*19. Get Used To It

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❝ get used to it ❞━ FARRAH ━

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❝ get used to it ❞

"So, what role do you play?"

Nico had disappeared, leaving me in the living room with his intimidating brother. Angel sharpens a knife on the other seat, eyes focused on me.

"Your brother is a Don. Your other brothers do... other things. What do you do?" I am in no way in complete acceptance of what I'd learned last night — only partial acceptance, but if doesn't hurt to learn more.

He blinks. "I am what you Americans call a hitman." I choke on my tea. "I get intel on men who haven't paid their debts, often from Adriano — the accountant in the family business — and I seek them out with the intention of either getting our money or —" He flips the knife in his grip and grins sadisticly. "Stab them in their throats."

"Oh." My voice is quiet, "Okay."

An awkward silence passes between us — at least it was awkward for me. Angel just keeps sharpening his knife, unbothered. Until he asks, "Have you ever shot a gun, principessa?"

My eyes widen and I rest the mug on the table, "Okay, I'm going to go find Nico."

He chuckles and leans back in his seat, "Farrah." He captures my attention, "This is your world now. My brother is optimistic that you don't have to get used to it, but you do."

My tongue pokes against the inside of my cheek as I bow my head, the sarcastic words leaving my tongue, "Noted."

With that, I make my leave down the hallway to an open door, the sound of a running shower drawing me to it. Of course it could only be the one person I'm looking to run away to.

Part of me screams to leave him alone and try to come to terms with what's happening in this space. The other part, however, craves to be beside him and ask him more questions — if my mind can even handle it.

I enter the room and scan the decorations. Not surprisingly, the aura is dark, an inscened candle burning something woody in the corner. The floor to ceiling wall of windows shows a good view of the Chicago skyline.

Above the bed is a mirror on the ceiling and my jaw drops. I'm left in awe at the sight before I turn to the second open door where the sound of the shower invades the room. Even as I step closer, I can feel the steam from the hot water.

I lean my shoulder against the door jamb and take in the beautiful sight in front of me. Domenico stands under the shower, his muscular, tattooed back and plump ass bare to me.

I pull my bottom lip into my mouth, my eyes narrowing in interest. He's so... enticing. Everything about him screams sex and big dick energy.

Especially when he turns and his sex swings to greet me.

Oh wow.

He matches a good length of his thighs and mine clench together at the sight and the thought of what he could do to me.

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