36. Fear Death

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"Do you fear death, Mr

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"Do you fear death, Mr. Santino?"

Nazar Kravets is smaller in person. His chin is high and so is his bravado. It's clear from his layer of gold chains that he's materialistic — can be bought.

But, clearly, he's not looking to buy anything I was willing to sell. If it weren't for the distinctive scowl on his face, I never would have guessed that I killed his counterpart just months ago.

His eyes remind me of my father's — cold, calculating, anticipating a moment to strike.

The middle ground between us seemed to be a pub in the middle of Milan, the building scattered by his and my guards. People carry on their business and know to avoid ours. Be it the Santino engraved cuff links or the scar that tracks from his eyebrow to the base of his neck.

I blink slowly, a sign of fearlessness. "Why would I? It's inevitable."

Kravets smirks, "Hmm, what's the point in fearing it if no one can out run it? That is what I gather from your words."

"Great minds think alike."

Silence passes. The air shifts. His smile falls.

"Let's talk business, yes?" He offers up, eyes scanning my entire being as he slightly leans forward. "Small talk makes minds shrink, does it not?"

Then it's probably a good thing his brother couldn't do much of that.

I smirk, interested to see where this goes. "Another great point tonight."

"I demand recompense." He states, "What's the saying? Eye for an eye?" Nazar is a smart man, that much anyone can see. He's stayed under the radar for decades while he tortured, killed, and sold men, women and children. So it should be no surprise that he expects nothing less that blood in return for what his loved one shed.

However, I can't find enough fucks within myself to give him what he wants.

Call my pride my downfall but this man will not see me falter. And while it may seem reckless, I also hold reassurance that I can keep my family safe. Farrah included.

He continues, "Many of my colleagues have taken interest in the boss's Donna." Fuck no. "Give her to me and I'll spare you. I'll put her to good work, you won't have to worry about protecting her any further."

My brows furrow, not out of confusion or concern, but out of pure shock. I'm shocked at this man's gall to walk into my city and demand that I sacrifice the woman I love for mercy.

I don't ask for mercy. Especially when I don't need it.

"She's not for sale."

Nazar stares at me for a moment before he releases a disturbing chuckle. My jaw clenches. "You do not seem to have much of a choice, Mr. Santino. I doubt you would rather see her safe in my possession than dead in your arms."

I remain quiet.

"You seem to think I won't be able to touch her..." He continues, "Or your mother who has been sick for months or your brother, Luca, who has been spiraling since that one night in Moscow. As far as I am concerned, Farrah Samuels is the least of your worries."


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Out of everything I could be doing, my brain and body decide on yoga.

Is this supposed to be soothing? Well, bedroom floor yoga with a view of a bland wall isn't much comfort when my very powerful boyfriend is out practically fighting for his life against another very powerful man that's out for vengeance.

How the fuck did I end up here? I want to talk to Faith and tell her everything that's happened considering I feel like I've abandoned her but how do I say anything without giving away the fact that her husband's friend is a mafia boss?

That's the main fucking problem and I can't even vent about it.

I feel like I want to burst from anxiety and slight panic.

Luca disappeared into nothing and nowhere, same with Angel and Adriano. Martina is at a doctors appointment and I'm stuck in the house with maids and butlers — all of whom I tried to help with their jobs only to be escorted away and back upstairs where I've been for the last five hours, waiting for Domenico to come back.


My body falls back to the floor until I'm staring up at the ceiling, eyes squinted in thought. Is he okay? Is he alive? Did his brothers go as last minute back up? What if there was a shoot out? What if he's dying on the floor, blood pooling under him like an ocean of death?

No. He's fine. He's winning his case, he's coming home, he's going to walk through that door with a smile on his face and bearing news of hope.

News of joy and safety.

However, three more hours later, what I get is him walking into the room unexpectedly, a frown on his face, his blazer missing, and tie untied.

"Oh my God, you're back." The breath of relief escapes me as I jump up from my seat and embrace him with everything in me, "I didn't even hear you come back. Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I pull away for a moment, running my eyes and hands over his body to check for injuries.

He stops me in my tracks, his hands gripping my face so I stare directly up at him. It's only then I see the nonchalance in his gaze.

"You need to leave here and go back to Chicago." His words shock me and the next two hurt me, "Without me."


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what do y'all think is happening? what do y'all think happened to luca in moscow? why y'all think nico told her to leave?

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