boy!'
'This isn't funny I'm going to have to wash my eyes out with soap,' she said sternly and they both laughed.

I went back into my room to find Lucy dressed and looking at a bruise on her neck in the mirror. I behind-hugged her and rested my chin on my neck and whispered 'oops.'
'Seriously James what am I going to do with this?' She laughed.
'Here,' I pulled all of her hair onto one side of her neck and she brushed it, 'come on' let's go face them I laughed.

We walked into the dining room to see Brad and Sophie sitting next to each other at the table eating the meals with two plates of food opposite them. 'How nice of you to joins us,' Brad smiled trying to keep his face straight.
'Oh shut up Brad,' I pulled Lucy's chair out and we both sat down.
'I see James likes to mark his territory,' Brad looked at Lucy's neck and they both did that thing where you try to hold your laughter but you can't and that noise bursts out from the back of your throat, you know the thing.
'Brad!' I snapped, and put my hand on Lucy's shoulder to comfort her.
'Sorry,' he laughed putting his hands up and Sophie laughed. I glared at her.

After our awkward meal we awkwardly sat on the sofa watching the TV. 'Right I'm going to get a board game,' Brad stood up from the sofa , breaking the silence and walked to the door, 'wait, I don't know where the board games are.'
'Come on,' I showed him where all the board games are. I walked back down the stairs and stopped to listen into Lucy and Sophie talking.
'I don't think we got off to the best of starts,' my sister said breaking their silence, I moved so I could see them both through the crack in the door.
'Yeeah, can we start again?' Lucy asked, 'redo?'
'I think that would be best,' Sophie laughed, she held out her hand and shook Lucy's hand, 'nice to meet you I'm Sophie,' she giggled.
'Why that's a lovely name, I'm Lucy, very nice to meet you indeed,' she said in a posh voice and they both burst out laughing.
'Indeed,' they were still shaking hands firmly, too firmly. They both burst out laughing again. I smiled to myself, them two getting on is probably the best feeling in the world.

I stood in the door frame and Lucy smiled up at me. I sat down on the floor in between them both, I messed up Sophie's hair as I sat down, 'hey kiddo.'
'Oi James,' she fixed her hair, 'I'm not a little kid anymore you know.'
'I know,' I half smiled realising how much she was growing up. I wrapped my arms around both of their neck and pulled them into me, 'I'm going to beat both you rats.'

After playing the board game (Brad won) we all decided to go to bed. I knocked on Sophie's door to say good night, I opened the door and she shut the book she was reading. I sat on the end of the bed. I sighed, 'About earlier tod-'
'-we don't have to talk about this, how about we never talk about that ever again,' she interrupted.
'Good idea,' I laughed awkwardly scratching the back of my neck, 'and the dinner was lovely by the way.'
'Good change of subject,' she knew what I was doing.
'Right, night Soph,' I walked out of her room.
'Night,' she said as I was about to walk out of the room, 'and Jems, no more funny business, I don't want to see or hear anything like that ever again.'
'Understood,' I stepped out of her room, 'oh,' I poked my head through the door, 'how much is this going to cost me for you to keep this quiet?'
'Depends how badly you want me to keep this from Mum and Dad,' she smirked, 'I'm sure we could negotiate a deal.'

I shook my head laughing to myself and walked back into my room. I climbed into bed next to Lucy, 'you okay?' She asked.
'Yeah I'm fine,' I chuckled slightly. I pulled her into my chest and kissed the top of her head, 'night Lucy loo,' I whispered drifting off into a sleep. She rubbed her feet on my legs and I jolted back, 'bloody hell Lucy, your feet are freezing!' I whispered.
'Sorry I can't get them warm!'
'Its fine I'll be your radiator,' I drifted back off with our feet tangled together at the bottom of the bed.

Sorry guys I don't know how to write this stuff:'') and I don't know if you want it either
Thanks for voting and commenting
Also what are some good vamps books, I'm on half term and need something to do!
Katie xx

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