11. Instant Attraction

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❝ instant attraction ❞━ FARRAH ━

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❝ instant attraction ❞

I didn't expect that after weeks of getting into what could be a great relationship, that I would be ghosted just like that.

It started out as a week of no contact. I coughed it up to him being busy considering he hasn't picked up a single call or responded to a single text. Maybe it's a cause for concern but I have also been too caught up in my own shit for me to be as annoyed as I should be.

This shit just happens to include my favorite child on this floor. Valeria has been getting sicker and sicker as the days go by, leaving her bedridden. With the constant tests being run and the nervousness flaring up within me, I haven't had it in me to complain much about the situation between Domenico and I. It's better than what's happening in here. Along with that, I feel like I haven't had a break in months, even though it's only been a couple of days. I want to be able to breathe fresh air and not feel guilty that I can and Valeria can't.

What was a week of no contact became three of practically ridding myself of all thoughts of what Nico and I had going on. He doesn't deserve my attention if all he's going to do is waste it relentlessly.

I exhale heavily and blink at the text on my phone.

up for the club tonight?

Do I feel like subjecting myself to a night of stressing over my kids while simultaneously shaking my ass? The general consensus says no but Alyssa is a persistent woman. No matter what I say, she will somehow find a way to persuade me to throw on my best dress and get out there.

Doesn't hurt to try though. I shoot her a text.

i'm good. would rather wallow in my own self pity .

Tucking my phone back into my pocket, I peek my head up at the arrival of my nursing supervisor and a man dressed in a darker set of scrubs. His shade of blue indicates his level of medical prowess. And despite the fact that I've never seen him before, it doesn't take a genius to realize that he is a new Attending.

He's attractive too. Ginger hair sits in a pile of curls on top of his head, light green eyes sparkle under the bright hospital lights and his arms bulge against his shirt. Instant attraction, however, doesn't automatically mean instant likability.

"Nurse Samuels." Lina nods her head in greeting. Focusing on her, I try not to glance over at the ginger who is scanning his surroundings. "This is Doctor McClaren, our new pediatric surgeon. He just transferred from overseas and if you don't mind, could you show him around seeing as you've finished those charts I gave you earlier."

I accept the job — not like I had much of a choice. The charts she gave me earlier were unnecessary baggage on my already shitty morning. How bad could being an underpaid tour guide be?

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