We all know about Ainz aka Momonga, Ruler of The Great Tomb of Nazarick the Undead overlord, was the last of the 41 Supreme beings got transported to The New World, however, what is 2 others stayed behind with him? His right hand man (Y/N) and (Y/N)...
Y/N was sitting behind a computer in his lab, typing away seriously on the keyboard while having a blank look in his eyes, as though he had lost most of his reason to live, the only reason he hasn't killed himself is for his family and the chance that he may be able to get to the planet Salem is on
The screen for the computer displayed the metal hull of a ship, he was still working on the designs of the new ships he wanted to add to his navy, the only reason he didn't make the space ships was because he didn't want the living beings of this world to evolve too fast
Already he had started seeing ships from the Holy Roble Empire that were similar to the ships used in World War One with turret, but they used magic to fire the shells instead of what was used in the old world
Even so, the ships Y/N were designing are similar to the ships used in WW4, the war that plunged the world into an even worse state than WW3 did as countries had throw everything they could into their armies only for them all to destroy each other
As Y/N was working he was interrupted by a knock on the door, so with a sigh, he switches off his computer and turned to the door "Come in" he said in a flat tone. In walked Bellum and Adiras walked in with something hiding behind them
Bellum spoke first "Hello Grandfather, how are you today" he asked with caution, it may have been a month since Salem was lost but Y/Ns mental state was no better than it was back then so Bellum feared his Grandfather may lose it
Y/N just sighed as he understood Bellum's cation "I am alright Bellum, just a little tired" he said with a yawn before turning to Adiras "Hello adiras, hope Bellum's been treating you well" he lightly chuckled at the end alongside the two younglings
"So, what made you decide to visit this old man, hm?" he asked inquisitively before noticing slight movement behind Adiras "Oh, what have we got here?" he asked as he got off his chair and fell to his haunches
Bellum looked behind him and motioned for whatever was behind him to come forward, and so from between the two came out a young girls in her teens with red eyes like Y/Ns "H-hello g-great-g-grand F-father" she said nervously as Y/Ns face went slack
Now, don't get me wrong, Y/N knew that gods aged faster than any normal species, but come on! last he heard Adiras gave birth just 2 weeks ago, which meant that the little girl aged 1 year every day
Y/Ns silance started to worry the young girl as started to tear up, Y/N saw this and quickly put aside his shock and hugged the young girl who was just a year younger in appearance than Rose was
"Hello dear, what's your name?" he asked kindly, as any self-respecting Grand would, the girl responded in a happy voice, glad that her Great Grand Father wasn't ashamed of her for whatever reason
"My name is Acies, the daughter of Bellum and Adiras" she said with a proud voice, Y/N chuckled as he stood up "Well, while I talk to your parents, why don't you play on this computer" he said as he started up a second computer for her to on as she wished
Acies nodded happily before grabbing the computer and dashing off to play on it, the grown-ups chuckled at this as Y/N turned towards the couple "So, what do you want to talk about?", Bellum was about to speak but looked like he couldn't get the words out
"We came for 3 reasons, first from myself I would like to offer my condolences for Lady Salems disappearance" Adiras started and allowed Bellum to say the other 2 "We also thought it would be nice for you to meet our eldest daughter, your Great-Granddaughter. And the final thing is, well, I do not know how to give someone domains, so I was hoping for your help their"
Y/N nodded as he started to think about what domains to give her as they sat down and discussed random topics and things but before he could make a decision Acies run up to him and showed him the things she had drawn
On the computer designed for 4 space ships that looked rather similar to those old movies he used to watch, what was its name again Star something, Star Battles? no that didn't sound right Star wars maybe? Yes, it was that Star Wars
She had even named them all and let's just say Y/N had found out what to make her the goddess of "I know what your gonna be the goddess of sweety" he said, instantly gaining the attention of the two proud parents
"But first, I want you to play around with some of the magic tech I have here, see if you can make yourself a type of weapon, because your domains will be similar to your parents" and so, with stars in her eyes, the little girl ran away and started grabbing random pieces of technology off of shelves and out of Boxes before starting to put it all together
"She has never been this happy or kind before," Bellum said with a slight shock, Y/N looked at him "What do you mean by that?", the two parents looked at each other before sighing, Adiras spoke for them "Well, usually she is quite rude to others and often tends to beat up people who call her cute or look at her 'strangely' as she says", "I honestly think she got her habits of beating perverts to a pulp from you Grand Father" Bellum threw in
Y/N gained a very self-satisfied smirk as he thought of all the perverts she had most likely traumatised, he may have the perfect world to send her to when she was older
In an Alternate World
a certain Red Dragon Emperor got a very chilling feeling gown his spine "I feel like my life is endangered" he said before continuing to the clients house
Back to Y/N
Acies ran back up to Y/N and he was even more pleasantly surprised when he had said weapon he had thought she would make a sword or Spear, but no, she had gone and made... he didn't know the right words to describe the masterpiece he saw before him
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"Yep, you will defiantly be a powerful goddess" Y/N muttered before turning back to the family of three "Acies dear, you shall henceforth be the Goddess of Navel Battlefields, Space Ships and advanced Technology" he said as he summoned a black pill and a glass of water "Now, drink this and you will gain your domains"
Acies quickly grabbed the glass and pill out his hand and swallowed it down, as she finished swallowing she glowed black before dimming down and revelling her to be 17 and kneeling before him
"I am ready to serve you Great-Grandfather" she said, Y/N just sighed and motioned her to stand before giving her a hug "Please, call me something shorter, like GGF or Grand, either will do", Acies nodded before returning the hug as Y/N got an idea
"When you are done celebrating with your parents, how bout you come to visit me and we go on a... camping trip of sorts?" Y/N proposed and received a happy nod from her "alright then, see you later" he waved them off as Bellum and Adiras both gave him a goodbye hug and left
Y/N reopened his computer and started working again "Well, I guess its time to visit that siren infested ship world soon"