Chapter 5

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I heard a scream out of my office, I rushed towards my door to see what it was all about when I saw Lorie getting out of Kevin arms. I could not heard what they were talking but at that moment I had a mixed emotions of anger, jealousy and confusion. When I compose myself I addressed Lorie in a sarcastic tone as after all this confirm my doubt about her she is a gold digger or else who jumped in a total stranger billionaire arm at a first meeting.
Well played bitch, your act deserve an award.

After Kevin followed me back into my office, I closed the door. I offer him a seat on my couch.

"So Kevin, what is it all about, I saw you were hugging my P.A outside?"

Kevin look at me a bit surprise then mask his expression.
"Um...actually she saw a spider and I happened to be walking in and the rest you know."

Great move miss Adler I must applauded.

"Anyways, I've been through the file and the proposition is really good so I guess we will sign the paper next time in front of our oldies."

"Looking forward for this too Jake."

"Hey let's grab a drink Saturday at the club what you say? A night among boys like old times, I will give skylar a call too if he can make it"

"Sounds good, so see you at Saturday."

Kevin rushed out from my office and when he met with Lorie again. He whisper something in her ears which she nodded her head and he kissed her cheeks. I could feel anger erupt into me again and I just slammed the door close.

I bet this action made Lorie to jump out of fear but this is my office not a fucking club where whore is hooking up. Kevin is my friend, I need to protect him from this kind of girl or else he will be hurt like I was in the past.

At noon I made my way out of my office for lunch ignoring Lorie totally. I usually go to my favorite italian restaurant nearby for lunch. Sometimes my dad joins me but he prefer lunch in the company food court as according to him he likes the environment seeing movement around, in that way sometimes he can interact with his employees. He does not want to be the fearful boss like me but the friendly one.

I was back at 2 o'clock in my office and I saw Lorie was busy typing some documents. She was so engrossed in her work that she did not acknowledge my presence. It not like I give a care that she notices me but deep inside I want to see that smile again when I first saw her.

Wait, what am I thinking!!! Are you nuts Jake. Remember the mantra she is a gold digger or else she would not had thrown herself in Kevin arms to gain his attention.

"Miss Adler, prepare the conference room in 5 minutes, there's gonna be a staff meetings and take your notepad with you to write everything that will be said."

And without having a second look at her, I went inside my office to take my laptop and direct myself to the conference room.

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