31. If You Want It

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The last time I told someone I loved them, she died and took pieces of my shattered heart with her

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The last time I told someone I loved them, she died and took pieces of my shattered heart with her. Upon Nico confessing his feelings and the job he does, I can't help the sinking feeling in my stomach.

Why did I have to fall for the dangerous one?

Hours had passed and as far as I know, the man himself along with his brothers have some business to attend to. Hence why I'm seated in the corner of his office, scrolling through my phone as he proceeds to have a conversation about the meeting coming up this weekend with Kravets.

He'd insisted that I attend the family meeting but seeing as they're also tying talk of illegal activities into their conversation, I would rather be anywhere but here at this point.

However, staring at Nico doesn't feel like such a bad idea. Especially when he looks this delectable and he's speaking with such adamant tones that I almost find myself falling to my knees in the midst of a room full of men.

Martina is off to a doctor's appointment upstairs in her suite of a room, the mansion is too big for me to wander off by myself, and I'd rather not stay locked up in Nico and I's shared bedroom while I can just stare at him with as much love as I can.

With love comes fear.

I loved Valeria — she died. I loved Michael — he cheated. I love Domenico — what tragic event should I prepare for?

I'm so engulfed in my thoughts that I don't realize when the men begin to leave. Angel kisses my forehead, Adriano sends me a wink, and Luca nods his head toward me — all as their ways of saying bye. Funnily enough, they all represent them in some odd way.

When Nico and I remain, I'm now allowed a better chance to ogle at him. His head is bowed as he reads through a sheet of paper on his desk, but my feet can't help but to pull me up from the chair I was sitting on and make my way over to the man who brings me too much joy.

At the sight of me standing above him, he leans back in the chair and pats his lap. Swinging my leg over, I straddle him and feel as he wraps his arms around my waist, his fingers fiddling with the hem of my sundress.

"Are you okay?" He questions, eyes doe yet piercing as he stares up at me. "You've been quiet this entire morning."

I shrug, "It's only 10 AM."

He arches a brow, "You've been awake since six, amore mio." He points out, "I could feel you staring at me in bed."

"I was... admiring." My words sound unsure as I try to play off my fearful thoughts from earlier.

He chuckles and presses a kiss to my collarbone, "You were staring, Farrah. But feel free to tell me what's bothering you whenever you're ready. We have the rest of our lives together anyway."

This makes me smile. "Oh, do we?"

"Only if you want it." His tone lowers and his deep voice sends shivers down my spine. He lifts his hips slightly, pressing his dick against me. A shaky breath leaves me. "I'm starving."

The tease in me smirks, "I can go make you breakfast."

He matches my energy, bringing his bottom lip into his mouth, "There's no need for that, dolcezza. I have breakfast right in front of me."

With that, he sets me on the desk behind me and parts my legs.

"Wait," I stop him, "The door."

Without so much as shifting a leg, he presses a button on the desk beside me and I can hear a click coming from the door. Perks of being rich, I guess.

He presses a soft kiss to the inside of my thigh as I shudder in realization, "Oh." I run a hand through his silky hair, feeling as his arms snake around my thighs and grab a hold of me before tugging my ass closer to him and the edge of the desk.

Without warning, he pulls my panties to the side and takes my clit into his mouth. My back hunches and arches all at the same time but the amount of pleasure Nico gives to me is overwhelming. I want to release a moan but I don't know how soundproof his walls are.

With his head between my legs, I prop a foot up on his back, toes curling in pleasure as he swirls his tongue around my bud like the expert he is. The feeling that rushes through me is euphoria as my entire body juts up to connect with the most heaven-inducing part of him.

My grips tightens around his hair as he squeezes my asscheek with one hand and rubs the soaked spot above my clit with the other.

Part of me feels bad for getting his desk wet considering how dripping I am, but the other part just doesn't care.

"I'm right there, baby." I announce as calmly as I can, seeing as the other option consists of me screaming at the top of my lungs. Suddenly, my hand flies to my mouth and I have to bite the side of my hand to keep my voice down. The orgasm that racks through me is enough for my body to spasm, his desk shifting slightly as I grind my hips into him even further, hoping for an extension of my already mind blowing release.

His eyes flicker up to mine as I meet his. He pulls away, licking his lips but I can still see the sheen of my cum on them.

Leaning down, I wrap my arms around his neck and coo as he kisses me softly yet passionately. When he pulls away, I'm even more love drunk.

"I want to take you somewhere."


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okay , so ya girl got drunk for the first time last night and um.... never again — because why did i facetime this man (also, we had a talk on friday and I've come to the conclusion that niggas ain't shit after i told him i liked him and he said he was 'just chilling') asking to sleep in his room and why he didn't wanna be in a relationship with me 🙂

now idek what to say to him

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