Chapter 12- The Trampoline

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Lucy's P.O.V-

I woke and rubbed my eyes. I saw the flower that James gave me, what seemed so long ago, on the dressing table- it was still going strong, Nan must be looking after it bless her. It reminded of last night with James, like I had forgotten. The beach was lovely, we laughed a lot, he put so much effort in, not to forget he told me he feels the same about me. Finally I know. He isn't just trying to mess me around and lead me on. I looked at my phone. I had a message from James.
'18 and a day, you're getting on a bit aren't you?;)xxx'
'Hahaha, you okay?xxx'
'Yeah all the better now I'm talking to you my dear;) you alight?xxx' he was so cheesy.
'Cheese. And yeah I only just woke up!xxx'
'I just got back from the gym:) are you busy today?' I pictured him coming back from the gym, I'm a perve.
'No I'm not, but when am I ever?;)xxx'
'Well you go to work quite a bit, do you want to come around and watch a film or something? I'm away for the rest of the week xxx'
'Oh :/ I'm going away this weekend too and yeah just give me a chance to get dressed xxx'
'Okay sleepy I'll see you in a bit:)) xxx'

I NEED TO CALL CHARLOTTE ASAP! I quickly dialled her number, tapping my foot hoping that she will pick up maybe she isn't even awake. 'Hi,' a grumpy morning voice answered.
'Wake up sleepy head! I have important details to share!'
'Ooh do share,' she perked up. I told her everything from the burnt dinner to when he told me how he feels. I gave her the 'full rundown' like she told me to.
'So what are you going to do about it?' She asked.
'Do about what?' I tried to avoid the question.
'You know, about him?'
'Dunno' I said bluntly.
'Is that it? Dunno', she imitated me.
'I guess I'll wait and see if he takes it any further, you know how awkward I am!' We carried on talking for a while.
'Yeah Con has to go away for a while, he is meeting with the management of the band. Seriously I can't thank James enough, he is so excited about the whole thing!'
'Awh bless him.'
'What did you think of Connor?' I loved how my opinion on him matters to her.
'He is so lovely.' I heard a sign of relief, 'I'm so happy for you.'
'I really like him Lucy.'
'I can tell, you are sooooo good together,' I gushed. We talked a little while longer before saying our good byes and I decided to get ready.

It was a bit more chilly out than it usually is so I opted for some black jeans, flannel shirt with a white T-shirt with some random design on it. I grabbed a bit of breakfast...or lunch... I found a note from Nan saying she has gone down to the bingo hall with her friend- bless her. I put my head phones in and made my way to James' house.

I knocked on his front door the be greeted by his mother. 'Hi,' I smiled.
'Ooh hello darling, are you looking for James?' She asked and I nodded smiling, 'he is up in his room, up the stairs, first door on the right.' She gave hand actions to direct me.
'Okay, thank you.'
I took off my shoes at the door, I left them next to James' muddy shoes which made me smile and all the memories from last night replayed in my head. I walked to the stop of the stairs and looked around. His door was open. 'Knock, knock' I said leaning against the door frame.
'There she is,' he winked walking over to me and hugged me so my hands were loosely around his neck, his were pulling in my waist and my head was buried in his chest. 'My nose is squashed,' I giggled but it was muffled by his body.
'Sorry,' he laughed loosening me a bit.
'You smell good,' I didn't really mean to say it out loud.
'Thanks,' he laughed. I shut the door behind me and went and joined him I on the bed.

We sat on his bed talking. 'You know how you helped me get on a roller coaster?' He asked and I wondered where this was going.
'Well let's watch a scary film,' my face dropped.
'Don't worry,' he put his hand on my cheek, 'you looking like you've seen a ghost...too soon?' He laughed, i laughed slightly but I was still scared.
'No trust me it's not going to be that bad. I'll protect you,' he flexed his arms...besides the joke his arms! Just saying!
'Fine.' I gave in. He put in the DVD, I pulled my legs up to my chest and hugged a cushion in suspense.
'Come here,' he said with open arms. I was soo jumpy. Every time I jumped he'd grip me just that bit tighter. 'Ooh you're a bit cold,' he said rubbing my arms before going over to his wardrobe pulling out a grey sweat shirt, here you go. I put it on, it was so cosy and it smelt like him. 'You might not get this back,' I laughed before leaning back on him preparing myself for the film again.

Caramel Summer- A James Mcvey/ The Vamps FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now