24. Spoil You

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"Nico, you know I could pay for my own hair and nails, right?" I ask as I crawl into bed beside him

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"Nico, you know I could pay for my own hair and nails, right?" I ask as I crawl into bed beside him. After a day of him following me around and staying with me during both of my appointments — let's not forget him paying for them — I'm glad for the chance to lounge and get some personal time with him.

He has his phone in hand and shifts his arm to the side to make space for me on his chest. I almost smile at how much he trusts me to see what's on his screen, but the other part of me wants him to put it down completely and maybe eat me out.

Fresh braids probably aren't the best thing to play with right now, however.

He chuckles, "You know it's my job as your man to spoil you, right?" Whew.

The butterflies that flock my belly like those words.

"Not when it's something I've been doing since before I met you." I retort with a smile. He takes my face into his hands and presses his lips against mine. The kiss is sweet, sensual, enough to make me press my thighs together.

He pulls away, biting my bottom lip gently, "Especially then."

"Okay then," I sigh, "You pay for my hair, I pay for yours."

He chuckles again and moves a hand to my ass, squeezing it as he pecks my jaw, "You trying to spoil me, dolcezza?"

A soft moan escapes me when he dips to the sweet spot on my neck, "It's my job as your woman to spoil you too."

He licks my skin, "Well, how about you lay back while I take care of you tonight?"

If he insists...

I lay on my back and peer up at him as he throws his phone off to the side and stands. I pout, "Where are you going?"

"To wash my hands, amore. Doubt you want dirty fingers inside of you."

What the fuck kind of sex deprived, horny person am I that talk of cleanliness is enough to make me soak my panties?

As he walks away, I find myself staring up at my body in anticipation. The mirror on the ceiling of his room contributes to a sort of sensuality that rushes through me. I'd wrapped my braids up before I laid with him in bed but something about tonight tells me that it might've been for nothing.

When he returns, I can't keep my eyes off him. My feet are propped up on the mattress but he doesn't care. He wraps his fingers around my ankles and pulls me to the end of his bed.

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