32. A Sinner And A Saint

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"If you could be a type of dessert, what would you be?" Farrah's questioning tone slices through the air of silence between us

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"If you could be a type of dessert, what would you be?" Farrah's questioning tone slices through the air of silence between us. She sits between my legs, peering out at the waves crashing along the shore.

The question wasn't completely unexpected. Before we arrived to my hideaway cove, I stopped to get her a famous Italian treat, Bomboloni which she's related to an American donut. She'd been talking about it for some time now, so much so that I sent Antonio to get a boxful of treats.

"Are you high on sugar, dolcezza?" I chuckle as I wrap my arms around her. She taps my skin, occasionally pressing kisses against me.

She shrugs, "I'm just curious."

"You usually are."

She slaps my leg and laughs, "So am I supposed to guess why you took me here? It's beautiful."

"It doesn't compare to you." The words leave my tongue and she scoffs playfully.

"You're so cheesy." Turning in her seat, she wraps her arms around my neck and rests her legs on either side of my thighs.

My eyes scan her relaxed face and a smile grows on my face."You love it."

She kisses my lips. "I do." Before she can pull away completely, I grip her neck and pull her back in. Our tongues tangle together as a moan escapes her, her hips grinding into me. I can feel myself hardening but a chuckle escapes me as she mumbles against my lips, "You just not gon' answer my question?"

"This is my safe space. It's where I go to take a break from all the shit raining down around me." Her eyes search mine. "I brought you here as almost a passing over. To show that you're my break. My safe space."

Her mouth twists almost as if trying to stave her tears away. She blinks, her head bowed as she sighs, "Dom."

"I love you, Farrah. With everything in me. I didn't expect for a man like me to be worthy of your love."

She caresses my cheek with her cold fingers, "Domenico, you have a habit of putting me up on a pedestal when it comes to loving you."

"Am I not supposed to?" I chuckle and lay back, my back against the sand as Farrah lowers herself along with me. She props her chin up on her hands which rest on my chest. "I am a sinner, amore. Sei una santa. (You are a saint)"

"I'm not a saint." Her words go in one ear and exit through the other. I listen for further explanation but she hesitates. "I've lied..." When her elaboration stops there, I can't help the chuckle that escapes me.

If the worst she's done is lie, I really don't deserve her.

I brush her cheek and rub her bottom lip with my thumb, "Una santa."

By the time we get back to the house, mother pulls Farrah into her hold with the excuse that I have business matters to attend to.

Those matters being Stefano's big ass head filling my office.

"To what do I owe this home visit?" I ask begrudgingly. I would rather be anywhere else but here, especially since the look on his face generates bad energy. Or maybe that's just him.

He rests a folder in front of me and smirks, "Nazar Kravets? Didn't think your balls were that big to be going after him."

And once again, he talks about shit he doesn't know about. Taking the folder into my grasp, I open it and roll my eyes with a scoff. Farrah's beautiful face stares right at me, every piece of information on her listed on the multitude of sheets in the folder.

Understanding what this traitor is getting at, I look back up at him, "What's this about?"

Stefano chuckles menacingly, "Don't act stupid. You should've seen this coming, little one. Now that is all the information Kravets needs to take what you seem to care about oh, so much —"

"I don't know who this woman is." I lie, trying to throw him off.

His smirk just widens, "Turn the page."

And just like that, I see the issue. There's multiple printed photographs of her and I, whether it be at the gelato place we first stopped at when we landed in Italy to photographs of us in the hospital.

While I knew that there was a chance they would connect us, I didn't think this dumbass who can't tell his head from his ass would be the one to do it.

In fact, "Who tipped you off?"

He chuckles, "What, so you can just get rid of them? And don't even think of doing anything to me. I have sources that will be happy to send this information over to the Ukrainians."

Of course I'm curious to see what he would want in return for secrecy — not that it'd matter anyway. I'm not naïve in thinking this information wasn't already exposed.

I still feign fear, "What do you want from me?"

"Your power." Of course. "For too long, I've lived in your shadow despite my friendship with your father. I deserve to be king." I remain quiet, "I'll give you until your meeting on Saturday to think about it."

He stands to leave, and makes it a point to leave the folder with me, proving that he has copies. I stare at him, seeing as he clenches and unclenches his fists.

"Choose wisely."

black men been disappointing me lately

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black men been disappointing me lately. think that's God saying i need a white boy.

it's been too long and im sorry 😭 college had been kicking my ass but now im home for fall break and have a minute to breathe :))))

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