Chapter 37- Cheesy

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James' P.O.V-

I woke up to find Lucy already awake and scrolling through her phone with the duvet , she locked it and put it on the cabinet next to her when she realised I was awake. She moved closer to me and I wrapped my arms around her to pull her in. 'Ooh hello,' she giggled and I smirked back remembering last night. She was still sitting up slightly so she ran her fingers through my hair, pushing it off of my forehead. I grabbed my phone off of the side to check the time that's when I saw a notification on my lock screen 'family meal today'. 'Oh shit,' I mumbled.
'What?' Lucy asked with her hands still in my hair.
'Since we are going away for a while all of mine and the boys' family are meeting up for a meal in Birmingham -just as a goodbye,' I explained trying to look up at her, which was hard given the position we were in.
'Aw that's so cute, it's fine I can just go shopping or something while you're gone,' she smiled.
'Don't be stupid, I want you to come with me,' I wriggled up so I was the same level as her, 'plus that means I get to spend even more time with you,' I pecked her cheek.

I climbed out the bed butt naked and was about to swiftly walk to the ensuite to have a shower, 'you do know you're naked right?' Lucy laughed.
'Nothing you haven't seen before,' I winked and went to have my shower. I didn't look back but she was probably blushing.

I returned from the shower, only in some sweatpants, to find Lucy laying on the sofa watching Cash in the Attic or some rubbish like that, 'we don't have to go until like 3:00 so what do you want to do until then?' I joined her, she was wearing one of my hoodies that was even big on me so it came down to her knees and she probably wasn't wearing much under that.
'How about nothing?' She suggested.
'Sounds alright to me,' I laughed.
She sat up, resting her head on my shoulder, 'I'm going to miss this,' she sighed.
'And I'm going to miss those chubby cheeks,' I said in a weird voice, squishing her cheeks together and pecking her lips in an attempt to lighten the mood.
'You're so cute,' she laughed. I'm glad that it took her mind off of me leaving.

'I'm going to go make us some tea,' Lucy slipped out of our cuddle after an hour or so. She walked over to the kitchen and I sneakily followed her over picking up a tea towel. When she was bent over getting some tea bags I crept up behind her and smacked her around the arse with the tea towel. 'Jamesss!' She yelped, 'you're such a dick!'
I laughed, 'you're so annoying,' she pushed my shoulder, which made me laugh at her attempt to hurt me.
'I'm going to get you back,' she said sternly, returning to her tea making.

I engulfed her in a behind hug, 'you wouldn't want to do that to your sweet boyfriend would you?' I questioned.
She turned around to face me, grasping harshly onto my neck, 'Oh believe me he isn't that sweet.'
I bit my bottom lip slightly just because I knew what it did to her. Then she kissed me roughly which is a side that I don't often see of Lucy but I am always extremely happy to see it. 'Jump,' I mumbled into her neck, she did as I said and wrapped her legs around me and I placed her on the kitchen counter. I was about to pull the hoodie over her head when the door bell rang and Lucy stopped and looked around. 'Carry on they'll go away,' I kissed her neck.
The door bell kept on repeatedly ringing, 'James they're not leaving.'
'Okay, I'll sort it,' I sighed breaking away from her, 'I'll be back in one second, don't move.'
I as walked over to the door the bell was being pressed like three times a second, 'okay, okay, one second I'm coming,' the bell continued to ring, 'I'm coming Jesus Christ!' I yelled.

I looked through the eye whole on the door to see Tris, Brad and Con all with suit cases, 'how can I help?' I said sarcastically as I opened the door.
'You said you'd drive us tonight,' Con explained.
'Oh shit,' I paused, 'I did didn't I.'
'Did we interrupt something?' Brad laughed.
'No not at all,' I lied, 'go and just sit on the sofa I'll be with you in a second.'
'Well by the looks of your dick we did,' Brad kept a straight face but the other boys laughed.
I looked down to see my grey bottoms bulging. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks, God how embarrassing.

Caramel Summer- A James Mcvey/ The Vamps FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now