25. Fall Into Temptation

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I never imagined myself to be the clingy one in a relationship, but here I am, my arms and legs wrapped around Domenico while we lay on a bed in a private jet

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I never imagined myself to be the clingy one in a relationship, but here I am, my arms and legs wrapped around Domenico while we lay on a bed in a private jet.

I've never felt so lavish and luxurious, especially since the most expensive thing in my house is a bottle of wine that I didn't even purchase myself.

Nico doesn't push me off, fortunately. Instead, he has one arm wrapped around me with his hand resting on my ass and the other holding his iPad as he reads through documents and contracts.

Peering up at his sharp jawline, I internally swoon at the sight of him. His jaw is clenched, his grey eyes are stormy and I can see a bit of annoyance in them. Turning the other way, I sit up and sip the mimosa propped up beside the bed.

I sit there a moment longer, eying my surroundings. I don't fly very often — if ever since moving to America from Jamaica — so flying to Italy in a private jet seemed beyond reality for me.

And now, it's a reality. And the man beside me trumps everything else that I can think about. Dang, we could've taken turns rowing across the Atlantic Ocean and I would've been bursting at the seams with excitement.

I feel his hands move to my lower back, his fingers curling and uncurling, making me roll my neck back in satisfaction.

"Any questions before we get there, amore?" His voice is silky smooth and accent thick as we get closer to his home land.

I turn to him, my legs crossed, "What's the rest of your family like?"

He smirks and I can see the pride in his eyes as he speaks, "Mio madre will probably steal you from me the moment we arrive. I miei fratelli (my brothers) — you've already met Angelo — are... different. There's Luca, Adriano, and Angel is the youngest. I don't really know how they'll react when I..." He trails off, eyes scanning my face.

I smirk, "When you bring home the black girl you met in Chicago?" He tilts his head with a fake annoyed look on his face and I just pinch his cheeks together and kiss his lips with an amused smile, "I'm kidding." I pull back, "However, I've read some shit about Italians and black people and Imma say this right now — if someone says some out-of-pocket shit, we don't even gotta worry about that strap you got because I might just lose my shit."

He chuckles and shakes his head, "They won't say anything, amore mio."

I arch a brow, "Uh-huh."

"I promise."

I nod, though I'm unconvinced. He sends me a raised brow but I shrug, "So, what's this trip really about?"

His hand trails to my thigh, "I have to meet with Kravets."

"You know what it's about?" I trace my finger against his tattooed knuckles, occasionally brushing against his rings. Just looking at his fingers, I'm taken back to the nights they were in me.

"No." He says sharply, "But I know I don't want you out of my sight or the sights of my brothers until then."

I nod, not arguing. He knows what's best considering it's his job and his territory. I'm just a guest. "Okay. When is it?"

"In a couple of days." He says, "Until then, I want to show you Italia, amore mio. You need to know your future home."

My head falls back in laughter, "You're quite cocky, Nico. I'm perfectly fine in Chicago."

He hums in agreement before pinching my thigh, "Until you see the beauty of life with me."

Leaning forward, I cradle his cheek and smile, "I already see the beauty." Kissing his nose, I move to straddle him, "Still staying in Chicago though."

He smirks, "Then I guess you haven't seen enough." With that, he switches our positions and he is now on top of me.

Well, this will be fun.

As I exit the bathroom, I can now check 'Joining the Mile High Club' off my bucket list. Domenico follows behind me, sucking on his index and middle fingers with a slick smirk on his face.

I roll my eyes and make my way back to the bed with shaky legs. As I walk, he pauses to grab a bottle of water from the mini-fridge before joining me in the area.

He opens it and holds it in front of me with a proud smirk. He stoops below me and rests a hand on my thigh, "I love the way you fall apart for me, Farrah."

"Shh," I say, a little annoyed because this man is so cocky. It's like he won't give me a minute to breathe without making me feel like mush. He chuckles as I sip my water and continue, "I'm trying to get the feeling back in my legs."

"I can stretch them for you."

"No!" I exclaim, holding a finger up, "Back away, you heathen! I've had enough of your 'stretching.' I'd like to be able to walk at the end of the day, thank you very much."

His head falls back and he bursts out in laughter and I have a good sight of his Adam's Apple. His beautiful, bobbing Adam's Apple.

I oughta chop him in the throat.

"Fuck you." I pout and turn my head away from him. His laughter lessens to a soft chuckle and he rests his hands on my thighs. He shouldn't even be within five feet of me. "I'm serious. You're fucking up my life with just your dick. Ma always told me to watch out for men like you. For all I know, you have a wife and thirteen kids with a pasta-making mill at home."

He grins — dimples distinct and so cute, "Sounds like you've been fantasizing about our future."

"I've been fantasizing about how to not fall into temptation."

He stands, towering over me and without a question, he wraps a hand around my throat and my dumbass moans and my eyes roll to the back of my head for a quick second. He lowers his face close to mine, his nose brushing against mine, our breaths mixing as our spaces combine. His lips feather mine and a shiver runs down my back.

He smirks.

"How's that working out for you?"

not me going to college on wednesday 😭 it's getting TOOOOOOO REAAAAAAAAAAAAAL so im sorry if updates slow down (even more) because i have more packing then unpacking/settling to do

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not me going to college on wednesday 😭 it's getting TOOOOOOO REAAAAAAAAAAAAAL so im sorry if updates slow down (even more) because i have more packing then unpacking/settling to do

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