We all know about Ainz aka Momonga, Ruler of The Great Tomb of Nazarick the Undead overlord, was the last of the 41 Supreme beings got transported to The New World, however, what is 2 others stayed behind with him? His right hand man (Y/N) and (Y/N)...
I really didnt expect this story to get this far, but enjoy :)
"Father, we are ready to advance on the ruined city of Sutain," Raven said to Y/N who was busy playing a game of chess with Snow. "I see... Checkmate Snow, good game, now let's get ready" Y/N said as he stood up leaving an open-mouthed Snow behind
Y/N had decided it was finally time to see who this Nagash fellow was and what he had been doing up north, apparently he had been fighting against a group of Sun elves who had taken to calling themselves the celestials that claimed they were chosen by a god to slay Nagash
'Such arrogant fools, at least have proof to back up your claims' Y/N thought to himself as he observed the undead city. Sutain had once been a mighty city of the sun elves, its might shined brilliantly in the night with millions of inhabitants constantly moving, now it was a ghost city, quite literally seeing as it was infested by the dead
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(I will say it looks like the Necrons from 40K went old school)
"Let's go" Y/N said as he sat down in the captain seat of a Grimm Fist, he had brought along Raven, Snow and Blake for this mission, they were to negotiate with whoever was in charge of city and see if they could get cases to the Sun and Moon Elf territory without having to fight a war on town fronts
The ship flew right over the city walls as what seemed to be a swarm of souls flew up next to them trying to claw the ship apart, sadly for them the ship had a shadow field surrounding it making it impossible to actually harm the ship as Y/N himself was powering the shield
They eventually stopped in a hover above the main citadel which had no landing platform so they prepared to do a dive in, the ones who couldn't fly equipped a charmed necklace that allowed them to use the fly spell
"3...2...1...GO!" Y/N yelled as they threw themselves out the ship, quickly gaining speed until they all deployed their different forms of flight, for Raven it was to Grow Nevermore wings, Y/N just summoned his normal wings, and Blake and Snow used the fly enchantment
They landed on a balcony of the citadel and waited till the Grimm Fist had pulled back into the clouds. Y/N opened the door and found himself in a room full of floating hoods, each looking at him with their empty faces
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(A bunch of them)
"Yea, I have no time for this" Y/N said as he released a burst of negative energy, destroying all the low tier undead "Let's keep moving", they all continued to walk deeper into the castle sometimes coming across a low to mid-tier undead that one of the Grimm sisters quickly dispatched of
"So father, what do you plan to do if the leader of this place doesn't co-operate with you?" Raven asked, "Blake, go scout on ahead for any higher tier undead, Snow, start summoning some low-level Grimm so that if required we can take control instantly, Raven, to answer your question, I am just going to slay them and have Leinas take control of the area for us" Y/N responded
"I heard she failed to defend the deep elf territory that belonged to you, how can we trust her to defend this place if she has already failed you?" Snow asked, she was highly displeased that one of the people her father had decided to help had failed him in such a large way
"I have sent her, along with all the surviving Dark Elves to Project Ares to be trained in the highest level of battle by Bellum and his wife Adira, although I don't know if she will be of much help as she is expecting a child soon, besides from that the Dark elves who died in my service will be buried on Project Hades where Hades himself will watch over their souls" Y/N explained
Blake disconnected herself from a shadow ahead of them and knelt at Y/Ns feet waiting for him to give her his commands, "Blake, please stand up, we are on our own with no one else around to criticises you, now, your report"
Blake stood up with a light blush of embarrassment "There are several mid-tier undead ahead of us for the next 2 corridors, after that there are 10 High tier undead guarding an enchanted door, the enchantment was a power dampening spell, I do not know what they are keeping imprisoned but it is very powerful by the standards of this world"
Y/N nodded his head in thought before refocusing on Blake "Could you detect anything else behind the doors?", Blake looked troubled as she answered "Not that it would be any harm to us, but I sensed that the magical power was being drained into a second being whose power is equal to what Lord Ainz once was"
"So we are dealing with an LVL 100 undead, most likely a necromancer who is trying to gain more power. Thank you for this information Blake, I will take care of the guards at the door" Y/N said
He walked down the passageway with the shadows clinging to him, as if afraid of letting their creator go. As he neared the doors the 10 undead knights remained completely still, as though they didn't see him
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He grabbed the first ones skull and slowly applied pressure to it until the metal head peace begun to bend into the skull, the then did a ripping motion, ripping the entire spinal cord out of the armour
He used the spine as a whip and destroyed 3 others skulls under the force of his swings. All the while the remaining 6 didn't move an inch, looking ever onward for signs of intruders even though one was right next to them
Y/N cast a levitation spell on the swords of the killed knights and made them float around him as he walked, cutting 4 more into pieces, he looked at the last 2 "[Void Spell... Voids Pull]" the 2 knights fell to their knees and clutched their heads in agony before throwing their heads back in silent screams as what remained of their souls was ripped from their bodies and sucked into the void, to become part of the ever-growing armies
"That was rather boring father" Raven said as she looked at the destroyed skeletal knights "But what was that spell you used at the end?", "Oh, that? It was a void spell, the void works similarly to the dark lands that it continuously creates creatures from its domain, only difference is that the void needs a soul or 2 to make a unit" Y/N explained as he placed his hand on the doors
"But enough talk of the overpowered domains I control, time to see what's on the other side of these doors" and with that he pushed the doors open to reveal something that none of them were expecting
"What the F-" Blake started but stopped when Y/N slapped her over the head and yelled... well, I sure you can guess, if not? wait for the next chapter :)