*34. Reassurance

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My eyes capture Farrah's as she exits the bathroom, her dress flowing from her body like a river that I want to drown in

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My eyes capture Farrah's as she exits the bathroom, her dress flowing from her body like a river that I want to drown in. A small smile is pursed on her lips as she turns away and faces the mirror hanging in the room.

My brows furrow as I watch her, her fingers hastily tying the back, the tattoo on her side peeking out when she raises her arm.

And as much as I try to capture her gaze through the mirror, she avoids it.

"Is there something wrong, my love?" I ask, head bowed for a moment to allow myself to glance at my watch. We've been in Italy for a while but Farrah has barely gotten a chance to explore so I decided to take it into my own hands and give her the night to relish in the beauty of her future home.

If she wants it. It's the last night before my meeting with Kravets so with the thought that I'll barely be around tomorrow, tonight seems as good a night as any.

However, her current silence isn't as endearing as it usually is.

I'm only met with more.

I stand and adjust my suit. I step toward her until my chest is flush against her back. She releases a heavy breath which makes my heart spike. She's rarely ever this quiet and now it's making me nervous.

Dipping my head into the crook of her neck, I kiss her skin and hear as she inhales sharply.

"Talk to me, dolcezza."

She huffs out a breath of laughter, "You know, the first time you called me that, I didn't think I'd ever see you again." I lift my head to see her finally meet my eye. I remain quiet as she continues, but my hand now rests on her enticing hips, "Then I find out you know my brother-in-law and we're having dinner together then you're ambushing me at work with dinners and flowers. It felt like you were one step ahead of me. Everything you did, everything you do. You make me feel wanted." Her hand captures mine, leads it to her inner thigh, tightens. "Like I'm worth being with."

A beat.

"Do you love me?"

Those four words make me frown, "Do you doubt that I do?"

She blinks and turns her head away, "I like reassurance, Nico. Maybe it's the crazy in me but that's just who I am."

A moment passes before the corner of my lips turn upward. The idea that sparks in my mind is sure to show her just how much I love her. It also ensures that we'll be late for the rest of our festivities but that is the least of my worries at the moment.

Reassurance she wants, reassurance she'll get.

My hand lowers her back so her face is resting against the mirror, shock appearing on her features. I fall to my knees, now reaching to slowly lift the hem of her dress from her ankles. With each inch risen, I press a kiss to her skin.

"Nico —" She pleads.

My teeth drag along her skin before I kiss her once more, "I love you more than our bad days and our good days."

An inch below her ass, "I love you more than the earth gravitates toward the sun."

Her cloth covered clit, "I love you more than all the raindrops that fall in a storm." I pull her panties to the side, my pants tightening at the sight of her glistening pussy and the sound of her sharp gasp.

"I love you more today," A light kiss to her opening, "I love you more than yesterday," Another one to her clit, "Yet I love you less than tomorrow."

With that, I indulge in my meal of the night. Her sweetness feeds me as I lick her clit with a bit of pressure behind my tongue. Her hand flies back to hold the back of my head, her fingers gripping my hair and my dick hardening immensely.

Moments pass as I continue my pleasurable assault on the woman of my dreams and her legs begin to shake.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" She exclaims as her knees fail and she grips the mirror to keep her standing.

Without a second thought, I rise from my spot, ready to free myself and bury myself deep into her warmth. As she recovers from her orgasm, arms shaking and head falling forward with unintelligible words escaping her tongue, I take the chance to rub my head against her lips, feeling as she soaks me completely.

The sight of her like this, out for the count from just my tongue, shaking from my touch... it takes everything in me to not cum right then and there.

Without warning, I push inside of her, moaning as her wet and warm walls wrap around me. I glance down, hands pushing her dress up her waist for a better view. As I pull out for a mere second, I savor in the sight of her cream drowning my dick.

"So fucking pretty, my love." I muse as her jaw falls open.

Sacrificing the sight of us connecting, I take both her hands into mine and pull her back until she's no longer resting against the mirror and her head is falling back toward my shoulder.

However, she doesn't get very far when I thrust back into her with a grunt. I wrap a hand around her neck to keep her gaze fixated on the mirror where I see her eyes roll back and her jaw fall open yet again.

With the pace of how fast I'm pushing in and out of her, I hear my skin slapping against hers, mixed with her helpless moans and occasional scream that is caught in her throat before she can release it for everyone to hear.

"You're so fucking beautiful." Releasing her neck for a second, I raise the front of her dress to reveal the sight of me thrusting into her relentlessly and smirk. Her pussy is what captures me, "It's pretty, isn't it?"

"Fuck," Her words escape her yet she's barely in her body to finish them, "'M gonna -"

"You gonna cum, dolcezza?" I moan into her ear, feeling as she tightens around me and her body tenses. Her legs shake again and that's how I know she couldn't wait it out.


I slap her clit then circle it with my fingers a few more times, feeling and watching as she spasms against me, her juices flowing down my dick and dripping down her thighs and on the floor.

I give her a couple more seconds before I dagger into her again, chasing my own high. She squeals and tries to reach for a safe haven but I don't allow her to get away.

Before I know it, she's cursing at the top of her lungs, her entire being shaking and I'm cumming to the sound of her voice and the feeling of her pussy around me.

"Fuck." I moan out as I pull out, my own cum trailing behind. I watch for a second before I put her panties back in its place, trapping the rest of it inside her, "This is your reminder tonight of how much I love you."

gone for like a month so i decided to give y'all smut

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gone for like a month so i decided to give y'all smut.

a healthy trade off.

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