It was silent as Y/N just looked at her, not making a single sound or moving an inch. Salem started to feel nervous as she had never seen him like this "Um, Dear?" she asked, Y/N shook his head as he finally comprehended what she said
"Yeah, yeah, I'm here, sorry, took me a while to register what you said, but sure, let's just go get the teleporter ready" he stood up and motioned for Salem to follow him as he started walking back to the elevator
"What brought this idea up if you don't mind me asking?" he said while reading through the book she gave him. Salem thought about it before answering "I honestly don't know, just one day I woke up and thought 'I would like to explore different worlds' and so I picked random books and started looking for one I would like to explore" she said
Y/N nodded in agreement "I know what you mean, I read a book earlier and am thinking of visiting that world later on next week if everything goes smoothly", it was silent for a while until Y/N finished reading the book and gave it back to Salem who returned it to a shelf
When they reached the elevator they set it to the 1000th floor as that was where one of the landing pads for flying creatures was. It was quiet except for the calming music that played as they ascended
When they reached the floor there was already a Nevermore waiting for them both, so they hopped onto them and started flying away until a rip in the sky formed in front of they and teleported them to the dark lands
"I should say goodbye to everyone so long, can you go prepare the portal for me?" she asked and received a nod of confirmation from Y/N who broke away from her and flew through a gate he summoned to the teleporter room
When he arrived he started thinking about the world Salem wanted to go to, the gods that controlled that planet would be no match for Salem and would probably die if they crossed her, all in all, they would gain a new planet to control while Salem would only be away for a year at most
A few minutes later Salem walked in along with their daughters he had come to wish her goodbye and a safe journey, Salem walked to Y/N before giving him a hug and kissing him but before they could lead to having another child they were interrupted by Rose
"Ewww, no, no, no, not while I am here" she said while putting a hand over her eyes, every one just chuckled as Y/N broke away from his hug with Salem and inserted Corruption into the key slot turning the portal on
"Well Dear, I wish you a safe journey and hope to see you back here soon" he said with a heartwarming smile and Salem smiled in return before walking through the portal with a final goodby
But before Y/N could shut the portal off the portals colours changed from blue to black, the entire portal started to shake as Y/N became even paler than his normal skin tone "No! No! NO! This can't be happening! I made all safety precautions! Unless someones been playing with the portal it shouldn't do this!" he yelled in horror
"What's wrong father?!" Raven yelled in worry as she grabbed onto a pole to keep her steady against the roaring winds coming from the portal, Rose had to summon her scythe and stabbed it into the ground while Yang held onto her for support
But as soon as it started it stopped and the portal shut off, but still Y/N fell to his knees and did the one thing his daughters or anyone else would have ever thought capable of him, he cried sorrowful tears
"Father?" Tiamat said as she approached him and when he didn't respond she pulled him into a hug, the most powerful being to ever exist, a being that could destroy all of creation with a thought, THE being who had been there before all else and had created entire solar systems and galaxies, cried his eyes out
"Father, please tell us what's wrong" Tiamat pleaded with his and what she reviewed from him in response almost made her break down as well, "Y-your mother, i-is in a-an alternate w-world, without her m-memories and p-powers, all on h-her own and I c-can't access i-it" and then he teleported away
The daughters of the 2 most powerful beings stood there in shock before starting to cry as well
"Father, are you in here?' Tiamat asked into the bar on the 9th floor of Nazarick and received a sob of confirmation. It had been a week since the incident and no one had seen Y/N, his servants had started to worry for him and Lord Ainz had sent out every servant and unit her had to find his friend when he heard of what had happened
Back the topic at hand, Y/N was in the bar on the 9th floor and had been trying to drink his sorrow away with the strongest alcohol he could find, which ended up being barrels of 100% alcohol that had yet to be made into wine or beer
This could have put even the most alcohol tolerant races into a coma or in worse case scenarios, death, but Y/N sat there, unaffected by the toxins flowing through his veins. One of the few downsides about being a being above a true god, Omni-god or any other form of god you could think of is that you can't get drunk and drown your sorrows
Tiamat looked at her father with sadness as she understood that he blamed himself for the fact that his wife was trapped in another world as a normal human with perhaps the ability to cast tier 6 magic but nothing more
"Father, it wasn't your fault-" she started but was interrupted when he put his hand up to stop her and downed an entire barrel of the alcohol in less than 5 seconds before slamming it down and standing up
"Alright, I've done my crying, time to be productive" he said as he walked out the bar and to his lab, and even though many may believe he was moderately alright and stable now Tiamat was not one of them, she saw how unstable he was
"I will have to warn everyone to not set him off, he might just go and blow up a universe somewhere" She said, and she was right, but Y/N had already destroyed an entire universe in this week, one where a guy kept yelling and changing his hair colours to power up
Not that that had helped as Y/N had just walked into the universe, killed everyone, ripped planets and moons in half with his hands and mind and then returned to the bar for a drink as not a single lifeform in that entire universe had been able to challenged him

Grimm Overlord (Male Reader x Overlord)
FanfictionWe all know about Ainz aka Momonga, Ruler of The Great Tomb of Nazarick the Undead overlord, was the last of the 41 Supreme beings got transported to The New World, however, what is 2 others stayed behind with him? His right hand man (Y/N) and (Y/N)...