2. Crossed Legs

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❝ crossed legs ❞━ FARRAH ━

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❝ crossed legs ❞

His stare is intense.

That's the first thing I notice.

The second is that he's immaculately dressed - a tan colored blazer and trousers sit over a black, slightly unbuttoned collared shirt. A handkerchief is tucked into his breast pocket and of course, that draws my attention to his broad shoulders.

I cross my legs.

I would climb him if I could.

"Farrah?" The voice that calls my name is muffled as my eyes trail back up to capture Mystery Man's gaze yet again. I can catch a hint of interest in his look but think nothing of it. Blinking profusely, I turn back to my date who was staring at me oddly. "You good? You kinda zoned out there."

I nod, slowly, trying to get my bearings, "Yeah, I'm fine. I actually realized I have to go to the bathroom."

"The bathroom?"

"Yeah," I deadpan, "The bathroom." You know - the place to go to recover from seeing a fine ass white man in a public setting? Yeah, that bathroom.

Ryan furrows his brows, "Okay, I could hail a waiter to find out -"

"No, I'll figure it out." I nod with a fake smile. With that, I stand, grab my jacket and my purse and walk away. I intend to come back, I just wouldn't trust a guy I met online to watch over my stuff.

It wasn't hard to follow the signs towards the restroom. The women's bathroom is empty when I enter it. Resting my items on the counter, I lean forward and puff my cheeks up with air before blowing it out.

I check my phone for the time before checking the app where I found my date for the night. Something tells me this is my last time meeting a guy off the internet. Trying to stall, I check my work schedule for the week before finally turning off my phone and tucking it into my purse.

"Just stick around for the food, sis." I tell myself and turn on the tap. Washing my hands, I repeat the sentiment over and over before I believe it's time to go back into the warzone.

I dry my hands and grab my stuff before pulling the door of the bathroom open. Turning to walk back to my date, I crash into a wall of pure muscle. My nostrils are invaded by the intoxicating scent of wealth and sex appeal.

Glancing up, I gape at the sight of the man I'd been staring at from across the room.

Sheesh, he's tall.

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