16. The Main Reason

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❝ the main reason ❞━ FARRAH ━

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the main reason

On the elevator ride up, my chest heaves with nerves as I peer out into the Chicago skyline. With the elevator enclosed in glass, this feeds into a fear I didn't even know I had - falling from twenty-six stories.

In my reflection, I double check my outfit for tonight.

While the slip dress on my body allows for easy access, that's not the main reason why I'm here. Key word: main.

The clock strikes eleven and my mind flashes back to Faith's words about him being a sneaky link. These are sneaky link hours, but it's not like I'm here for sex.

I'm here for the truth. And a late dinner.

My head falls back as I try to relieve the butterflies fluttering around in my belly, but it's impossible to do anything but shake nervously and hope that tonight goes well.

And then, the ding.

The doors open and I'm enveloped in warmth and the scent of vanilla wafting through the air. Soft wordless music meets my ears as well as the sight of an empty penthouse.

It's well-furnished, large, and illuminated with candles along the dinner table, island, all leading to the living room area where Domenico and two plates of food (and more candles) are.

"Wow." Slips out of my mouth faster than I can comprehend. Nico looks at me with a smirk but I can't stop my jaw from gaping. I'm just in awe at how much care and time he put into this.

"Buona sera amore mio." He says, voice deeper than usual and I swoon. He stands to greet me, kisses my forehead, my cheek, then my lips.

When he pulls away, my eyes are still closed and I take my bottom lip into my mouth, savoring in his taste of mint. "Hi." My voice is dreamy as I respond.

He chuckles and brushes his thumb against my chin gently, "I hope you are hungry. I made us dinner."

My eyes finally open and I stare up at his beautiful face, "You can cook?" The surprise in my tone is evident as I rest a hand on his chest.

He winks, "It's practically a rite of passage for young Italian boys to help out in the kitchen."

And there's something else he's good at.

"I like your place. It's beautiful."

"You are beautiful." He says, eyes scanning my body and finger running down the silk dress on my skin. "How about we skip dinner and I get some dessert?"

I almost give in. Especially when he dips his head and kisses my neck. But I hold on. "But if we do that, how am I gonna get my reasons to be with you?"

"If we do that," He pulls back, holds my face and kisses my lips, tongue sensually licking the inside of my mouth before pulling away, "That'll be all the reason you need."


The corner of my lips lift up and my eyes light up while his darken, "No horny thoughts. I came here for you to tell me what your deal is, Nico."

He steps back but takes my hand into his, "My deal?" I nod and he draws me into him, turning us both so my back is against his chest but we're facing the meals he prepared. There are two cushions on the floor as well. "My deal is that you look absolutely stunning and you won't allow me to do anything about it."

"It's called being focused, amore." I tease, "You should try it sometime."

He kisses the shell of my ear, "I like when you speak Italian."

"And I like when you speak the truth."

He huffs against me and helps me step over his seat to lower myself on mine. "You're persistent, Farrah."

"I know." Making myself comfortable, I watch as he takes the bottle of Domaine Leroy Musigny Grand Cru from the center of the table. My brows raise in shock, "Are you really about to blow $33,000 in one night, Nico?" Let's not ask how I know it's that expensive.

He pours it into my flute. "Am I not supposed to when it's for the right person?"

"So I'm the right person?"

He nods, "Did you ever doubt that you weren't?"

"Obviously, or I wouldn't be asking my main question tonight." I don't mean for it to come out so maliciously but his question reminds me of those three weeks he ignored me.

He nods, "Fair enough. Ask away."

"What do you do for work?"

"Your hair was long yesterday. Did you cut it?"

"It's a wig. Answer the question." I fight the urge to laugh at his failed attempt to avoid answering.

There's silence. And then he speaks as casually as possible. "I'm a Don. I lead the Mafia — inherited it from my father and now my brothers work beside me while my mother prays for our safety every night." I freeze and something tells me he's being dead serious. "I actually killed someone some time ago and his brother is out for revenge. Now you're on their radar and I've had my men trail you for weeks to ensure your safety. Matter of fact, that's why I ignored you for three weeks."

He sips his wine as if he didn't just say what he just said.

I have no choice but to laugh under my breath because if he's being honest, I got myself into a bigger mess than I expected. And I refuse to believe he's being honest right now.

"When did you get so funny?"

"Do you see a smile on my face, amore?"

I pat his shoulder and shake my head in disbelief, "That's a good one, Nico. I almost believed you for a second. Now what do you really do?"

At the sound of a familiar ding that scares the shit out of me, Domenico moves as fast as lightning and reaches his hand under the table for something I didn't expect to see tonight.

A gun.

Y'ALL I AM IN PAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIN and tmrw is my last day of work so maybe (MAYBE) i'll update more often after that (i still have to prepare for college)

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Y'ALL I AM IN PAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIN and tmrw is my last day of work so maybe (MAYBE) i'll update more often after that (i still have to prepare for college)

but who do you think is coming up to the penthouse?

and y'all, be honest, would y'all really believe if yo man said he was in the mafia lmfaoaoaoa? niggas open they mouths and just lie unprovoked so don't be mad at farrah

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