"Why are we here again?" Y/N asked Ainz while taking a sip of red wine. They were currently in the lounge of the house Ainz had bought for Sebas and Solution as they posed as foreign nobles "*Sigh* We are here because Solution contacted me stating that she has reason to believe that Sebas has betrayed us and-", "And what proof does she have?" Y/N cut him off looking slightly unhappy
"She says he refused to report about a human girl he rescued" Ainz responded, "And she thinks that is a good enough reason to assume that Sebas, your butler, has betrayed us and requires all three of us to solve this problem?" if Ainz could he would be sweating slightly at Y/Ns harsh tone "Yes" Ains said trying, and barely succeeding, to keep the stutter out his voice
Y/N nodded before downing the last of his wine before putting the glass down and leaning back on the couch. Several minutes later Sebas and Solution walked through the door and stood at attention "Hello Sebas, I assume you don't need me to tell you why I am here?" Ainz asked, "No, there is no need" Sebas responded with a straight face
Ainz, somehow, snapped his figures "Is something the matter Sebas? You're sweating something awful. I'll lend you my handkerchief" He said while throwing it by Sebas feet
"I have brought the girl," Solution said moving out of the way for a young woman to walk past, "Come in, Tuare, the human-pet Sebas took in," Ainz said, causing the human to gasp when she saw Ainz, to be fair if you see a 2-meter tall skeleton who could talk I assure you would be surprised. The girl walked forward till she stood next to Sebas causing Salem to nod in approval before looking at Y/N, asking him a silent message to which he nodded, before Ainz continued speaking "You have the courage to no runaway
she grabbed on to Sebas's sleave before looking around at all the non-human beings in the room, "On your knee-", "There is no need for command spells Demiurge. To extol her courage, I will permit her indecorum before me" Demiurge did a slight bow so as not to drop Victim who he was carrying
Ainz went on to say hello to the girl, forgive Sebas for his mistake, then told him to... kill her. 'Interesting way to prove loyalty but oh well' Y/N thought to himself. "Do not answer! Show me through results" Ainz commanded, 'Must have spaced out for a bit', Sebas proceeded to get into a stance and threw a deadly punch at Tuare... only for Cocytus to catch his fist, stopping it dead in its tracks which caused some powerful wind pressure "What are you-!" Sebas started to say, "Sebas, back away" Ainz commanded, "Yes my lord", "Cocytus, was that attack undeniably and deliberately meant to kill her", "Without a doubt", "In that case I take that as proud as Sebas's loyalty, good work Sebas" Sebas did a bow with Tuare following closely behind
"Now lets onto the next topic" Ainz continued to explain Sebas has collected enough information and that they would vacate the mansion and go back to Nazarick with Victim, Ainz then proceeded touse [GREATER TELEPORTATION]
Y/N just chuckled at how dramatic Ainz was before he and Salem shadow traveled to their castle, they walked in silence before Salem spoke "She could be useful for the experiment", "True, but will she be willing take the chance?", "She will, you and I could both see she had love for Sebas, she would do near anything to be with him", "Changing one's race is a very large choice, even more so when there may be a chance of death", "She has the courage", "But can she keep it?", "We will see eventually" Y/N just nodded in agreement with his wife "Now we wait for the next step of the plan" he said
"The army we place with the Dwarves have already conquered all the underground tunnels and cities of the original Dwarven kingdom, all they need now is some air support to conquer or kill the dragons and wyverns that live at the peaks" Salem mentioned after a few minutes, "So I've heard, I also heard that Inferno has built his castle in the underground lava pits of the mountains, also turns out Arad has decided to stay there as a guard of sought, I thinks he's just there for the amount of jewels he could get claim over from the dwarves"

Grimm Overlord (Male Reader x Overlord)
FanfictionWe all know about Ainz aka Momonga, Ruler of The Great Tomb of Nazarick the Undead overlord, was the last of the 41 Supreme beings got transported to The New World, however, what is 2 others stayed behind with him? His right hand man (Y/N) and (Y/N)...