During one of Y/N and Salems' travel, they had found something that had really surprised them. They were doing another job in a different kingdom when they had heard of the Platinum Dragon Lord, who lived in the floating castle or the 8 Greed Kings.
Salem had worried that the dragon lord was very powerful due to how everyone talked of him as a God. While Y/N did not worry because he couldn't feel a powerful aura for miles Salem had managed to talk him into going to the castle
When they got there they saw something they would never have suspected...It was the guild base of the 'True Kings', a guild of human players that hunted any other just because they were 'freaks', they were one of the less powerful guilds with only 15 LVL 100 players, and the rest were in the 80s. Its had up to 90 players at their peak but started breaking up 2 years before the end was announced, in the last year there were only 8 players remained
The reason for the drop was none other than Y/N and Salem. The 2 Grimm players were just walking around on a date, enjoying the scenery, you know, that type of stuff when they were attacked by 7 of the LVL 100 players who didn't know who they were. Needless to say, they were all butchered by the 2 of them in less than a second but were royally pissed, I mean who wouldn't? 10 idiot players just ruined their lovely date because they were not human, I mean common, how dumb can you be?
So they did the most logical thing... Summoned a hoard of never-ending Grimm, marched their way to the floating castle, and slaughtered all the players that were online at the time, completely recking their base and stealing all their goods. At the end of the battle (massive), all the LVL 100 players were down to LVL 50 and all the players that were LVL 80 were killed so many times by the Grimm that they were all back to LVL 1!
Another thing that happened was that all the offline players had been called in to help fight but had ultimately been killed as well. So, with their revenge completed Y/N and Salem left the base in ruins and players in utter devastation at being humiliated by JUST 2 PLAYERS
Later on, they had heard that the 7 players that had attacked them had been kicked out of the guild and now had bounties on their heads from the other guilds that were once their allies (Y/N and Salem had a good laugh at that) and soon quit the game out of guilt and shame.
So it was a little surprising to see the guild base, even if it was half its original size, in the new world, although, it did explain why they were called the 8 Greed Kings.
Salem wanted to check inside to see if they could find anything useful, so Y/N cast [ABSALUTE INVISABLITY] on them both before entering the castle, after a little bit of exploring they found a old women talking to a relatively small dragon, in YGGRISIL standards, about needing to research more about YGGDRASIL items and players
"Hmmm, so they know of the game, we should look out for these people, they could cause us problems," Salem said. they continued to listen to the two unknown people as they talked about a ring that could temporarily give someone an extra 5 levels as though it was the strongest item in the world and how they gave it to Ganzaf
Y/N was dying from silent laughter in the corner they were hidden behind "hahaha, they talk as though that is powerful enough to defeat Ainz, and considering it's in Ganzafs possession, and he is level 30, that won't even make him strong enough to defeat a high tier Grimm" he whispered to Salem who laughed along with him
As the old lady left Salem got an idea and started to follow her while motioning for Y/N to follow her. They kept on her tail until they were in a secluded area where Salem brought up her hand "[SUMMON MID TIER GRIMM PUPATEER]" which she then throw onto the old woman's back. The women, whos name was Bridget, tried to grab whatever was on her back in a panic until the mind control took over and made her calm down
Salem walked in front of the human who now had glazed over blank eyes, as if waiting for orders "Now my puppet, you're going to tell me everything I want to know, then you are going on with what you originally did as though everything is normal, but you are going to spy on the dragon for us and report back to us through the Grimm on your back, understood" She asked the lowly human who nodded in response
Soon they were told about the 8 Greed Kings killing all the dragons, to the Demon Gods and their rain of terror until the 13 heroes, of which she and the dragon were part of, and how the Demons were slain, she also told them about the Wild Magic that constantly summoned powerful enemies from a place called YGGDRASIL
While the knew about most of this it was still a surprise how they were summoned here by wild magic but decided there was nothing they could do to stop it and still had 100 years to find a solution to the problem so they decided to leave the human to her assigned tasks and returned to the tomb
They walked into the throne room and saw Ainz watching the mirror of remote viewing so they decide to stand next to him and watch as the Heralds delivered their message to lizardmen casing a large amount of negative energy that had Y/N and Salem positively drooling ant the side alone
"Mmmmm, I am having trouble not going there and killing them all now," Salem said: "can we? Can we? Can we?" she begged, "No we can't Salem, we need them for our experiments" Y/N said with difficulty, just barely stopping himself from getting on his knees and begging Ainz to let them go
"You 2 don't have to wait long for your food, because when we reveal ourselves to the nonbelievers as true gods, there will be lots of negative emotions and energy to feed on" Ainz said to them, "Good because, no offense, I am getting tired of feeding off your negative energy, the taste is getting bland" Salem said
"True, but soon...we will eat my dear wife...and when we do...it will be a great feast for our children...and for us" Y/N said evilly

Grimm Overlord (Male Reader x Overlord)
FanfictionWe all know about Ainz aka Momonga, Ruler of The Great Tomb of Nazarick the Undead overlord, was the last of the 41 Supreme beings got transported to The New World, however, what is 2 others stayed behind with him? His right hand man (Y/N) and (Y/N)...