1. Cheesy Pick-up Line

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❝ cheesy pick-up line ❞━ FARRAH ━

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cheesy pick-up line

Seated in my car, I peer out to the restaurant I'm supposed to meet my date at and shudder. When I signed for a couple of dating apps, I didn't really think that it would get me anywhere - especially when I spent about a week swiping only to get no matches.

And then, by some miracle, I matched with a man by the name of Ryan that lives in my city. He hit me up first with a cheesy pickup line that I'd cringed at but appreciated. The conversation carried on for a couple of days before he asked me out.

Needless to say, I'm anxious. I was anxious to accept and anxious to attend. The last time I dated anyone, I wasted three years of my life and got cheated on at my sister's wedding.

It took me a while to get back in the dating pool - not without the help of my two closest friends at work - and it took me even longer to get a hang of it. Flirting was my weak-point it seems.

But on the bright side, if this date doesn't work out, at least I get some good food out of it.

The tavern, Karma, is relatively new. It opened some six months ago and since then it's been extremely difficult to get a reservation so I was shocked when my date said he got one for us.

I just hope I don't embarrass myself or regret even accepting the date in the first place.

I quickly say a short prayer before throwing my cropped jean jacket on and exiting my car. I tuck my parking ticket into the pocket and cross the road to make my way to the entrance.

Opening the door, I greet the receptionist at the front with a bright smile, "Hi."

The woman returns it, "Hi there, ma'am. How are you tonight?"

"I'm good, thanks for asking. There's supposed to be a reservation under Davis."

The receptionist looks through the tablet on the podium for a moment before nodding, "Yes, Mr. Davis is here. If you'll follow me."

I obey and follow behind her, tugging on my jacket nervously. I'm usually confident in myself, in my work, in my daily life, but when it comes to dating? I'm like a completely different person.

All I can think about is if Ryan will match his online profile. If he'll carry himself the same way he does over the internet because I know people will act all sweet online and then completely switch up in real life.

As the thoughts rush through my mind, I almost don't notice when the receptionist stops at a table more towards the back of the tavern with a man seated there. He's on his phone, typing away and biting his bottom lip aggressively.

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