Chapter 16- Night Out

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Lucy's P.O.V-

The light broke through the curtain disturbing my sleep. I smiled against his chest, we must have moved through the night. Mornings would be better if they I woke up like this everyday. I wriggled out of his arms trying not to wake him. I ran my fingers through his messy, dirty-blonde, bed head. I lightly kissed him on the forehead and his eyes fluttered open. 'Morning,' he said in a husky morning voice, 'I could get used to this.' He sat up, pulled me in closer and kissed the top of my head.
'Come on, let's get up, before my parents see.' I kissed his cheek.
'Oh are they not okay,' he jerked away slightly.
'No it's okay,' I comforted him, 'they just aren't really used to it Jay,' I rested my hand on his chest and he bent down and lightly kissed my lips. I repeatedly ran my fingers through his messy hair pushing it off if his forehead.
'Okay good, I just didn't want to be like, I dunno...' He paused, 'going behind their backs in their house or whatever.' I just smiled at him, he's so cute. 'What?' He laughed.
'Nothing, it's fine James. Don't worry, don't overthink it.' I kissed him briefly before getting out of bed to get ready for the day and he followed behind me. I tried to avoid staring at his body. Yeah.

'Decent?' I asked knocking on my bedroom door where he was getting changed.
'One second,' he rustled around for a minute, 'yeah come in.'
I walked in to see a half naked James (and by that I mean he isn't wearing a t-shirt). He was wearing ripped jeans, as per usual, 'do you even own clothes?' I chucked him a shirt.
'I do, I just prefer not to and I bet you prefer me without them,' he winked.
'No,' I protested, blushing.
'Well your cheeks tell me otherwise,' he put his hands on my burning cheeks and pulled me into his bare chest and we started kissing; again. He deepened it quickly and I didn't try stop him. The door opened, 'Oh, god sorry,' it was Con, we instantly broke apart and we both went red.
'Its okay,' James laughed, 'did you want something?'
'Your Mum wanted to know if you were coming down for breakfast.'
'Oh yeah, umm...just give us two minutes would ya?' He scratched the back of his neck. I always found it attractive whenever he did that.
'Okay urmm...okay,' he shut the door.
'So that was awkward...where were we?' He leaned in, after a few moments I pulled away leaving a questioning look on his face.
'We need to go.' He put on a T-shirt and we went downstairs to join the others.

James and I joined the dining room table with Charlotte and Connor, who awkwardly looked up and smiled before continuing to eat his fry up. My Mum walked in with two plates full of food for me and James. 'Good sleep James?' Mum asked putting our plates down, I looked down smiling knowing how good of a sleep the two of us had.
'Yes, lovely thanks,' he looked up at her smiling and back down to the plate that was put down in front of him, 'thanks,' he looked back up.
'No problem darling,' she patted his shoulder and walked back into the kitchen. I loved that my family got on with James, it's such a relief. I looked at him for a while, whilst he ate his breakfast just taking in all of his features. His messy hair, his bluey-green eyes that changed every time I looked at them, his jaw, just everything. 'What?' He laughed.
'Oh nothing,' I shook my head smiling. He flashed a smile back and continued eating.

'My little girlies are growing up,' my Mum gushed from the door, 'no more dolls anymore?' She is so embarrassing, 'muuuuum,' I dragged out shooting her a look.
But she continued on, 'I remember you playing together when you were this big,' she held her hand out just above her knee.
'Not that much has changed then,' James winked at me.
'Oi!' I jokingly kicked him under the table, 'a short joke, really?' I laughed but with a slight bit of seriousness in my voice, he just laughed. My mum just looked at us smiling, it was creepy but it was quite cute- creepy but cute.

'So what's the plan?' Connor asked the group.
'Shopping first then hotel?' I replied but more as a question.
'Sounds like a plan,' James half smiled.


'I like this shirt,' James pointed out a checked shirt.
'Urm, no I have it in a darker red actually,' he corrected me.
'Im so sorry,' I put my arms up in defence and laughed.
'Clothes is no laughing matter Lucy, what do you find funny?' He joked.
'Oh nothing so sorry sir,' I apologised curtsying.
'You two are so weird,' Charlotte stated her and Con stood with confused, blank looks on their faces.
He put my arm around my shoulder and rubbed my back, 'I guess we are.' I looked up at him and smiled and then tucked my head into his chest and stayed like that for a while.
'Sorry to ruin this little thing going on here but are you getting that shirt or can we leave?' Charlotte said with no emotion in her voice but I knew she was joking. We laughed and James picked up the shirt and we walked over hand-in-hand to pay.

Caramel Summer- A James Mcvey/ The Vamps FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now