8. No Mistakes

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❝ no mistakes ❞━ DOMENICO ━

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no mistakes

"Am I invisible, brother, or are you just choosing to ignore me?"

I arch a questioning brow and look up from the papers I'm in the process of signing. Adriano is seated across from me, moving his lighter between his fingers and gnawing on his bottom lip.

Honestly, I was ignoring him. But he doesn't have to know that.

"Sorry, I was zoned out." I lie and close the forms, instead clasping my fingers together and resting them in front of me, "Cosa vuoi? (What do you want?)"

The natural lighting brightens my Chicago office and I'm reminded of the fact that I have to stop by Luca's club when the sun sinks below the horizon for the rest of the night.

Adriano has been seated here for what seems to be a good five minutes ranting about something I couldn't care less about. I just want him to leave so I can get this work done before tonight.

One would expect that I have someone for this very job but call it torture - I like to do it myself. That way I can ensure no mistakes. Especially stupid ones.

"It's Lena." Adriano says and I can sense the frustration in his tone, "She's avoiding me."

I can't help the smirk that grows on my face, "And what's the problem now?"

Adalena Washington and Adriano Santino have been in a confusing situationship for the last eight years they've been friends. Of course, they met when Adriano was young, dumb, and horny - it wasn't a surprise their friendship is built on sex, confusion, and essentially all around obstinacy.

He rolls his eyes, "What do you think?"

"I think whatever you did warrants an apology."

"And how do you know I did anything?"

I send him a blank look, "I've known you for twenty-six years, Adri." He arches a questioning brow, "You did something. It might take you a while to come to the realization, but you're a big boy. You'll figure it out."

He flings his middle finger in my face and shakes his head, "We've been friends since college and yet she hasn't let up."

"You expected her to?" The question falls from my tongue as I grab my phone from the corner of the desk. Leaning back in my seat, I quickly send a text to Angel who, apparently, doesn't know how to do his job considering the person he set off to kill isn't dead yet.

Adriano huffs, "No. But she always manages to surprise me."

I chuckle, "Tuttavia, mi chiedo quando tirerai fuori la testa dal culo e confesserai i tuoi sentimenti, fratello. Non li ricevi molto spesso. (However, I do wonder when you're going to get your head out of your ass and confess your feelings, brother. You don't get them very often.)"

With a roll of his eyes and a rise from his seat, Adriano kisses his teeth and approaches the floor to window ceilings with a pensive look on his face.

"Non provo sentimenti per il mio migliore amico, Domenico. (I don't have feelings for my best friend, Domenico.)" Though the words leave his mouth with all graveness, I know him too well to believe what he says.

Instead of lingering, my fingers move across the screen to the name I've missed seeing all week. With busy days behind me, I hadn't received a chance to see her in person. Sure, we've texted, but I'm not the type to carry out conversations digitally.

I prefer to see my woman, touch her and gauge her reactions.

Despite the lack of physical contact, Farrah has been on the forefront of my mind for the past week we've been talking.

It's odd - the way she makes me laugh and almost forget the cruel world we live in. Ah, our cruel world. Or should I say mine.

She's safe in her world - her world of children and joy (even though I wouldn't say children are much of a joy) and safety.

Of course I thought of the consequences should I give her a ticket into my world of danger and death and uncertainty - it still lingers in my mind but then I'll think about her smile from that night on the rooftop and all doubts seem to dissipate.

Adriano hasn't had to worry about it, one - because he's not the Don and two - Adalena has been submerged in his world since birth. He doesn't worry about her.

Farrah and I haven't been to the position I'd like us to be, yet I worry for her. I worry that one day her smile won't shine as bright as it does and I will be the very reason for that.

"This new woman of yours..." Adriano starts again, back still turned to me as he analyzes the skyscrapers lining the city, "Are you with her for sex or more?"

I huff out a laugh, "I wasn't aware this was any of your business, fratellino. (little brother)"

He turns back to me eagerly, "Just humor me for a second."

My eyes narrow as I rise from my seat and grab my blazer from the back of my chair. I shrug it on and tuck my phone into my pocket. The papers I'll leave for whenever I feel like doing it.

My brother watches me with calculating eyes but I avoid his stare. That was one thing we share in common - our eyes that we got from our father. I'd never realized how cold they are until he stares me down the way he is now.

Because I have the same trait, I find it easier to beat him at his own game.

"I want more than sex with her, Adriano." I say finally.

He chuckles, "Obviously. You haven't slept with her yet. That's new."

"La novità sarà questo piede nel culo se continui a fare domande. (What's new will be this foot in your ass if you keep asking questions.)" And with that, I take my leave from the office and make my way to the one place I know can bring a smile to my face.

The hospital.

im sorry for all these late updates 😭 work and then preparing for school has caused a SEVERE case of writer's block

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im sorry for all these late updates 😭 work and then preparing for school has caused a SEVERE case of writer's block

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