We all know about Ainz aka Momonga, Ruler of The Great Tomb of Nazarick the Undead overlord, was the last of the 41 Supreme beings got transported to The New World, however, what is 2 others stayed behind with him? His right hand man (Y/N) and (Y/N)...
It had been 2 and a half years since Y/N came now and things were going well, they had managed to get Bismarks younger sister, Tirpitz, out the water along with many others, although most of them didn't know that Y/N was their creator, they just thought he was a person that lived on the island
Many were still young as the original 5 were only 18 years of age now while the youngest was 6, but even so the leaders knew that Y/Ns time with the girls would soon end and started sending possible candidates for future commanders
The first batch of commanders would be arriving today in fact and Y/N had had the original 5 to be cautious as he would be off to be in an annual meeting with the world leaders and the topic would be if he could stay little longer as only the OG 5 had ever fought against Sirens when they were playing too far away from the house one day
"Alright, I am leaving now and want you girls to be on your best behaviour, I will be leaving Acies and her sisters behind to look after you but they will be in the shadows so we can see how the commanders really are, understood?" Y/N asked the ones that called him father
"Yes, Otou-san/Vater/Father!" they each said with a salute as he did one back before teleporting away without a single sound of special effect as he didn't want to draw too much attention
Once he was gone Enterprise was the first one to stop the salute "I will never get over the fact that he is a god" she said as the others nodded in agreement, when they had turned 18 Y/N had called them to dinner and had explained how he was a God and came from a different world
He even tried to explain to them who was in his blood family but the list had gotten so confusing and had had some really strange names. When they had asked him if he was a kind god his answer shocked them
"It depends on whose perspective you look at it from" he had started "To my enemies, I am the end incarnate, not surprising I am the creator of the darkness, to them I am ruthless, bloodthirsty and heartless. But to my subordonates? I am merciful and kind, I give them power and let them decide what to do most of the time. So in the end, am I evil or am I good, that is your decision to make" he had finished before bringing out the birthday cake
"Did you ever make up your mind if he was evil or good?" Amagi asked the others as they walked to go meet the Commanders that would arrive soon, "But of course, he may crush and kill those who resist him, but he is kind to those who surrender willingly" Hood stated
"The strong rule the weak, there is no good or bad side, only strength," Bismark said, "Didn't he say something about that a while back?" Enterprise thought as they all nodded in agreement
"There are many different types of ideologies, examples would be 'the strong rule the weak', 'only the strong can survive', 'the strong should help the weak rise up', 'we should all be treated as equals' and many more, but what I believe is different"
"The strong and wise should rule, but they must also help the weak become strong so they may be treated as equals, but if the weak do not have the determination, the drive, the want, to become strong, they should not be on this earth, there are many types of strengths, but if you waste your talents, you are a waste on the air that you breathe and the land that you walk"
All of them nodded in agreement, although they each had a slightly different interpretation of that message they all agreed on it. As they were nearing the docks they heard the sound of six mechanical footsteps approach them
"Ah, hello Slagveld," Hood said when she saw who was making the noise, "Hello hood, Bismark, Enterprise, Amagi, Friedrich, how are you five?" the mechanical girl asked. She was one of Acies 2 younger sisters and had come to love with them when they had turned 10
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When she and her sister had arrived Y/Ns voice had echoed all around the island making it difficult to understand the words but the agreed-upon sentence was "Am I cursed to be surrounded by girls", None of them had asked what he meant as they were to busy meeting their new sister figure
"We are fine Slegveld, just on our way to meet the potential commanders" Friedrick said while giving the girl a hug as she could actually reach the young god with her height, Slagveld was almost exactly like her sister where her expression almost never changes except to display high amounts of joy or Bloodlust
"I heard about that, GGF asked us three to look after you all while he is away" Slagveld said "Well, I got to start bidding id I don't want them to see me, so you girls look after yourselves, oh, and before I forget, Planum will also say hello later after doing her trial sweep of the island" and with that Slagvelg walked away with the younger ships waving hello to her
"I am also still shocked to know that they are his Great Grand Daughters" Amagi said as they continued their walk "I mean, I know he is beyond ancient and all but that's insane, he only looks to be in his 20's"
"Well, no more talking about that, we are here, time to welcome our guests" Hood said as they spotted a non-battle ship coming towards them and they could hear music playing from inside "seems like they are having a good party" Bismark drawled out
"Let's hope they at least competent" Friedrick said "If not, well off home they go"