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four santino brothers.
four stories.

B O O K O N E : D E V O T I O N
( f a r r a h x d o m e n i c o )
the boss and the nurse

B O O K T W O : D E L I V E R A N C E
( r e m i x l u c a )
the second and the waitress

B O O K T H R E E : B E L I E V E R
( l e n a x a d r i a n o )
the accountant and the ceo

B O O K F O U R : A N G E L
( t a l i a x a n g e l )
the hitman and the stripper

                    FARRAH SAMUELS won't front — she's been too dry for too long

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                    FARRAH SAMUELS won't front — she's been too dry for too long. After ending a three-year-long relationship with a man who valued getting his dick wet with another woman over a serious relationship, she throws herself back into the vicious dating cycle and somehow lands herself in a mob boss's arms.

                    DOMENICO SANTINO is protective over many things in his life. There's his business, his money, his brothers, and let's not forget his entire family empire. As the oldest in the Santino Family, the responsibility falls on his shoulders to keep everything steady. He's smart — too smart — so it's also not hard for him to get what he wants.

                    ONE MEETING was all it took for the nurse and the mobster to fall into a series of 'accidental' meetings and stolen touches — bound to each other with deadly devotion.


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Why are you looking at me like that? Matter of fact, what the hell are you even doing here? ❞ The words spill from my mouth before I can stop them, my eyes widening at the sight of the man towering above me.

Devotion (#1)  | ✓Where stories live. Discover now