7. Everything About You

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❝ everything about you ❞━ FARRAH ━

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❝ everything about you ❞

Meet me on the roof for our date, dolcezza.

Staring down at the text on my phone, my brows furrow in confusion for a moment. I've been working for thirteen hours already, my shift over as soon as I finish my final rounds for the night.

I was on my way to check in with Val when my phone dinged behind the nurse's station and I was drawn to the message that popped up.

Even if the contact read Unknown, something about it was familiar. Be it the nickname or the butterflies I got in my belly, but I know this is a certain man by the name of Domenico.

I don't even have it in me to question how he has my number.

The smile on my face can't fade as I enter the room, Valeria is sat up in her bed and playing Uno! with Janelle.

"Hey ladies," I greet, my cheeks beginning to hurt, "Who's winning?"

"Me!" Val raises her stack of cards and practically shoves them in my face as I join her on the bed. "See?"

I hold back a laugh as I see that she has way more cards than Jan, "You know the aim is to have the least amount of cards, right, hun?"

She sticks her tongue out and Janelle shakes her head in amusement before placing a reverse card down, "She missed you today."

"Yeah," I sigh and run a hand through her hair, "I'm sorry I couldn't stop by today. Had to watch through a couple of surgeries." I've been doing some sit-ins to be a surgical nurse but being a floor nurse will always take the cake. Especially when I get to see my favorite girl everyday.

Janelle arches her brow and smiles. She's heard my many aspirations so I can see the pride in her eyes, "How was it?"

"It was good," I assure her, "That little boy pulled through like a champ." Val grins in excitement, happy to hear that her peer is okay. "Now, I wish I could stay longer but your favorite nurse has a date tonight."

Val's eyes widen, "What's a date?"

Janelle giggles and shakes her head, "You'll find out when you're older. For now, watch as I beat you at your own game." She places down her card, "Uno!"

As I exit the room, I can't help the small laugh that escapes me. I grab my jacket and bag from behind the desk, clock out, and bid my fellow nurses adieu before making my way to the slow-moving elevator.

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